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  1. #1
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    New FPS MMO from Bungie. So far looks and sounds incredible.

    Always-online game that is a co-op style FPS that claims to be different every single time you play it. MMO in that it's again always online and you just jump in, MMO style.

    The article here has a ton of info. Bold statements, too...

    "Destiny is going to be the best one you've ever played," he says. "That's our goal. We've learned our lesson from MMOs, we've learned our lessons from Facebook games, but Destiny is a console first-person shooter. It's the type of game that we love to play, that our fans love to play."

    Sounds pretty incredible...

  2. #2
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    Been following this for some time now... I cannot wait!

  3. #3
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    It sounds good, very exciting. I see Activision as an absolute red flag at this point so there's some skepticism in me.... as ever. I'm surprised they didn't show more actual gameplay. The overall concept seems kind of difficult to grasp, and showing off some next-gen graphics really could have cranked up the hype.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I see Activision as an absolute red flag at this point so...
    Activision is strictly the publisher here, they have no input whatsoever. Bungie kinda/sorta got fucked by Microsoft, so this time around they are retaining the rights to all creative decisions and the actual ownership of the IP itself.

    Im jacked for this one, ive been a Bungie fanboy since the days of Marathon Infinity on the Mac.

    Anyways, I was going to start a thread for Destiny, but i somehow missed this one compleatly. But, I guess there is some new footage from the GDC earlier this week, somebody want to link it if they can? (im not on an actual computer rite now)

  5. #5
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    Game is already taking pre orders but isn't planned to be released this year. I just don't get that at all.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentient02970 View Post
    Game is already taking pre orders but isn't planned to be released this year. I just don't get that at all.
    GTA V started taking preorders last year and won't be out until September this year, it just seems like the thing to do these days so everyone buys it while it's all hyped up, then when it gets closer to being finished and looks like it might not be worth buying, they've already got your money. I have complete faith in Rockstar to make GTA V as good as they can, but I'll wait a while before getting interested in Destiny.

  7. #7
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    I hope this gets a PC release so bad.
    If not ill pick it up on 360. Looks amazing. Really interested in seeing what Bungie will do with a new IP.

  8. #8
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    Good. God.

    Anyone else been keeping up with this? Can't wait...

  9. #9
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    I'm on the fence with this new franchise.

  10. #10
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    Did any one get an alpha code? i signed up but for some reason: no code.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    Did any one get an alpha code? i signed up but for some reason: no code.
    I signed up but got an email from Playstation/Bungie thanking me for my interest but I did not meet the requirements lol whatever that means. Guess I had to be the PS main account holder.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    Did any one get an alpha code? i signed up but for some reason: no code.
    My fiance got one, the Alpha was surprisingly long. 2 main quests (one of which is an open area where you can do a lot of different shit) and 2 multiplayer maps.
    It's like a nice mix of Halo and Borderlands.

  13. #13
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    I got a code! Theres a lot to talk about.

    -This game has some of the best graphics Ive ever seen, it is gorgeous.

    - the vibe and gameplay set itself far enough from Borderlands to be distinct. I never liked Borderlands but I do like Destiny.

    -encountering people in the wild has that Journey like feeling, its really cool.

    -multiplayer is like a faster halo. People dont resist feath as hard as halo so its a bit more frantic.

    -your guns dont reload whe. You respawn in MP which is....

    - one of the many signs that micro transactions will hamstring an otherwise really cool game. The evidence is every where

    -when you buy items you buy a code for a broader class of item and the receive an item at random.... Seriously

    -items have Magic: the Gathering like rarities.

    There is no real "space travel". Travelling is like mass effect, its not a true, connected open world.

    -customizing your space ship is pointless: the only time you see your ship is during loading screens. Customizing your ship = customizing your loading screen.

    - i dislike that numbers fly out of your oppone.ts when you hit them. I hope they have an option to remove it.

    -its halo meets diablo and then you can take your character into some very competent pvp.

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    After watching PS4 peeps play the alpha on youtube and twitch, I have decided to get this game. It'll tide me over for 2 months for Sunset Overdrive plus it actually looks amusing and fun for co-op. However, I can see from a mile away that it is overhyped. I have no doubt in my mind that it will be great but all the hype and praise its getting won't deliver.

    I hope the game is supported (FAIRLY on both platforms) and has a long life.

  15. #15
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    I'm downloading the alpha right now. I'll post thoughts as well when I get a chance to spend some time with it.

    The landscapes immediately reminded me of Halo levels. The pikes are also pretty much exactly like the Halo ghost vehicles.
    The graphics are pretty amazing.
    like Wretchedest said, the ship traveling is like 95% Mass Effect which isn't a bad thing at all. I love it in fact.
    i was surprised by the 3rd person stuff in the game which turned out to be cool and EXACTLY like Mass Effect which is an amazing thing for me.
    i like the fact that you HAVE to play multiplayer into order to get certain types of points in order to upgrade your stuff. I'm sure there will be some people who are not down with that.
    I like the customization options for your character. I imagine they only get better as you unlock stuff and level up.
    Also, was pleasantly surprised to hear Peter Dinklage in the game.
    Last edited by Thiah; 06-15-2014 at 03:40 PM.

  16. #16
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    what do you have to get from multiplayer? i didn't notice that?

  17. #17
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    I find this game to be kinda boring. I see how it gets hyped and I'm sure it's a competent game for your money but is this worthy of a new franchise ? No.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    I find this game to be kinda boring. I see how it gets hyped and I'm sure it's a competent game for your money but is this worthy of a new franchise ? No.
    Hmm I haven't played the alpha but I've read/heard from a few folks that can't seem to get over how much this is just a mashup of Halo, Mass Effect and Borderlands which doesn't end up feeling fresh enough for them and i could certainly see that being something that's bothersome.

    I can't even fathom how extremely difficult it must be to come up with a new IP that isn't just a melting pot of other IPs or at least something that ends up disguised well enough so that it doesn't feel that way, something that doesn't actually look or play similarly to anything else out there.

  19. #19
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    First of all, every AAA title is a derivative hype machine.

    I went in worried that it woukd be too much like those games and that i wouldnt like it for this or that reason. I thought it was going to suck for sure. But i woukd ACTUALLY play it before saying its too mucb like all of those games. Its quite abit more like journey, also. It does abbit to stand out.

    The thing that ghreatens to suck about is microtransactions.

  20. #20
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    I hope this happens because I want to play this at full specs with my friends and without buying a PS4:

  21. #21
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    Since today's 7 on 7, time for an announcement.

    Honestly, they look like reshashed Reach Legendary Edition contents.

    Before I even read the news, I KNEW they'd have the Ghost thing for the centerpiece collectable item.

  22. #22
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    anyone here gonna be playing the beta? game is getting all types of hype online but then i talk to normal people and they're meh. me, personally, so far what i've seen looks boring as hell.

    i'll give the beta a go as a last decision on purchasing

  23. #23
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    I enjoyed the alpha. The competition element isnt great but i dig the exploring element and the combat. The graphics are excellent. I dislike game that are loot driven.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I enjoyed the alpha. The competition element isnt great but i dig the exploring element and the combat. The graphics are excellent. I dislike game that are loot driven.
    Hopefully the game will be good. I'm just waiting on the Xbox One beta to start next Wednesday.

  25. #25
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    I started today but only did that first level mandatory thingy you have to do just to check it out...Will def play more tomorrow and this weekend. Lol all the players running around in the city was kinda funny.

    Quick question how do you get into multiplayer? is it something you have to unlock or is it there? I wanna check that out

  26. #26
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    Seems like you're thrown into the multiplayer almost off the bat. I wonder how it works. There were random people in my mission (off doing their own things). And I saw some people in the tower. I'm sure there's got to be different servers and you just get lumped in with whomever. Kinda curious as to how it really works.

  27. #27
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    I pre-odered on my PS3, created my bungie account, verified my email, and still have no beta code. Am I missing something?

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruised View Post
    I pre-odered on my PS3, created my bungie account, verified my email, and still have no beta code. Am I missing something?
    1) You're probably late.
    2) Might be a spam issue.
    3) Depending on your e-mail account of choice you might not get an e-mail at all. My AOL account never seen any e-mail from them. The moment I switched to my gmail account I got it literally within seconds.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    1) You're probably late.
    2) Might be a spam issue.
    3) Depending on your e-mail account of choice you might not get an e-mail at all. My AOL account never seen any e-mail from them. The moment I switched to my gmail account I got it literally within seconds.
    Thanks for the reply. This morning, I went to the demos section of the PS store, and the beta was there for download. Never got a code, or an email. Still, I don't know if it's multiplayer or not, just doing a story thing now. Cant wait to play more!

  30. #30
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    Multiplayer is like journey most of the time: you wander around doing your thing, and people or groups of people appear at random throughout a given mission area. You can choose to party up with them or just follow them around. In the alpha, this wasnt enabled until you completed the first mission.

    There is also a competitive multiplayer option that is basically just match making. You can reach it the same way you reach the hub/shop world. A lot of perks and experienxe and equipment can only be earned by playing that mode.

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