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Thread: The little things that piss you off

  1. #4201
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    ^ like i tell everyone with phone problems:
    get on the freeway and toss it out the window. problem solved.

  2. #4202
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    Currently very, very, very burnt out at work. It's okay though, because I also have a bunch of anxiety about my undeniably crappy job performance because I have so much work on my plate that we are hiring another person just to give half of it away to them. *whimpers softly*

  3. #4203
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    i think doing all of that at once is potentially a bit extreme. maybe take it one step at a time?
    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    Currently very, very, very burnt out at work. It's okay though, because I also have a bunch of anxiety about my undeniably crappy job performance because I have so much work on my plate that we are hiring another person just to give half of it away to them. *whimpers softly*
    Getting help is a good thing. It should your performance. Think positive.

    My piss off, asking a clarifying question on a team conference call and having my boss call me "defensive". Fuck you.

  4. #4204
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    Getting help is a good thing. It should your performance. Think positive.
    My sarcasm made my sentence confusing. I'm THRILLED we're hiring another person and it actually does give me a pass on how bad I'm doing currently. Everyone knows I'm doing two people's jobs. It's just that in the meantime doing two people's jobs (managing the entire hiring pipeline across 10 open roles and doing all correspondence and scheduling) is making me burn out hard. When the new hire comes on I'll be taking sales and they'll be handling technical roles and I'll actually work just 40 hours a week and not feel guilty about giving candidates a shitty experience. Half of my emails start with "Sorry." it feels like.

  5. #4205
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    My sarcasm made my sentence confusing. I'm THRILLED we're hiring another person and it actually does give me a pass on how bad I'm doing currently. Everyone knows I'm doing two people's jobs. It's just that in the meantime doing two people's jobs (managing the entire hiring pipeline across 10 open roles and doing all correspondence and scheduling) is making me burn out hard. When the new hire comes on I'll be taking sales and they'll be handling technical roles and I'll actually work just 40 hours a week and not feel guilty about giving candidates a shitty experience. Half of my emails start with "Sorry." it feels like.
    I know a really great headhunter in your area if you ever need one *

    *disclaimer - he's my brother, but he's been doing it forever and knows everybody:P

  6. #4206
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    Aww, thanks. We do pretty much everything internally for sourcing short of occasional sales roles (because sales candidates are ridiculous and picky and look for jobs for like 3 days before moving to their next role so we like to up the numbers there but already have a couple of established relationships for that), and we get mostly inbound interest/applications, but <3

  7. #4207
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    The heater/ hot water heater for my apartment died. I haven't had hot water in two days. Luckily my apartment is really well insulated so it has not gotten too cold but last night the pipes froze up for a bit so I had to leave the faucets trickling to keep the pipes from freezing. The first night I was freaking out about the water heater braking and gas filling the apartment and blowing up (even though I already turned the gas to the heater off) then last night I was freaking out about the pipes freezing so I have not really slept well. It is suppose to be replaced today so I will be able to take a real shower instead of heating water on the stove to take a cat bath.

  8. #4208
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    When they bring you the appetizer together with the mains.
    When they bring you the drinks after the food.
    Get it together guys.

  9. #4209
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    The pipe did freeze. My apartment flooded. 15 other apartments were damaged and now I am in a hotel.

  10. #4210
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluegirl View Post
    The pipe did freeze. My apartment flooded. 15 other apartments were damaged and now I am in a hotel.
    OMG that's horrible, I'm so sorry to hear that. What really shitty fucking management, that should have been fixed way before it got to that point. Ugh, that sucks.

  11. #4211
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    The silent H in Thomas.

    My social anxiety, fear about speaking to people and how I will be perceived by them.

  12. #4212
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    forgetting to add grated nutmeg to mac and cheese. gives my tongue the sads. :'(

  13. #4213
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    winter is pissing me off. i'm sick of layering up, heavy jackets, dry facial skin, high gas bills, poor ventilation, minor weight gain, everyone talking about el nino hysteria...the only thing i like is that it's not an effort to keep my skin pale.

    i know most places have it worse than cali, but i'm not living in those places

  14. #4214
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    Ugh, winter. New York City, I do this for you because I love you more than any other city in the whole world, but that doesn't mean I like COLD WEATHER AND SNOW. I'm like... going places and doing things in this crap because I don't want to cancel on a friend for a second time this eve. :/

  15. #4215
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    good gawd y'all, my wife has had a seizure again, unresponsive again, just like last december.
    off to the hospital. send us some good vibes.

  16. #4216
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    hardcore bloody noses in the winter and my dog barking at me with a tissue in my nose because she wants to eat it.

  17. #4217
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    good gawd y'all, my wife has had a seizure again, unresponsive again, just like last december.
    off to the hospital. send us some good vibes.
    good vibes like a mother fucker! i hope you guys get through it.

  18. #4218
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    lol winter problems.
    i just got smoke in my right eye, it fucking burns.

  19. #4219
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    Just when I thought my cold/allergy infection was finished with me, I woke up today sounding like Dr. Mrs. The Monarch.

  20. #4220
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Just when I thought my cold/allergy infection was finished with me, I woke up today sounding like Dr. Mrs. The Monarch.
    "who the hell is jack-leen oh-nassus?"

    i've been sick (sinuses, chest/cough, fever) since thursday night. my band played an hour-long set on friday while i was in this condition (i play drums) and somehow managed to sound pretty good. my fever finally went away this morning, but all my other symptoms remained.

    meanwhile, my wife had started having chest/left arm pain on wednesday night, and it persisted through the entire weekend, so she finally (at my urging) went to the ER today. she got there at 11:30am, i got there not too long after. after having an EKG (normal), a chest x-ray (normal), a D-Dimmer blood test ("inconclusive, but slightly elevated") THREE pregnancy tests (first two came back "cloudy", third finally came back negative), TWO FUCKING CAT scans (the first one had too much movement, the second was "inconclusive"), and a doppler ultra-sound on her legs, they finally determined that her issue is either gastro-intestinal (it's not, she has no heartburn symptoms or gas) or anxiety/stress-induced (which is what we kind of thought but we wanted to be sure). we left the hospital at 9:30pm, by which time i felt like my fever had come back.

    we're both taking the day off tomorrow to try to recuperate. jesus christ, hospitals are exhausting. thankfully, everyone she/we had to deal with was really nice, and our first nurse, rolando, was even a star trek fan, which was fun. and god damn am i glad we have decent insurance.

  21. #4221
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    When you had previously activated a game years ago on someone else's (Uplay or Origin) account in the family by mistake causing you to buy another copy. All because product keys are "permanently assigned" and cannot be transferred to another account no matter how much you can prove with receipts and I.D. that you were the one who bought the game and you had permission to use this other person's account at the time.

    Yeah yeah "Oh but if that were possible someone could hack an account, pretend they are you and they can just transfer all your games to an account their own". I get it.

    They still benefit by getting more money thanks to a person's dumb ass error.

  22. #4222
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    "who the hell is jack-leen oh-nassus?"

    i've been sick (sinuses, chest/cough, fever) since thursday night. my band played an hour-long set on friday while i was in this condition (i play drums) and somehow managed to sound pretty good. my fever finally went away this morning, but all my other symptoms remained.

    meanwhile, my wife had started having chest/left arm pain on wednesday night, and it persisted through the entire weekend, so she finally (at my urging) went to the ER today. she got there at 11:30am, i got there not too long after. after having an EKG (normal), a chest x-ray (normal), a D-Dimmer blood test ("inconclusive, but slightly elevated") THREE pregnancy tests (first two came back "cloudy", third finally came back negative), TWO FUCKING CAT scans (the first one had too much movement, the second was "inconclusive"), and a doppler ultra-sound on her legs, they finally determined that her issue is either gastro-intestinal (it's not, she has no heartburn symptoms or gas) or anxiety/stress-induced (which is what we kind of thought but we wanted to be sure). we left the hospital at 9:30pm, by which time i felt like my fever had come back.

    we're both taking the day off tomorrow to try to recuperate. jesus christ, hospitals are exhausting. thankfully, everyone she/we had to deal with was really nice, and our first nurse, rolando, was even a star trek fan, which was fun. and god damn am i glad we have decent insurance.
    Honestly sounds like high blood pressure or panic attack. I hope it gets figured out and you and your wife start feeling better soon!

  23. #4223
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Honestly sounds like high blood pressure or panic attack. I hope it gets figured out and you and your wife start feeling better soon!
    her blood pressure was, like, perfect, so it's not that. i think she's so stressed by so many things right now and it's just starting to manifest physically (which is something that used to happen to me constantly, but she's never had it before, so i understand that it can be terrifying).

  24. #4224
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    evil day of being the center of which I vacuumed a big ball of play doh by mistake...and smoke started coming out the vacuum cleaner.

  25. #4225
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    Well, they took the mrs to the hospital in a helicopter because she was still having partial seizures.
    They decided that she was stable, but i kept telling them that she wasn't and would have another grand mal seizure if she wasn't medicated.
    They didn't listen to me, and she did have another. Fuckers.

    Today she had a 4 hour eeg, where they hook all the wires up to your head and measure your brainwaves.
    The good thing is that she isn't seizing anymore now.

    We are still waiting on a diagnosis, which i imagine will be epilepsy-that's the bad part, that and the fucking horror of watching someone you love scream and convulse for long periods of time.
    I haven't let myself cry yet but it's coming.
    Last edited by elevenism; 01-26-2016 at 11:15 PM.

  26. #4226
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    crying helps you let go of the frustration, so let it flow.

    (mal means evil)
    Last edited by ldopa; 01-27-2016 at 01:20 AM. Reason: latin

  27. #4227
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    Quote Originally Posted by ldopa View Post
    crying helps you let go of the frustration, so let it flow.

    (mal means evil)
    Actually in this context it means "illness", like in "malade" : "ill"
    And yeah @elevenism, as @ldopa said, if you need to cry just fucking cry, if only because you'll need to be there when you're needed and that you can't do that if you have bottled it all up inside and can snap at any moment.
    Last edited by Khrz; 01-27-2016 at 10:06 AM.

  28. #4228
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    Quote Originally Posted by ldopa View Post
    mal means evil
    @Khrz is correct; grand mal is French, basically means "great illness." But mal Latin origin is malus, bad or evil.

    I know what @elevenism means about not crying, sometimes it just doesn't happen because you have to brace yourself and hang in there. Like my dad is dying right now in the ICU and I just stand there, numb, because decisions have to be made, discussions conducted, facts gathered, and I thought I might cry once but I am more pissed than anything. Our health care system is full of bullshit.

    I had a 20-yr-old cat who had grand mal seizures until we got her on the correct dosage of phenobarbitol. Was a horrible sight, though, ugh, can't unsee that.
    Last edited by allegro; 01-28-2016 at 01:27 PM.

  29. #4229
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    I'm pretty sure Idopa was just referencing Firefly.

  30. #4230
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    it's ldopa (as in a lowercase L, not an uppercase i). that was pissing me off.

    i'm still not feeling well today. after taking yesterday off for both my wife and i to recuperate and barely doing anything all day, i still feel like shit, and she's still having pain in her chest/left arm, which is giving her more anxiety on top of the anxiety that's (probably) causing the pain in the first place. :|

    @elevenism hope she's ok, dude. let yourself cry when it happens. you'll feel better after.
    Last edited by eversonpoe; 01-27-2016 at 08:25 AM.

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