So i have another matter to discuss.

There are so many shows on these cable news channels.
They are packaged like news. They have graphics and anchors and all that shit; they are made to look like news and feel like news and we have taken to calling them news.

But they are NOT news; they are opinion shows. In like 99 i was at the junior college studying journalism and learning about objectivity and like the main fucking thing they drilled into my head is that "news" is supposed to just be facts.
And god DAMN, that sure isn't what they give us on the cable news channels.

I hate fox news, yes. Most of us can say that we hate fox news. I remember when Obama said, and i'm paraphrasing, that fox is not a news channel but a steaming pile of dog shit. He said something kind of like that and i'm sure most of us can relate.

But you know what i hate JUST AS MUCH? MSNBC. It's so obviously, ridiculously biased. It doesn't fucking matter if i AGREE with the bias.
I can't stand that shit.