Ok so. Question. What in the FUCK is this?.

Is it easily debunked?

I don't believe that space aliens visit earth, although I think believing we are the only life in the universe is absurd and arrogant. But why would they come HERE, from light years away?

So, for me, that's out.

My first guess would be extremely bizarre government experiments (if it isn't a hoax.)

My second would be that it's a portal to a near dimension (if you believe such things exist. I don't exactly BELIEVE, but I wonder.)

The final thing would be actual skinwalkers.

I used to feel like the idea of skinwalkers was just fucking stupid.

But one night, I picked up a homeless Native kid (EDIT: to give him a place to stay for the night. Reading this back, that shit didn't sound right ) from the Ute tribe (which is where this ranch is.)

And he scared the SHIT out of me talking about skinwalkers. He 100% believes in them as do a lot of people in his tribe.

And the way he talked about it: you could hear the reverence and terror in his voice and see it in his eyes. He claimed to have SEEN the fucking things. (This came up because we had been talking about horror movies and I asked him if he had seen the Skinwalker Ranch movie, which he hadn't.)

THEN the motherfucker told me we had to stop talking about them because they would come find us.

I don't scare easy, but I've gotta be honest: his conviction on this fucking horrified me.

Still, I don't think this explanation is very likely.

SO: what do you guys think? Is this another Amityville style hoax, or.something more?