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Thread: Sigil 04_: Welcome oblivion

  1. #991
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    Sigil 04_: Welcome oblivion

    My take on the album:

    I can't stop listening to it. Yes the sound overlaps with prior NIN work. It also builds on it. Year Zero is my favorite NIN album, so I am an easy target for how this album sounds. But it is definitely *not* Year Zero. It is a slower, with a deeper, more rich sound.

    All of Trent's work has a musical through line. It all sounds somewhat related. I can listen to PHM and Welcome Oblivion and find similarities. I'm glad I can. Because his taste and take on what sounds interesting and cool is exactly why I have always listened to him.

    I'm not sure what some of you were expecting.

    As for Trent bringing NIN back and the timing?

    No matter what the reasoning for the timing... Who the fuck cares? Lets say he has been unhappy with how little press HTDA has gotten and he figured a NIN announcement could boost attention around it. Yeah? Is that a big deal? Makes him a sell out? Why don't you make more cracks about his wife. No ones ever done that before.

    I take what Trent does at face value and do not read malicious intent into what he does. He likes to make music and put it out there and get the maximum possible audience he thinks he can achieve without compromising. The record deal allows HTDA total creative freedom. NIN coming back boosts attention to HTDA. What is the actual issue with that? Some of you are kind of crazy with what you read into his actions.

  2. #992
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    Ihre Bestellung wurde verschickt sent the vinyls. EU pressing are fine, as far I can see.

    First line is German: "your order is on its way to me".
    I expect them friday or saturday.

    Last edited by witte; 03-07-2013 at 10:18 AM.

  3. #993
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    Quote Originally Posted by nine_inch_nerd View Post
    Ihre Bestellung wurde verschickt sent the vinyls. EU pressing are fine, as far I can see.
    Have you played them through?

  4. #994
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    Quote Originally Posted by thepresence0 View Post
    Lets say he has been unhappy with how little press HTDA has gotten and he figured a NIN announcement could boost attention around it.
    This has made me wonder, how much have the label actually done to promote the record/band? As far as I can tell, HTDA have been responsible for pretty much all the promotion, viral advertising, tour announcements, etc. Apart from Pitchfork, I haven't seen the band's name 'out there' much at all, and I'm pretty sure P4K would have covered the band to the same degree (if not more so) if they had remained unsigned. What did signing with Columbia actually achieve, save for the "privilege" of having names like Dave Sitek producing remixes for the band?

  5. #995
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    Ads on spotify, Xbox Live and various other places. You did not see his many ads for the first EP or the last few NIN albums. Shit, yahoo made TR and Q headline news the other day. Columbia.

    To be honest on all this HATE for repetitious Reznor sounds, Welcome Oblivion sounds like YZ and TSN which had elements in both The Slip and Ghosts, which btw had some elements from The Fragile. TF had elements of TDS. TDS had elements of Broken. The biggest jump in Reznor history to me is from Broken to PHM.

    AS someone posted earlier, yes TR will blow your mind if you start listening to the albums in the past 10 years. You dont know where to start. But once you have collected your thoughts, know every song by heart and where they belong, they are ALL connected. Its just the fact that you are now living through new music releases as opposed to jumping in after the fact and newly discovering all of his different sounds and melodies that make TR, TR.

    Mind you, it is ok to dislike work by TR. ITS OK! But, don't say its because it sounds too much like older stuff. Go listen to every NIN album from start to finish in chronological order and tell me that there are no similarities until NOW with WO/YZ/TSN If you want something that doesnt sound like older NIN recordings go check out the album Gold Cobra. Im sure it will meet your expectations.

    Now I have to get back to studying for my midterms and listening to Welcome Oblivion.
    Last edited by Reznor2112; 03-07-2013 at 11:21 AM.

  6. #996
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    I also find it strange that Trent is bringing back NIN so soon, right after the release of his new project's debut album. At least wait til 2014 to focus on NIN again and use this year to give HTDA room to breathe.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rob_Sheridan
    "I made the mistake of wandering back to this question's thread after seeing the Pitchfork headline... The original poster didn't deserve a legitimate response, but since this is apparently a question that some people have, let me chime in and shut it down... Why was NIN announced right at this time? The answer is we DIDN'T WANT TO ANNOUNCE NIN YET. We put it off as long as possible to give HTDA time to breathe before getting steamrolled by the NIN news. But when you book festival gigs, they have their own marketing rollout that is beyond our control and have specific times they need to announce their lineups. Even though the festivals don't happen until July and August, they happened to schedule their announcements right at the time we were releasing HTDA. So we had no choice but to make the NIN announcement. Not only is Trent not using NIN to help market HTDA or whatever garbage the armchair quarterbacking original poster spewed, we actively did NOT want the two to overlap. In fact, the HTDA album was supposed to come out last year, but then the Coachella opportunity came up, and in planning out a marketing strategy that would give HTDA the most exposure, it made a lot more sense to wait and release the album around the time Coachella was being announced. This ran the risk of putting HTDA a lot closer to NIN (which was already being planned) than we'd wanted, but it was the best thing to do for the project. There are complex logistics involved in how tours are planned, budgets and schedules, marketing strategies, production concerns, and a billion other things, and trying to do what's best for two projects at the same time sometimes means there will be sacrifices here and there. Also, no one's getting rich off of HTDA. Even the money we'd make from something big like Coachella goes back 100% into the production budget so we can have a great live show. We're doing it because we think it's cool and we like making art, and that's really it. We want as many people as possible to hear about that art, so that led to the record label idea. And the relationship we've had with Columbia on this project has been great - it's allowed us to have budgets to do things like make more videos, and it's gotten us a level of exposure for the project we couldn't have achieved on our own. Turns out (some) record labels have changed quite a bit since the industry took a shit. Funny thing, when all the money leaves an industry, a lot of the money-grubbing assholes leave too. Most of the people we work with at Columbia are young, and are just music fans who want to make cool stuff happen. It's never going to be perfect, and we'll always miss having that heavy control we get doing things on our own, but so far this experiment has worked out well for the very specific needs of this project."
    via Reddit HTDA AMA

    So if you can read this right it's actually HTDA that's kinda overlapping with the NIN plans this year as Rob mentioned this album should have been out last year to begin with but they held off on releasing it so they could lead it up to the Coachella gig.
    Last edited by thelastdisciple; 03-07-2013 at 11:20 AM.

  7. #997
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    yeah, I get all that stuff Rob pointed out. it makes sense. I just wish htda was doing more shows (than what we so far know about). if the album came out last year they may have done some fall/winter touring or not. I'll totally go see nin when they come somewhere near me and I'll be totally excited about it, but I'm not able to make it to any of the htda gigs and i'm really let down about it.

    back to w.o... I like it way better than an omen. you know, an omen was ok, but the 4 tracks on it that also appear on wo are so much better in context. I feel like an omen was just to fulfill the promise of new htda in 2012.

    as far as people finding it derivative or whatever, that's cool. imo, nobody makes beats like TRAR. cant get enough of em. if you're turned off by their beats, thats cool, just listen no further at first sign of them.

  8. #998
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    I don't know if this has been posted or not but according to Hits Daily Double, the album is looking at 10-12k in physical sales in its first week.

  9. #999
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    I don't know if this has been posted or not but according to Hits Daily Double, the album is looking at 10-12k in physical sales in its first week.
    I have no idea what is good or bad anymore. Is that good? Does that include the vinyls, which haven't shipped yet?

  10. #1000
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    This only takes into consideration sales through retail stores. Not the website.
    Is it good? Well the other "key" debuts from this week:

    Luke Bryan (Capitol Nashville) 105-120k
    Jimi Hendrix (Legacy) 65-70k
    Boz Scaggs (429) 12-15k
    Shake It Up 3 (Disney) 10-12k
    How To Destroy Angels (Columbia) 10-12k

    Good or bad is subjective. However, it does prove that Trent can associate himself to something and it won't automatically translate into sales.
    This will barely get them into top 50. Last's week #50, Britney Spears' greatest hits, sold 11,225 copies.

    It's clear that the core of his NIN fanbase did not jump aboard the HDTA wagon, at least not in terms of buy it through a store.
    I think the most interesting number will be the digital sales through iTunes. This number will be a lot more telling.

  11. #1001
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    i don't think WO is even remotely commercial music, so even with a label support i don't see how it'll chart well when it comes to sales. i did notice, however, that the tickets for the show are $40 a pop, which pretty much only established or overhyped bands get to charge. the tour seems to be selling well, so the price point must be right (and i wasn't complaining anyway). looking forward to seeing this "audio/visual installation" show. i tend to see too many shows that end up feeling like the same experience (you can only do so much with little money, i know) so seeing something different should be refreshing, even if i'm not crazy about the music.

  12. #1002
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    Quote Originally Posted by screwdriver View Post
    Don't forget Pinion. It's almost like the dude likes little sound design pieces.
    There's a difference between "sound design pieces" and formulaic introduction tracks that I feel like I've already heard before, but then again this is just my opinion.

    Quote Originally Posted by screwdriver View Post
    I mean... its a stylistic trick, like Metallica and a diminished fifth or Tool and going to the major III or Lana Del Ray and sounding sultry or Rammstein and doing the bass riff distorted with power chords in the chorus or ... I could go on. It only sounds "constantly appearing" if you've memorized his ouevre.
    So I recognize something Trent does which has appeared far too often in his work and it's my fault for knowing his discography too well?

    Quote Originally Posted by screwdriver View Post
    I think we've got to the root of the problem. How do I put this... it's not Trent, it's you.
    Do I get charged for the full hour, Doctor?

    Quote Originally Posted by screwdriver View Post
    You're placing these expectations that Trent is going to be able to blow your mind open the way he did when you first started listening to him, when you discovered this music that sounded so unlike other music.
    NIN isn't that original, man. And I didn't go into this expecting some world-changing life affirming explosion of love and devotion. I knew what this was going to be before I heard it. Oh wait, there's another problem right there: predictability.

    Quote Originally Posted by screwdriver View Post
    And that's not going to happen unless you unplug for a bit and go listen to other music for awhile.
    98% of the music I listen to has nothing to do with Trent. It's listening to other acts that make me wish he could be a part of their world, and not stuck in his own insular bubble, working with the same four people over and over again.

    Quote Originally Posted by screwdriver View Post
    You keep saying you want Trent to change, but objectively, why should you care?
    Because I know he's capable of better music than the music he's releasing, and I think I've finally gotten to the bottom of why this album is a disappointment to me. But then again:

    and yeah, I'll continue buying everything he puts out and everything he has some form of involvement in. Because I love the guy and respect him and want him to make the best music he can make.

    Quote Originally Posted by screwdriver View Post
    Your subconscious is saying it wants a change. You should listen to it.
    "98% of the music I listen to has nothing to do with Trent. It's listening to other acts that make me wish he could be a part of their world, and not stuck in his own insular bubble, working with the same four people over and over again."

  13. #1003
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    Also, the NIN announcement timing wasn't obvious? That German festival were about to release their lineup and the NIN camp had to put out a press release ahead of time to try and combat that.

  14. #1004
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    Quote Originally Posted by butter_hole View Post
    Also, the NIN announcement timing wasn't obvious? That German festival were about to release their lineup and the NIN camp had to put out a press release ahead of time to try and combat that.
    It's obvious in retrospect, but did we expect NIN to be part of their lineup? That's a serious question, not a snarky one.

  15. #1005
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    Quote Originally Posted by Final Destiny View Post
    It's obvious in retrospect, but did we expect NIN to be part of their lineup? That's a serious question, not a snarky one.
    Well, I mean it was obvious when a day after the announcement, the german festival announced their lineup with NIN included. At first I was wondering why he would completely derail the HTDA marketing train, but then it was pretty obvious.

  16. #1006
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    Anybody have an idea why Welcome Oblivion won't play on my new IPOD classic 160gb. I download apple lossless, set my import setting to apple lossless and imported it. It will play in ITunes but not on the Ipod. Why does Ipod bother having lossless if it won't play?

  17. #1007
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    Quote Originally Posted by kbo View Post
    Anybody have an idea why Welcome Oblivion won't play on my new IPOD classic 160gb. I download apple lossless, set my import setting to apple lossless and imported it. It will play in ITunes but not on the Ipod. Why does Ipod bother having lossless if it won't play?
    The Apple Lossless files are 24/96 and are unplayable by iDevices. Use the mp3s instead.

  18. #1008
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    What is the sense of having them? Why do they sell them/why does ITunes import them? If I am not concerned about space of Ipod/Hardrive, what is the best quality I can get on my IPOD of welcome oblivion downloads

  19. #1009
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    Quote Originally Posted by kbo View Post
    What is the sense of having them? Why do they sell them/why does ITunes import them? If I am not concerned about space of Ipod/Hardrive, what is the best quality I can get on my IPOD of welcome oblivion downloads
    They're still Apple Lossless, they're just mixed in a higher quality than what the devices can play. Just use the mp3s, you can't even tell the difference unless you're using mega high quality. And even then, your device can't differentiate once it hits a certain point.

  20. #1010
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    Thanks for the help. So basically Ipod can't handles lossless files? Or just these particular lossless or higher quality. So you are saying to use the mp3s? What are the bitrates? what do I set the import setting at for highest quality

  21. #1011
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    iPods can handle up to 24/48. The mp3s are 320kbps, unless you convert the m4as down to something else the mp3s are the best you'll get.

  22. #1012
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    has anyone tried the option in iTunes where it converts higher quality files when you transfer them to your iPod/iPhone? i'm thinking it'll probably drop the 96kHz files to 48 (or 44.1) for you, it just won't be lossless anymore. (some people likely won't care about this.)

  23. #1013
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    Now I can't even get back to them. I keep logging in on destroyangels and it doesn't take. I have reset my password etc????

  24. #1014
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thaned View Post
    WO still hasn't become available in Australia on Spotify yet, I don't have the money for the CD and I don't want to pirate it either. Hopefully Columbia fixes that up soon, but the HTDA listing on spotify is pretty messy so I'm not holding my breath.
    Have you checked How to destroy angels_? They have two band pages because of hipster

  25. #1015
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    Quote Originally Posted by kbo View Post
    Thanks for the help. So basically Ipod can't handles lossless files? Or just these particular lossless or higher quality.
    Lossless bitrates can vary, but very few sample at 96kHz, so it's not usually a problem. Personally I'd convert them down to 48 individually with a program like Audacity, but dbPowerAmp might have a plugin to batch-convert the whole lot. For minimum hassle, like everyone else is saying, just use the mp3s.

    Quote Originally Posted by kbo View Post
    Now I can't even get back to them. I keep logging in on destroyangels and it doesn't take. I have reset my password etc????
    This has been driving me nuts too, you need to lower your security settings in order to log in to the site. I advise doing this by making the store a trusted site:
    Assuming you're using Internet Explorer, go to Tools, Internet Options, click the Security tab, select Trusted Sites (icon with the big green tick), click the Sites button, then add the HTDA store (you might need to untick the "Require server verification" option). Close that little box, and back in the Trusted Sites options, make sure the slider for the security level is at Low (the bottom) with Enabled Protection Mode unticked (make sure you're still in Trusted Sites rather than general Internet). Now OK out, close then re-open the browser, and hopefully you'll finally be able to sign in.


    You might also need to do add to allowed cookies under Tools>Internet Options>Privacy>Sites, typing the address then clicking Allow. Give that a go if the above doesn't work.

  26. #1016
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    Quote Originally Posted by nine_inch_nerd View Post
    Ihre Bestellung wurde verschickt sent the vinyls. EU pressing are fine, as far I can see.

    First line is German: "your order is on its way to me".
    I expect them friday or saturday.


    Nice! I preordered my vinyl at a normal german retailer, it was said to be released today... but after the bad news about warped first batches, I figured it would be pointless to even try... but yeah, it had not occured to me that they most likely produce their own batch for the EU market. I will check pretty soon! :-D

    Quote Originally Posted by butter_hole View Post
    Also, the NIN announcement timing wasn't obvious? That German festival were about to release their lineup and the NIN camp had to put out a press release ahead of time to try and combat that.
    Nine Inch Nails issues with german festivals: The never ending story.
    Last edited by Henrie_Schnee; 03-08-2013 at 06:07 AM.

  27. #1017
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    The art only comes embedded in the audio files from the official site, as far as I'm aware of.

  28. #1018
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    Sigil 04_: Welcome oblivion

    I can't fully confirm as I'm at work, but it looks like the white label cd made its way to the internets this morning.

  29. #1019
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    Poor NIN camp. I'm sure they had no idea, that festivals like to announce their lineups this time of the year. Given it's their first time playing festivals and all...

  30. #1020
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    Quote Originally Posted by ItsJustDave View Post
    I can't fully confirm as I'm at work, but it looks like the white label cd made its way to the internets this morning.
    Well if the Germans already have their vinyl, that was expected. Now I have to avoid hearing them for 2 weeks though

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