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Thread: Alice In Chains

  1. #241
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    Quote Originally Posted by henryeatscereal View Post
    Oh yeah, i would love to go to the MoPOP.
    Corgan's performance was "meh", just like Korn's, they did an ok instrumentation, but the vocals were terrible.
    Should have got Opeth to do it:

    Or better yet, Zoe Kravitz:

  2. #242
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    Alright so here is my review of the entire performance, not counting the one AiC did.

    Ann Wilson - It was an interesting take, Rooster sounded like some sort of southern type rock tinge to it. It's quite amazing at 70 years of age how strong Ann's voice is still. Pretty neat though my love of Rooster has gone way the fuck down after so much over exposure, much like the next song

    Corey Taylor and co. - They stuck to the original of Man in the Box quite well, though, i have to say, im not a fan of how Corey sang the chorus. He should of opened up his vowels a hell of a lot more, much like Layne did and I KNOW Corey can do it. It was alright

    Duff and Co - much like the last one, they stuck with the original idea of Down in a Hole, but i felt like this had a lot more passion and heart. It was pretty nice sounding and they all did a great job with it.

    Korn - I actually liked this one quite a bit. I actually think Jon did a good job on the vocals. It's not too often he goes up the high in his range with his clean singing. Sure, its no Opeth even if its in the same tuning. I also enjoyed some of the other subtle things they did in the song, like playing the low notes on the lower parts of the 7 string instead of like an open Db (or C in this case) chord you'd normally play on the 6 string. I also really liked the ending a bunch. It really gave it that extra Korn flair.

    Nancy, Mark and Liv - Again, the stuck to the original idea of Brother, and that isn't bad thing. It was nice though i kinda wish Mark went down into his lower register a bit. Could of gave it a unique flair. Not bad at all

    Fishbone - Never in my wildiest dreams would I ever expect to see a sax be played on Them Bones, but, here we are. I have never heard of Fishbone and Them Bones is one of my fave AiC songs. This weird clash of funk, soul and metal was really odd but it was actually really cool/ They looked like they had a blast playing it. I liked it a lot.

    Dallas Green - I didn't think Rain When I Die could sound anymore depressing then it already did, but again, here we are. This might be one of my fave ones of the performance. There was so much emotion coming out from this cover and it was just one guitar and his voice. This was awesome. I wanna learn how to play this song on acoustic like this now. I neeed to figure out the tuning

    Liv Warfield - seeing Put You Down turn into this funky soul jam actually makes a bit of sense to me. Being one of the more Glam sounding songs off of Facelift, it always had that sense of genre mixing. Really nice. While i was never really a fan of the glamer side of early Alice, it still was cool to see a deep cut played on here. It also goes to show how longs its been since ive last heard this song because i got lost during the ending and forgot it had some parts in the song. whoops.

    Mastodon - Eh, probably one of my least fave ones. Admittedly i was never a big mastodon fan to begin with, i saw them open for AiC with Deftones back in 2010 and i cant name you a single song they played. I also CANNON STAND Brent's vocals AT ALL. The only time i really got into it was the DOO DOOT part. It worked for me there, but everything else just felt a bit tame, didn't have the same energy as the original did.

    Kim Thyail and co - It's nice to see Kim and the others from Soundgarden at the performance. Kim added his special flair to the song, but however, while i do think it was sung quite excellent, i, personally was just not a fan of Shaina's timbre. Maybe it's just my hearing being so sensitive but it felt so shrill on my ears. Also, personally, i think she might of went a bit over with the improve at the ending but thats just me. Still not bad.

    Kim, Krist and co - Considering I don't like Rainier Fog at all and that Drone is one of my least fave songs on the album, this cover did not change my opinion on the song at all. Not even the female singers nor Kim's special flair could do it for me. The song, true to it's name, just drones on too long.

    Lily Cornell Silver - You know, i really wanted to like this cover. It made me think of Chris Cornell a bunch, he should of been with her on this performance, but life is very much a cruel thing and depression has no heart. But what really killed it was the major key change. It lost a lot of the impact the original key had personally. The story of Lily and the song was really heartwarming and she musically, she did a great job. But that key change was too drastic of a change that it made it just sound a modern dower balled and i hate that i have to say that about this song and the cover. I really wanted to like it and im sad to say that didn't like it.

    Mark Lanegan and Maggie Bjorklund - That was a really nice cover of Nutshell. The addition of the slide guitar was really nice actually. Nutshell is a song that shouldn't, in my personal opinion, ever be altered from how it sounded originally. It was sad seeing all those video's of Layne and Mike Starr, i still miss both of them.

    Ayron Jones and Co - ok first of all, that was not the sound i was expecting to come out of this guy and 2nd of all WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH THESE VOCAL CRACKS?? Why is he yelling on Heaven Besides You??? This is not the song to do that on! He sounded a bit pitchy too, it's like he taking a risk and seeing if this random note works well over this chord and it just does not work AT ALL. Good god, this was by far the worst vocal performance by far, good lord.

    Soundgarden and Tad Doyle with co. - Angry Chair is my favorite song on Dirt so I have pretty high expectations coming from this cover and i think its safe to say they all pulled it off. Tad and Megan did a great job vocally and i think Soundgarden was the perfect band to play this sort of sludgy doomy song since they have also made plenty songs in a similar vain. Both solo were also great, it also helps that the original solo was pretty atonal so they had room to screw around. Great cover.

    Billy Corgan - Well, that sure was a cover. Nothing special really. Just Billy doing his thing. Not really much to say about this one, its just Check My Brain on an acoustic guitar and that's it. Least he didnt make a full out of himself.

    Metallica - This was actually a really interesting cover of Would? and I wish they would of done the whole song. I think it was in like a different key entirely which was pretty cool too, it work out. And thank you Lars for not going crazy on the drums or raping the china cymbal. A pretty unique spin on the song, i dig it a lot. James really put on a good vocal performance too.

    Eric & Encarnación - Pretty interesting hearing a Flamenco version of BGWTB, at least it's in the original key. Pretty nice way to end it out

  3. #243
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dryalex12 View Post
    Soundgarden and Tad Doyle with co. - Angry Chair is my favorite song on Dirt so I have pretty high expectations coming from this cover and i think its safe to say they all pulled it off. Tad and Megan did a great job vocally and i think Soundgarden was the perfect band to play this sort of sludgy doomy song since they have also made plenty songs in a similar vain. Both solo were also great, it also helps that the original solo was pretty atonal so they had room to screw around. Great cover.
    Yeah, Tad killed it, funny because i always thought "Angry Chair" could have been a Soundgarden song, and i wasn't wrong, great version, among the best of the night!

    Quote Originally Posted by barkhammer View Post
    Or better yet, Zoe Kravitz:
    I already knew the Opeth cover, but had no idea about the Zoe Kravitz one, it was a good listen, funny that AIC works really well with a woman's voice.
    Last edited by henryeatscereal; 12-03-2020 at 11:22 AM.

  4. #244
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    I listened to the Dirt (Redux) last night. Covers are tricky to pull off: Too faithful and you may as well just listen to the original whereas you change it too much and you're going to piss of fans.

    For example: Dam That River is not a slow song, it's kind of fast and it's a song that gets you going. This is not that song anymore.

    It's on Bandcamp, you should pick it up tomorrow since they're still doing the Bandcamp artist days.

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    The part of that that excites me the most is that Greg Puciato is involved.

  7. #247
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  8. #248
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    That's great.

  9. #249
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    Great track, i was happy to see Duff and Puciato, does anyone know the drummer?

  10. #250
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    Quote Originally Posted by henryeatscereal View Post
    Great track, i was happy to see Duff and Puciato, does anyone know the drummer?
    Gil Sharone, another talented guy.

  11. #251
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    Quote Originally Posted by LaneSax View Post
    Gil Sharone, another talented guy.
    Oh yes, i couldn't place him by his looks, but i just googled him, he has a great resume

  12. #252
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    Been listening to the Unplugged CD A LOT lately.

    Hot damn is this a great recording, very cool to listen to. If I had one gripe with it I wish they would’ve done Dont Follow on it.

  13. #253
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    William DuVall thinks the band will start work on a new album this year.

    Saw Jerry Cantrell in Boston a few weeks ago and was surprised that he played so much AIC.

  14. #254
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    Well, a dream came true happened. I got to meet Jerry Cantrell at the show. I got VIP passes

    First of. let me just say I am so fucking sad and dishearten to see what Portland has become since I was last down in Downtown 4 years ago. I didn't think it was gonna be that bad but not, the very moment I stepped outside from the Uber and there is just a Homeless person who SCREAMING and YELLING across the street. And not to long after, this guy was like, in another homeless dude's face, screaming about how he was being disrespected. No joke joke, the corner I was on was so fucking suspect. I fucking hated it

    But anyways, on to the positives. first of all, the security there was....surprisingly very chatty, conversational and friendly. I was honestly caught off guard by that, no pun intended. Super nice dudes. Anyways, meeting Jerry was very fast and quick. He gave me a pick and a fistbump. He was nice, but curt, as I expected knowing as much as I did, though I guess I was surpised to see how fast past everything was. I was hoping to get at least one question in but he seemed like he was pretty busy on his end, much more so when I did ask if I could ask for a question and he respectfully declined saying he his things to sign, which I get. I didn't wanna waste his time either. Again, he wasn't rude about it at all and I did get one thing in when I told him it had been 12 years since I last saw him ,which was Blackdiamondskye, and he told me "It was good to see you again."

    Prior to that, we saw the last 15 of soundcheck where he was playing Nobody Breaks You, We Die Young and Rain When I Die. We also heard Dismembered from downstairs. Jerry also played the main riff to Flower by Soundgarden at one point right before he headed out to do the meet and greet.

    SO the concert itself. It was fucking amazing. EVERYONE was fucking singing and hell, they had a warm welcome to the opening band too, who was a solo bluesy type artist. It was alright, he was pretty damn positive person there to. I forgot what his name was.

    But yeah, the show starts, the crowd was chanting JERRY JERRY JERRY in the tune of the Jerry Springer show, which is probably the most appropriate thing to do. I'll go over some highlights and things of note.

    Jerry is still a complete goofball on stage and was fucking around a few times, having fun.
    I also didn't know Jerry still drank as he and Greg had a beer up on stage along with the water. More than likely casual as it was one bottle. He mentioned later on in the show about that was the fasted he probably drank that beer on stage
    Greg fucked up the 3rd verse of Sea of Sorrow and accidently started to sing the 2nd verse by mistake, and he realized it too.
    Jerry's guitar during the first chorus of Cut You In went out and he got a new one. No problems after that
    when he introduced Gil Sharone, he played My Sharona
    At one point, Jerry teased Put You Down and mentioned that he "Hasn't played that one in awhile."
    Jerry was tossing A LOT of picks during the show, I managed to catch the one's he was tossing at the end of Goodbye. Some thick ass picks!
    During Got Me Wrong, a lady came up behind me, asking me to stand next to me since it was her fave song, which I had no problems with. After the song, she was all....touch, like not in a "bad way." But she was all like, wrapping her arms around me and such, but she gave me 10 dollars out of it. Was very strange.

    This crowd was pretty awesome honestly, and I think Jerry was noticed it too since he mentioned Portland came prepared to kick Seattles ass.

    I'll post some pictures soon

  15. #255
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    Glad that you enjoyed the show! I wish he played a little more of his excellent solo material, but whatever. Still great.

  16. #256
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    He played qwuite a few here. I'd say it was a good half of his stuff and half Alice.

    Them Bones
    Psychotic Break
    Sea of Sorrow
    Cut You In
    My Song
    Siren Song
    No Excuses (followed by band introductions & snippet of My Sharona)
    Nobody Breaks You
    Had to Know
    Angel Eyes
    Got Me Wrong
    We Die Young
    Rain When I Die

    Man in the Box

  17. #257
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  18. #258
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dryalex12 View Post
    He played qwuite a few here. I'd say it was a good half of his stuff and half Alice.

    Them Bones
    Psychotic Break
    Sea of Sorrow
    Cut You In
    My Song
    Siren Song
    No Excuses (followed by band introductions & snippet of My Sharona)
    Nobody Breaks You
    Had to Know
    Angel Eyes
    Got Me Wrong
    We Die Young
    Rain When I Die

    Man in the Box
    That is a really good setlist

  19. #259
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    Quote Originally Posted by LaneSax View Post
    That is a really good setlist
    here's a fun fact. Jerry has not played Sea of Sorrow since 1991

  20. #260
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dryalex12 View Post
    here's a fun fact. Jerry has not played Sea of Sorrow since 1991
    They played it when I saw them in St. Paul on the first date of his tour, too. So I guess that the first performance of that song in 21 years, then? That's pretty cool and it's a great song!

  21. #261
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonic_discord View Post
    They played it when I saw them in St. Paul on the first date of his tour, too. So I guess that the first performance of that song in 21 years, then? That's pretty cool and it's a great song!

    Yep. 31 years actually. It's crazy since I thought they would have had played much more, especially since it was apparently Layne's favorite song too
    Last edited by Dryalex12; 05-05-2022 at 03:39 AM.

  22. #262
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dryalex12 View Post
    Yep. 31 years actually. It's crazy since I thought they would have had played much more, especially since it was apparently Layne's favorite song too
    D'oh! Yes, that's what I meant. I promise I'm usually better at math. God I feel old now. But yeah, I love that song and I'm also very surprised to learn they hadn't played it in over three decades!

  23. #263
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    just got around to looking at this. music is cool. feels like AIC. crazy to know how much of that band was Cantrell

    Beef with that video. If you're gonna go black and white like that you gotta slap some film grain on it. it just looks low budget without. and not the kinda low budget they were going for...

  24. #264
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dryalex12 View Post
    here's a fun fact. Jerry has not played Sea of Sorrow since 1991

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    Jerry coming to a super small club near me at the beginning of next year. Gonna have to save the date. Super stoked.

  30. #270
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    I was pleasantly surprised to see he'll be playing a show in my town. I'll definitely be going.

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