Part 3 is probably my favorite part of the whole thing so far, but not without some reservations. You really want me to believe that Jimmy locked himself in his bathroom every day for a year trying to coax NIN off TVT, and that smarmy douche Steve Gottleib just eventually handed over Trent's contract to Interscope? Get real. I get that the guy is a workaholic and is very driven, but that would never happen in reality.

Speaking of smarmy douches, Puff Diddy makes my skin crawl and watching his ego practically fill the room he's being interviewed in just makes me want to smack him upside his big goofy head a couple dozen times.

On a more positive note, that intense montage of NIN, Manson and Tupac is fantastic, and the way they get in-depth about the whole East Coast – West Coast feud is killer, too..

I miss the 90s so much. Best decade ever, on so many different levels.