I think some people here are just hoping someone will give them a free FLAC download. I downloaded Deviations1, The Fragil DE, Broken DE, and TDS DE all in December. I used the codes that came in the vinyl, and I went to the websites that were listed on the card. I was able to access all the websites and download with no problems. In fact, I went back to those sites throughout the month of December to get WAVs as well. The websites expired at the end of 2019, so I doubt these is anywhere else to get them now. So I disagree that the files were intended to be pirated. There were some problems at the beginning with tracks missing, but all that was solved LONG ago and the files have been available since then and until 11 days ago. Most of us here that purchased the vinyl and wanted the digital files, got them. So stop pretending that you are a poor victim of circumstances. You had a couple of years. The files were available as of last month as promised. You snooze, you loose. End of story.