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Thread: The New Introduction Thread

  1. #451
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crossroad View Post
    Hey everyone! I enjoy golf, strangling small animals, and masturbation.
    You're awesome wait, I am a small animal, not strangle me and masturbate on me.

    I introduced myself in Dec but will introduce myself again, then again in 6 months.

    My name is THE JOHNNY ROOK, I am from Minneapolis via South Dakota. I support the GOP. I like videogames. I cook (fine dining) for a living. I am working on my second degree. I am seeing Rammstein tomorrow night and have an extra ticket. I used to backyard wrestle. I am trying to bring it back. I have lurked here for over 5 years so I know more about you then you know about me, (SLS!). I used to backyard wrestle.

  2. #452
    Join Date
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    Hello ets, name is scott. ive been a long time lurker and decided, what the hell i might as well post something. Been into NIN since 1996

  3. #453
    Join Date
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    Hiya. I joined old ETS in 2005, I believe, but have not been active for a few years. Good to see it back and better than ever...? I plan to get addicted again.

  4. #454
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  5. #455
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    Just stopped by to find out what happened to EtS and here we are. I was a member but don't remember my name. Looking forward to wasting company time on here again.

  6. #456
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    Oh wow, the name wasn't taken. Sweet...:-)

    *waves* This is the old ~Eris~ from the old ETS, rockin' it OOOOOO!

  7. #457
    Join Date
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    GEORGIA - You're fucking welcome
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    Quote Originally Posted by ~Eris~ View Post
    Oh wow, the name wasn't taken. Sweet...:-)

    *waves* This is the old ~Eris~ from the old ETS, rockin' it OOOOOO!
    I membah you. Long time.

  8. #458
    Join Date
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    Yeah! Welcome back!

  9. #459
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    Hi, I'm SynRgy! I used to be on ets and the spiral all the time a few years back (with a different username) ... I've been away for a very long time.. only to find my way back here again... I recognize some of you... it's good to be back!

  10. #460
    Join Date
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    Russia, i.Sakhalin
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    Hello NIN! I'm your big fan from Sakhalin, Russia. It's just the world's end. (just look at the map and try to find it!)
    also, here I am

    My favorite albums are Ghosts I-IV and The Downward Spiral.
    hope V

  11. #461
    Join Date
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    Texas, United States
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    Been looking for a site to blow some time on over the Summer, and considering that the other bands I look to either have fanbases consisting of tween wannabies or don't seem to host any interesting characters, I thought NIN might have an interesting bunch online. Been a fan for ages, listened to HTDA, soundtracks etc etc. Have a teacher at school called Mr. Nail; you can only imagine some of the nicknames.

    Initiate fucking around.

  12. #462
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    I am on Instagram, as merse_7, if anyone cares or is curious about me. Cheers.

  13. #463
    Join Date
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    Hi all,
    I'm back and glad to see so many familiar users. I signed up when the board returned but then then life went batshit crazy. It's still nuts but I'm looking forward to catching up.
    I missed you all and will be raping all my old faves, especially Dra and Kid Charlemagne, at the earliest opportunity.

  14. #464
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    Re introducing myself.
    Get on ETS on 05, before With Teeth came out. When Meathead perspective was on.

    Into NIN since PHM (got into NIN by Gn'R, yes, AXL wearing the Sin T shirt and talking about Nine Inch Nails)

    Anyway, I don't post so much, but I like this forum very much, smart/funny people, know their stuff, better than any forum I've been to (too many trolls everywhere), ETS is the best. For real. Keep it up with the good work.

  15. #465
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    Good mornig everyone. I'm Jumprof and I'm into NIN for about 12 years now. My fav album right now is the Year Zero rmx.

  16. #466
    Join Date
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    was around. then was not. now I am. *waves to everyone who followed the tour in 2007, the mad Slovenians, expat British gentleman, cool people from down under, Elke and allegro*

  17. #467
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    Whoa. I've been inactive around here so long that I only very recently even knew the original ETS had disappeared. And now it's back, and for some reason I felt an inexplicable need to join back up and see what everyone's been up to. I don't remember exactly when I joined ETS, but I DO remember that I was the 67th person to join it, so it was way back in the early days. Came over there from the Meathead's Webhole forums and was eventually bestowed terrible powers as a "global moderator" that I never used because EFFORT. Original name was Pixie Wolfe, changed to my real-life nickname Hij a few years later and then kinda stopped having time for internets long ago. But I missed you guys. I see there are quite a few fellow Elders around and that's pretty neat.

  18. #468
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    I seen this on another forum and had to post it somewhere...

  19. #469
    Join Date
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    In a kind of nice place , Spain.
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    Hi there,I decided to get in here a few months ago but my computer decided to commit suicide so I had to wait.
    It's great to be in one of the best NIN communities

  20. #470
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    Hello again ETS.

    Where's the option for custom avatars? I want my old one back.

  21. #471
    Join Date
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    New to the forum and forums in general, please bear with me...

    Hey people,

    So I was going to just jump into one of the many threads of interest I've been browsing through and just generally lurking around since I'd say at least 2005-ish (?), but I figured I'd rather do the polite thing and at least introduce myself before anything else. Name's Michael, 31 y/o, grew up in Northeast Philadelphia and somehow wound up in the even less desirable South Jersey area which is where I've been living since mid 2004. I got into NIN in high school, freshman year, 1995. My musical tastes up to around that time were all over the map (which they still are), but I leaned more towards the pop/R&B scene and would only occasionally dip my toe into anything else. Not for any specific reason, I guess I just figured that I liked what I liked and I was already pretty much against the "norm" being that I'm a guy who was (and in all honesty, why bother hiding it?) still is literally obsessed with singers like Madonna, Janet and especially Mariah. LOL. So for me to jump from what some would call mindless crap like "Dreamlover" and "Miss You Much" to what others might call "the dark side" was quite the shift in my little world, which suddenly seemed to grow exponentially once I bought my first "alternative" album which was Garbage's self-titled debut. I started listening to angrier, edgier songs and just finding myself relating more towards music that just didn't sound the same as every chart-topping "hit" on mainstream radio. I guess that's when I started being able to pick out the "artists" from the crop of mass-produced pop-stars that, don't get me wrong, I still find entertaining and fun but not on that primal, raw human level.

    As I expected, this is turning into a manifesto and it doesn't need to be. Anyway, I noticed in the liner notes on the Garbage album that they acknowledged Trent Reznor. I'd heard the name, I heard "Closer" playing in some random deli, of all places, down the shore on what was probably the cashier's tape-deck or something because it was unedited and just completely grabbed me from the first verse. My best friend at the time had a friend who just gave away a bunch of CD's to him. I don't know the back story on why, but I know that The Downward Spiral was one of those CD's. I asked my friend why he didn't listen to it. I don't know that I much cared why so long as he gave it to me so I could try it on for size. He shrugged and let me take the CD home. What was initially a casual curiosity became a full-blown obsession, and once I got started, I had to hear EVERYTHING. Borrowed the cassette tape of PHM from a friend in my freshman class, kept it for most of the semester I'm sure and taped the tape and found myself even MORE crazy about the synthesizer-driven, slightly eighties electronic-feeling first LP. "Terrible Lie", "Ringfinger", "Sin", "Something I Can Never Have". I was hooked. Before I bore anyone else to death with my needlessly long story, let me just say that this is the first forum/message board I've ever taken part in. I have spent years lurking on a LOT of boards about a LOT of shit, but never actually got up the energy and effort to make a profile and post a post. So forgive me in advance if I've already gone out of bounds or broken any rules.

    So, the basics: Michael, 31, South Jersey, obsessed fan since '95 and still going just as hard. Thanks for the time, I hope to actually stick with this and post more than just this introduction post in the future. Have a great weekend.

  22. #472
    Join Date
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    Well hey there everyone, not sure how many of the old school people are on here still but my name is Jake....obviously.
    25 from St. Louis, have seen NIN live three times (twice in my hometown for the 2005 With Teeth Tour, 2008 Lights in the Sky Tour and in Kansas City for Wave Goodbye)

    ETS has so many great memories for me in the past since I originally joined in 2004. I was strangely hesitant to join up again since it came back because I was extremely attached to my old post count. Not that it was the greatest or anything, but ETS was a complete snapshot of my life for at least a good six years. I can remember everyone all talking about how excited we were for the Closure dvd when they released the teaser, discussing every little snapshot, the Hand the Feeds video, analyzing the hell out of With Teeth, writing how my first NIN show in 2005 was one of the greatest moments of my life, all the YZ talk, Ghosts, Slip, Wave Goodbye tour...everything! I loved all the debates and discussions about records me and my fellow members had and although it's sad to see it go, I'm looking forward to picking it back up again.

    My taste in music has grown, matured and adapted since almost ten years ago but the one thing that has stayed constant and never changed is how much Nine Inch Nails and Trent Reznor has meant to me. NIN will always be the band that got me into wanting to think about music differently and The Fragile is one of those records that changed my whole outlook on listening to a record. The way you could write music and be extremely layered about it.Looking forward to meeting all of you especially with all the exciting things coming our way soon.
    Last edited by thefragile_jake; 10-27-2012 at 11:36 PM.

  23. #473
    Join Date
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    Hello again ETS.

    My name's Ryan. I was a member of the old ETS about a year before it bit the dust, and I've lurked at the new one since the revival. Today was the day I changed that.

  24. #474
    Join Date
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    I joined ETS in November 2002. Ten years, man. It's been fun ride ever since thanks to all of you <3
    Edit* - seriously, it's also one year being on the new forum and only 12 posts? Good god, I suck!
    Last edited by perch; 11-03-2012 at 12:22 PM.

  25. #475
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    Hello ETS,

    Back after 4+ years of not being on ETS. Should be fun

    lets do this

  26. #476
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    fuck all of you.

    i followed this link after seeing a post about some lost coil NIN remix collection and i think i remember leviathant from somewhere... the board or some shit like that. there isn't a profanity filter on this bitch is there?

    i might know some other people on here, too.

    anyway. i'm here. you can all go home now, motherfuckers.

  27. #477
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    Wendy, is that you?

  28. #478
    Join Date
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    Hey folks, I finally made it back. I was away for over a year, and came back to find the old ETS gone! Believe it or not, I'm just learning about what happened now.

    On the old ETS, I was a member from about 2005 IIRC. I got deep into the YZ arg, helped decipher anything to do with audio clues (especially towards the end, figuring out the pieces of exhibit 24). I'm Resistance Network Member

    Besides that, I'm a long standing NIN fan, with the most complete collection of "things with Halo numbers" of anyone I know IRL (and all kinds of other rarities as well, obviously).

    Just listening to the An Omen EP this evening, and decided to check back into ETS, so hi!

  29. #479
    Join Date
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    deja vu
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    Have I been here before? Who are all You People?

  30. #480
    Join Date
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    Hello, I am planning to check in here frequently to see what Trent and others are up to; I am Crystal. Went to the BSF and it was
    depressing to see all members had left. Of course, I have not been here or there for the past 3 years, so it is nice to see this
    Forum up and running. Thanks, as always, to Leviathant for all of his hard work over the last decade and for the most recent

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