Yeah... I saw nine Fragility shows. It seemed pretty cool at the time, but things only got better when they started touring again in 2005. The LITS production was incredible. And then in the second-to-last show I attended, Nine Inch Nails performed The Downward Spiral in its entirety. The Fragility tour featured practically the same setlist every night, and an aesthetic that didn't really match the music that had been released. Everything they've done live since then has been so much more interesting, starting almost immediately, with the Still sessions.

It's funny, I remember standing in the field at Lollapalooza while NIN was performing, and the guy next to me says, "I hope they play more from With Teeth." It's easy to identify the album that came out when you became a fan as being the 'best' album or era. For many people, that's The Downward Spiral or The Fragile - but there are also a ton of people who excitedly joined up when With Teeth was released, and a whole slew of n00bs who came onboard with Year Zero & The Slip.