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Thread: The Brett Kavanaugh shitshow - ELECTION DAY IS NOVEMBER 6TH

  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    Throwing ice as a drunk 20 year old warrants discussion?

    I'm sure I don't need to remind you that this isn't the only thing he's been accused of that he's denying.

  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    I don't know shit about this trial,

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post

    I'm sure I don't need to remind you that this isn't the only thing he's been accused of that he's denying.
    Obviously. I'm just not seeing the connection between a teenager or a young adult throwing ice while being drunk and sexually assaulting someone. It's also rather sensationalist to conclude "general aggressiveness while being drunk" from that article. It is rather reaching.

    Now, if he regularly beat up people while being drunk, even at a young age, then that would be a concern for sure. Everyone had drunk fights here and there, but those who keep escalating things to that level every time are indeed... bad seed.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lt. Randazzo View Post
    Did I imply anything about either the accuser or the accused being wrong?

    I talked about the unhelpful nature of body language analysations recently and presented a video that discusses the same bullshit body language, except for the other party in this trial. I appreciate your year old memes, but maybe if you have an Administrator badge, you could try not misrepresenting me with a funny out of context quote which had nothing to do with what I eventually talked about.

    Then again, I'm an avid memer myself, so I can't be too mad about this.
    Last edited by Volband; 10-02-2018 at 07:40 AM.

  4. #124
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    again one of the big problems of the trump era is he's so divisive and political. that it's not taken seriously. this is one of the most important jobs in the country. we not only have a guy that has shitty allegations about his past. but lies about his character and actions that's not ok. personally i want to be off the grid until this administration is gone

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    You left an opening there for someone to make fun of you with that opening sentence and for sharing that goofy video. My "admin badge" doesn't mean I can't take the piss out of someone.

    Also, Brett Kavanaugh throwing ice at someone isn't the story here - it's that he's been accused of being drunk and belligerent to the point that it has helped shape him into an emotional, aggressive person and someone who isn't suited to receive a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court. This isn't a trial - it's a job interview, and this man isn't entitled to due process since his character and judgment is what has to be assessed here. A lot of people are getting those two things mixed up here.

  6. #126
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    I feel at this point it's almost a point of pride for the GOP to ram through the drunk rapist douchebro
    just like they backed Roy Moore and stand behind Jim Jordan

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    Everyone had drunk fights here and there,
    I haven't been in a fight since I was 10 years old, and I would expect that someone on the supreme court has never instigated a bar fight.

    Or at the very least, if they had, were honest about it and their drinking and taken ownership for the past behaviours.

    Kavanaugh is claiming innocence of all charges, the sexual assaults, the excessive drinking, the aggressive and violent behaviours. Honesty & Integrity is a requirement to sit on any court. Kavanaugh doesn't have it.

    Even if there was doubt about the sexual assaults, Kavanaugh doesn't have the integrity to sit on the supreme court.

  8. #128
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    good point, again i don't care if he drank, i do care that he lied under oath especially when being considered for the supreme court,look he integrity has been show to be flawed, next there are an literal ton of conservative judges without the sketchy past of kav look the people that supplied the list to trump even said, there was no ranking in the list they provided, lets have a new pick and let the midterms play out

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    I haven't been in a fight since I was 10 years old, and I would expect that someone on the supreme court has never instigated a bar fight.

    Or at the very least, if they had, were honest about it and their drinking and taken ownership for the past behaviours.

    Kavanaugh is claiming innocence of all charges, the sexual assaults, the excessive drinking, the aggressive and violent behaviours. Honesty & Integrity is a requirement to sit on any court. Kavanaugh doesn't have it.

    Even if there was doubt about the sexual assaults, Kavanaugh doesn't have the integrity to sit on the supreme court.
    What you say is not wrong, but the article quoted will and should not be the reason for him to be judged as an alcoholic or all around agressive fella. A drunk 20 year old who (allegedly - but let's just treat it as a fact, it's such a minor stuff) participated in a fight by throwing ice at someone is nothing exceptional, and should definitely not be a reason for someone to be uneligible to any position other than the chairman of People Who Have Never Thrown Ice At Someone Else association.

    Do you have any friends in the medical or law field? I do. I heard stories about how they party, and these people all ended up as doctors. It's such a silly statement that you don't want anyone who behaved like a young adult when they were young adults in a serious position, even if now they are in their fifties.

    Obviously there are crimes like sexual assault or treason which should instantly make you non-eligible for a majority of jobs, whether you commited them as a hothead youngster or a mature person; there are no excuse for those crimes.

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    It's such a silly statement that you don't want anyone who behaved like a young adult when they were young adults in a serious position, even if now they are in their fifties.
    This sounds dangerously close to "boys will be boys" which is used to excuse lots of different things.

    As a young adult I drank too much sometimes, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't be held accountable for that. I still did it.

    Kavanaugh is accused of doing much, much worse by lots of different people. And the stories all paint a picture that is much more consistent and credible than the one he's trying to paint of himself.

    He's got no place on the supreme court.

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    Do you have any friends in the medical or law field? I do. I heard stories about how they party, and these people all ended up as doctors. It's such a silly statement that you don't want anyone who behaved like a young adult when they were young adults in a serious position, even if now they are in their fifties.

    Obviously there are crimes like sexual assault or treason which should instantly make you non-eligible for a majority of jobs, whether you commited them as a hothead youngster or a mature person; there are no excuse for those crimes.
    So I'll say it again - even though Lindsey Graham wants to put on a show stating the contrary - this is a job interview for a LIFETIME appointment to the highest court in the land. If a doctor parties too hard and fucks something up, they can be sued for malpractice and lose their license to practice. If a lawyer parties too hard and is incapable of representing their client, they can be replaced and disbarred. That can happen at age 25, 30, 40, 60, etc.

    If someone is a judge, meaning they render opinions that shape judgments, they have to display a temperament in doing so. They can't be emotional or hotheaded or quick-tempered or hysterical or flat-out crazy. They can't be throwing drinks at someone that they mistook for the lead singer of a reggae band. They can't be sexually assaulting women and then render judgment controlling a woman's body and preventing a woman from their right to do what they want with their body. His behavior is a YOUNG ADULT can shape who he becomes as an adult and this man has displayed attitudes and behaviors showing that he's never learned from these mistakes and can't even bear taking responsibility for them. That's not someone who should be sitting on the Supreme Court.

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lt. Randazzo View Post
    So I'll say it again - even though Lindsey Graham wants to put on a show stating the contrary - this is a job interview for a LIFETIME appointment to the highest court in the land. If a doctor parties too hard and fucks something up, they can be sued for malpractice and lose their license to practice. If a lawyer parties too hard and is incapable of representing their client, they can be replaced and disbarred. That can happen at age 25, 30, 40, 60, etc.

    If someone is a judge, meaning they render opinions that shape judgments, they have to display a temperament in doing so. They can't be emotional or hotheaded or quick-tempered or hysterical or flat-out crazy. They can't be throwing drinks at someone that they mistook for the lead singer of a reggae band. They can't be sexually assaulting women and then render judgment controlling a woman's body and preventing a woman from their right to do what they want with their body. His behavior is a YOUNG ADULT can shape who he becomes as an adult and this man has displayed attitudes and behaviors showing that he's never learned from these mistakes and can't even bear taking responsibility for them. That's not someone who should be sitting on the Supreme Court.
    It was investigated by the police, and they let him go. We could say privilege, but unless you meet some real hard ass cops, they won't care about stuff like this. I had one incident with the police, where they caught our teenager asses drinking in public at night. They scared us shitless that we can start searching for other schools, etc, but they did nothing. I bet their laughed their asses off in the car - "we got 'em!"

    It would be laughable if someone would want to undermine my job applications by implying that if I defied the law at the age of 16 by consuming alcohol in public, then there is a good chance that I am an alcoholic. Like... whew. Obama smoked weed, and all I can think is that good for him, I don't care.

    The rest of your comment is obviously true. I don't think anyone needs convincing that if you sexually assault someone, then it's a big no-no, to express it in a childish language. Sexually assaulting others is not part of your average young people are stupid excuse, so of course, once/if he is found guilty in those other charges, then he should fail that job interview.
    Last edited by Volband; 10-02-2018 at 01:14 PM.

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    It would be laughable if someone would want to undermine my job applications by implying that if I defied the law at the age of 16 by consuming alcohol in public, then there is a good chance that I am an alcoholic. Like... whew. Obama smoked weed, and all I can think is that good for him, I don't care.
    Are you applying for a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court? Because the standards for that job are very different than the standards for other jobs.

    Also, have you also been accused of sexual assault by many women? Have you ever instigated a bar fight? Did you try to present yourself as a good little catholic and pretend that you didn't drink? Did you lie to the senate when they asked you direct questions about your behaviour during that process? Did you become angry and belligerent when the senators who are responsible for approving or denying your appointment asked you questions about the allegations?

    This false comparison that you're making up with yourself is really getting tired.

    The jobs you'd be applying for have lower standards than a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court. The things Kavanaugh is accused of are much more egregious than the things you've confessed to here.

    His demeanour alone should disqualify him from the supreme court.

  14. #134
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    I would say his obvious hyper-partisanship should've automatically disqualified him during his testimony. That was insane.

    Edited: Also, this article hits the nail on the head for me...
    Last edited by Kodiak33; 10-02-2018 at 02:16 PM.

  15. #135
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    not to put to fine a point on it, but i deal with very sensitive information, and certain clients i expect to dig deep into my past, if they don't how am i to expect to take them seriously, and therefor do my job seriously my last engagement was with a cc company who's name rhymes with Lisa, would fully expect them to run a credit report on me. if there was issue, i would hope they would contact me and give me the opportunity to explain. I tend to find people, that come of as angry and righteous are usually not being truthful especially people with privilege and power. how dare you question me!

  16. #136
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    The hyper-partisan aspect of Kavanaugh's testimony is exactly what should disqualify him, period. Tired of the bullshit.

    Can I see someone being devestated by false accusations? ABSOLUTELY. But to say this is a Clinton and liberal conspiracy over Donald fucking Trump in a hearing is a goddamned disgrace in the history of American government. There is no amount of hyperbole that can overshoot such bullshit from a potential justice spewed forth by a federal judge. Fuck him and fuck the GOP for entertaining this asshole.

    Does not matter what I or anyone should feel about the accusations. This shit is fracturing our society, much less government; and furthermore, the GOP does not care. There were 23 other conservative judges they could confirm. Yet they anchor themselves to this beligerent person who acts as if he is entitled to the position. No, you're not. Act like you should hold the position as a federal appeals judge, much less a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land. You want to proclaim a conspiracy? How about why Kavanaugh?. Here's one, protect absolute power by a party and this sham of a presidential administration, constitutional precedence be damned.

    Edit: This is personal but I am ashamed that I ever registered as a Republican on my 18th birthday. I had aligned myself to more responsible fiscal and financial government spending and a small government. Granted I have gained a more progressive attitude as I have evolved into my middle-aged years; however, the intrusive social engineering Republicans have sought the past 20 years is disgusting. That party is now dead to me. If ever there was an example of why, this sideshow circus is it.
    Last edited by pulse; 10-02-2018 at 04:32 PM.

  17. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by pulse View Post
    The hyper-partisan aspect of Kavanaugh's testimony is exactly what should disqualify him, period. Tired of the bullshit.

    Can I see someone being devestated by false accusations? ABSOLUTELY. But to say this is a Clinton and liberal conspiracy over Donald fucking Trump in a hearing is a goddamned disgrace in the history of American government. There is no amount of hyperbole that can overshoot such bullshit from a potential justice spewed forth by a federal judge. Fuck him and fuck the GOP for entertaining this asshole.

    Does not matter what I or anyone should feel about the accusations. This shit is fracturing our society, much less government; and furthermore, the GOP does not care. There were 23 other conservative judges they could confirm. Yet they anchor themselves to this beligerent person who acts as if he is entitled to the position. No, you're not. Act like you should hold the position as a federal appeals judge, much less a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land. You want to proclaim a conspiracy? How about why Kavanaugh?. Here's one, protect absolute power by a party and this sham of a presidential administration, constitutional precedence be damned.

    Edit: This is personal but I am ashamed that I ever registered as a Republican on my 18th birthday. I had aligned myself to more responsible fiscal and financial government spending and a small government. Granted I have gained a more progressive attitude as I have evolved into my middle-aged years; however, the intrusive social engineering Republicans have sought the past 20 years is disgusting. That party is now dead to me. If ever there was an example of why, this sideshow circus is it.
    awesome that your our willing to step up and admit your mistakes cheers to you. now take it to the next level, telll your friend and vote, and get your friends to vote as the prophet Dylan said, "the times they is a changing"the old white men in power are see in the sell by date for their bull shit approaching. this is their last stand. it's why they are so indigent and a angry. how dare you question me or my actions. they long for the times of mad men when their power was absolute. and women were no more than a nu-sense to be tolerated cook dinner and make babies

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by Louie_Cypher View Post
    old white men in power
    Thats kinda racist.

    they long for the times of mad men when their power was absolute. and women were no more than a nu-sense to be tolerated cook dinner and make babies

  19. #139
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    How many black men were unjustly lynched based on accusations by women?

    Be careful where this road goes.

  20. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by anduril View Post
    How many black men were unjustly lynched based on accusations by women?

    Be careful where this road goes.

  21. #141
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    the purest conservative endgame argument: “Why Brett Kavanaugh Should be Confirmed to the Supreme Court Even if He’s Guilty.”

  22. #142
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    I seriously wonder how many current and former Supreme Court justices would pass muster using the criteria being imposed upon Kavanaugh. Or how many current and former members of Congress would pass the test. If the bar is set high enough then nobody will get in.

  23. #143
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    Yeah, what an unreasonably high bar we're trying to set here: no history of rape or assault. So much for the tolerant left.

  24. #144
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    Do any current or former justices or congress critters have a history of alleged rape or assault when they were in high school or college? Should they be removed from their position if they do?

  25. #145
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    Quote Originally Posted by zero View Post
    Do any current or former justices or congress critters have a history of alleged rape or assault when they were in high school or college? Should they be removed from their position if they do?

  26. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lt. Randazzo View Post
    And history is destined to repeat itself. If great harm can be wrought upon an individual based upon unproven accusations, then we have failed as a tolerant society. Remember the witch trials? Due process is not perfect, but it does offer a modicum of protection for the innocent. I am simply flabbergasted with regards to the current polarized state of our country.

  27. #147
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    Quote Originally Posted by zero View Post
    I seriously wonder how many current and former Supreme Court justices would pass muster using the criteria being imposed upon Kavanaugh. Or how many current and former members of Congress would pass the test. If the bar is set high enough then nobody will get in.
    All of them? Only Thomas has had an accusation of sexual harrassment. Though that isn't kosher, nor should it not be any less scorned, harrassment is not assault.

    Did IQs suddenly drop with an outbreak of amnesia? We have had people step down in politics or lose appointment due to sexual misconduct even recently. I shouldn't even have to give examples. There's a plethora to google and choose from over the years however. Simply put, this is more than a temporary political seat. Again, for the 55927194 time. This is a lifetime appointment to SCOTUS and the candidate obviously has a problem with telling the truth. That may not be unusual for a poltician, but this is a position of higher standard and trust.

  28. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by zero View Post
    I seriously wonder how many current and former Supreme Court justices would pass muster using the criteria being imposed upon Kavanaugh. Or how many current and former members of Congress would pass the test. If the bar is set high enough then nobody will get in.
    You know what, you're right. We should just lower the bar instead of demand better of people. That's the American spirit!


    I for one would LOVE to see every politician who is guilty of something get called out for it, voted out over it, and replaced by someone who isn't a criminal shitbag.

  29. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    I for one would LOVE to see every politician who is guilty of something get called out for it, voted out over it, and replaced by someone who isn't a criminal shitbag.
    I agree with that, for the most part. Convicted of a sex crime would not earn my vote, but convicted of possession of weed I might let slide. But that's not my point. Crucifying someone based upon an unproven accusation is a slippery slope and is something to be avoided.

  30. #150
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    All these right wingers keep acting like all decency has gone out the window and the whole SCOTUS nomination process is nothing but partisan battles now, but the gaping hole in their argument is that Neil Gorsuch just got approved one year ago.

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