I realized today, by accidentally scrolling past an old photo, that Genesis is not only my childhood friend’s Dad, but one of the local influential musicians/artists I as a teenager viewed with a sort of naive reverence... I had no idea who they or any of the other musicians around all the time were on any larger of a scale than the small town we lived in. As I stumbled on the picture, I suddenly felt 13 years old, barefoot in the dirt and surrounded by fantastic things that until know seemed a figment of my imagination... My overall childhood was pretty abusive and shitty so those adults around that were NOT shitty, abusive and who fostered love, freedom of expressions and acceptance of alternate states of being truly made a difference... I may make little sense/seem irrelevant, and that’s fine, but it felt fitting to leave this in here as a little ode to all of them and the beauty and world they created around them, both musically and personally.