so, this is something I read a year ago and it gave me severe deja vu watching the last episode because I was like "why do I know what this is?"

Spoiler: There was ONE SCENE that Amazon said F**K NO, you have to cut. I couldn't quite understand why considering everything else we have in the show, but: Homelander, after being dressed down by Stilwell in episode 2, was standing on one of the Chrysler building Eagles. He pulled his pants down and started jerking off, mumbling "I can do whatever I want" over and over again until he climaxed all over New York City. We shot it! Oh my God, Anthony was the BEST in that scene. Amazon seemed to think it wasn't necessary. I thought it told me something about his psyche. To be clear, they've been great, that may have been the ONLY fight I lost in Season 1.