Quote Originally Posted by SM Rollinger View Post
Damnit you guys should have warned me how addicting synths are. I've tried guitar and drums in the past, but neither clicked with me like this did. I understand when people talk about how they fell in love with a certain instrument for the first time, this just feels so right for me.

Anyways I bought myself a Moog Grandmother and Mother-32. They should be here by the weekend, so excited!
Okay, now that you've got a Werkstatt, a Mother-32, and a Grandmother - stop buying synths for a while. You now have a formidable arsenal of monosynths that you should explore before you fall into an expensive habit. Honestly, if you can return the Werkstatt, do it. I wasn't going to talk shit on your fun first synth purchase, but it's a wee little baby, and now you've got grown up options. Use the money to get some outboard f/x - a used Hall of Fame reverb pedal is cheap and hugely rewarding, sonically, and since you're doing analog stuff, maybe get an inexpensive analog delay pedal. I realize the Grandmother has a spring reverb, but that's also a very specific type of reverb - and doesn't do anything for your Mother32.

Just... practice your instruments for a little while. You've got *great* instruments.