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Thread: Add Violence Back Cover...ARG?

  1. #601
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    I just want to chime in as a lurker, to tell you guys how awesome this is! Probably won't end up as yuuuuuge as YZ was back then (which I barely missed, dang!), but it's still exciting and scary as fuck at the same time. So yeah, keep up the good work!

    Also, here's hoping there will be ARG events where even the lurker masses like me can participate in one way another. I want to be killed the same way some of you got murdered during the YZ ARG!!! (context matters)

  2. #602
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    I just want to chime in as a lurker, to tell you guys how awesome this is! Probably won't end up as yuuuuuge as YZ was back then (which I barely missed, dang!), but it's still exciting and scary as fuck at the same time. So yeah, keep up the good work!

    Also, here's hoping there will be ARG events where even the lurker masses like me can participate in one way another. I want to be killed the same way some of you got murdered during the YZ ARG!!! (context matters)
    We are currently all getting 'killed' by the NIN shop fulfilment

  3. #603
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    The machine reminds me a little of my old Rotel amplifier, which I only very recently decommissioned

  4. #604
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    Quote Originally Posted by theNewYou View Post

    I strongly believe that there will be a virtual reality aspect to all of this.
    This would be awesome.

  5. #605
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    Is it just me or does redirect straight to

  6. #606
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    Can't wait to see what you lucky buggers find out at the show tomorrow! Please report back for us that aren't even in the same continent as this awesomeness!

  7. #607
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    In the year zero video on the page above from 42 entertainment - is a great summary of the YZ ARG for those us us who were not part of the last one .... and "It all started with a T-Shirt", so attendees tonight need to merch themselves up!

  8. #608
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    Quote Originally Posted by afors View Post
    Is it just me or does redirect straight to
    Well isn't it the case for EVERY pages from the 2007 ARG ? What's new ?

  9. #609
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninjaw View Post
    Well isn't it the case for EVERY pages from the 2007 ARG ? What's new ?
    Almost all of the domains used in the YZ arg redirect to 42entertainment. Some are just dead.
    However, the new drug (that wasn't part of the YZ-arg) got a website at but it's still empty (redirecting to godaddy-domainparking) but we can probably expect something to be up there in the future.

  10. #610
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninjaw View Post
    Well isn't it the case for EVERY pages from the 2007 ARG ? What's new ?
    Just expecting it to come to life again?

  11. #611
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    Quote Originally Posted by afors View Post
    Just expecting it to come to life again?
    You're right, it could be. However so far I'm not really sure we are dealing with a full ARG

  12. #612
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sesquipedalism View Post
    NOTE: I copied this from the "This Isn't the Place" thread since I started to diverge from the song itself into general ARG territory.

    I sort of take the lyric "I thought we had more time" as a meditation on the fact that, when Year Zero was released a decade ago, though things looked rather grim, they didn't look this grim.

    Now we actually have people really pitching the creche schools that were part of the fictional ARG; there's really a "Syria - before and after" (from the comic exhibit, I think); the U.S. president wants to demolish pretty much any and all climate protections; he and a large number of people who believe in him want to build a wall between countries and dole out the kind of tax cuts that would make this not so much an interesting artistic depiction of an idea as a sad rendering of a reality; there's a huge rise of quasi-fascist movements around Europe...

    Year Zero was supposed to be a work of speculative fiction. It seems far less speculative just ten years later. I'll bet he, as author, thought we had more time before his speculative fiction became less outlandish and something more akin to next year's journalism. I did, too.

    I know it's not truly Year Zero-level bad yet ain't exactly lookin' good.

    The idea I'm getting so far (which is admittedly based on little) is that maybe Year Zero was the event being simulated. Thus the happy ending that's...implausible and based on a form of time travel, the reset button with all the fingerprint smudges next to it on the "K" box, the mods on the "K" box for The Presence. And perhaps this, today, our world which he's starting to/will later this year depict is the beginning of the end/the actual events.

    Or maybe it's just another round of simulation where the knobs have been tweaked. Depends on how fictional we want to go here. But the part of me that always wants to vote Occam's Razor is leaning towards Year Zero being the sim.

    Or hell, maybe this is a straight-up sequel, and one of the people from the Year Zero sim ("Dear World": Yes, everyone seems to be asleep; "The Idea of You": None of this [wake] is happening; "Burning Bright": Break through the surface and breathe; &c.) is starting to realize he/she/they are embroiled in something other than reality.

    Like I said: Not a ton to go on, but some fun ideas to think about in the interim.
    (Bold text, my emphais)

    Zero Sum's lyrics "and all we ever were, just zeros and ones" fits this idea. Zeros and ones being standard binary code.
    Last edited by izo; 07-19-2017 at 07:21 AM. Reason: spacing

  13. #613
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    I'm with @ninjaw . I don't think it's another ARG. If only because merely rehashing a ten-year old concept would go completely against the way Trent operates as an artist.

    There's little doubt we're back in the Year Zero world, though, but it seems there's more of a meta thing going on. I'm looking forward to hearing if the Bakersfield concert offers any clues about what's going to happen.

  14. #614
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    I was also on the the train of thinking that this was not a full on ARG up until yesterday. It was pointed out that the video for This Isn't The Place credits the higher ups at 42 Entertainment. Even now as i type this i still can't decide and keep going back and forth on determining what we are truly dealing with.

    To this point can someone direct me to where these people from 42 Entertainment are credited. I cannot seem to find where the credits are for the video, knowing me it's right in front of my face and i'm just not paying attention. Thanks in advance.

  15. #615
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fadeout54321 View Post
    I was also on the the train of thinking that this was not a full on ARG up until yesterday. It was pointed out that the video for This Isn't The Place credits the higher ups at 42 Entertainment. Even now as i type this i still can't decide and keep going back and forth on determining what we are truly dealing with.

    To this point can someone direct me to where these people from 42 Entertainment are credited. I cannot seem to find where the credits are for the video, knowing me it's right in front of my face and i'm just not paying attention. Thanks in advance.
    The video for THIS ISN'T THE PLACE was directed by Alex Lieu, Chief Creative Officer of 42 Entertainment. Susan Bonds, Chief Executive Officer, is listed as a producer. Here is a screen shot of the youtube video description section and a respective google search of their two names.

  16. #616
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    I'm thinking this is just an EP, maybe three, obviously we know there is a plan to re-live it by creating new content into the old arg (the new drug) but ... what we've got already seems already big enough for this EP. Well... it's Trent, we know he can spend a lot of money if it deserves what he wants, so why not ? But ... obviously the PC is just schematics... and I don't see how that could lead to more stuff... except the third EP.

  17. #617
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    Have we talked about the markings on both albums looking a lot like the markings on the gauge/dial? Maybe the gap is significant?

  18. #618
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    Awesome thank you! For some reason i didnt see you could expand that section below the video. I see it now on the You Tube page. Appreciate it!

    Quote Originally Posted by izo View Post
    The video for THIS ISN'T THE PLACE was directed by Alex Lieu, Chief Creative Officer of 42 Entertainment. Susan Bonds, Chief Executive Officer, is listed as a producer. Here is a screen shot of the youtube video description section and a respective google search of their two names.

  19. #619
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fred View Post
    I'm with @ninjaw. I don't think it's another ARG. If only because merely rehashing a ten-year old concept would go completely against the way Trent operates as an artist.

    There's little doubt we're back in the Year Zero world, though, but it seems there's more of a meta thing going on. I'm looking forward to hearing if the Bakersfield concert offers any clues about what's going to happen.
    I'm skeptical too. But someone brought up the VR aspect...maybe that's how Nassal is involved: consulting with a virtual world and not a physical one. Who knows.

    I'll be interested to see what tonight's show brings, even if it's just the potential setlist and nothing else.

  20. #620
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    Just noticed that the description of NTAE in the discography on says, "SO-FAR-BEHIND-THE-TIMES-IT’S-AHEAD-OF-ITS-TIME" - looking back this might of been our first hint that this was tied to the YZ universe (an album from the past, but set in the future).

  21. #621
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    Just thought I'd look at those other credits on the This Isn't The Place video. This article came up for Church Lieu:
    He is described as a philosophy student and speculative fiction writer. Guessing maybe he has something to do with Alex Lieu of 42 Entertainment, but still, it might be of interest somewhere along the line. Couldn't help notice that this article mentions the 'Beginning of the End' too.
    Not sure how The Nassal Company might fit in though. 'Top Theme Park and Exhibit Fabrication'. Is there going to be a Year Zero theme park? Awesome. Maybe this has some connection to that props store though. Probably reading too much into it, but I can't help think of Westworld and the like. *shrugs*

    I'm now imagining Trent looking at the internet going 'you fools, you've missed loads of obvious clues! I knew they were all morons...'
    Last edited by ChipRock; 07-19-2017 at 09:04 AM.

  22. #622
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrokenSpiral View Post
    Have we talked about the markings on both albums looking a lot like the markings on the gauge/dial? Maybe the gap is significant?

    I copied the NTAE and ADD VIOLENCE album images from's store listing, cropped and rotated so the markings are facing the same direction as the gauge. Make of it what you will. I do believe the markings on the EP covers matching the gauge markings is important. Unsure how they are connected or how exactly they should match/line up.

  23. #623
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fred View Post
    I'm with @ninjaw. I don't think it's another ARG. If only because merely rehashing a ten-year old concept would go completely against the way Trent operates as an artist.

    There's little doubt we're back in the Year Zero world, though, but it seems there's more of a meta thing going on. I'm looking forward to hearing if the Bakersfield concert offers any clues about what's going to happen.
    It might not be the same experience that we had with Year Zero, but I can't imagine that we'd be shown the album cover and told it was important if it didn't lead to something. I'm hoping something happens today to crack this bitch wide open, because it is my birthday and I'm old and I need this.

  24. #624
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jughead View Post
    Fucking right it is. This as well as well as the no mans sky arg has my butthole wet with excitment Going of what sick said I can't help but think of
    When I saw the Cedocore packet in the video yesterday, I immediately got the tingly-tightness in my chest that I very strongly remember from the YZ ARG. I've been waiting ten damn years for this, and I can't explain how excited it makes me (or my heart meds aren't working anymore, one of the two). Very glad to share this with all of you fine individuals. Here we go!!

  25. #625
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    Seeing the panel of this machine from Less Than suddenly makes Zero-Sum have more meaning, at least to me

  26. #626
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrFaust View Post
    Seeing the panel of this machine from Less Than suddenly makes Zero-Sum have more meaning, at least to me
    "and all we ever were, just zeros and ones"

  27. #627
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    Yesterday was my birthday and that reveal in the TITP video (not to mention the song itself, which is BONKERS good...) was the best gift I never expected. The Year Zero ARG meant a lot to me and still does. YZ itself came out the week I found out my mother had cancer, and it gave me something to focus on during a very rough time. Sentimentality aside, though, I've been bummed in recent years that it's nearly impossible to explain to my friends who weren't there how special the whole experience was on a "new media" level. No ARG has come close for me, since, perhaps because the medium of music/imagery/politics Trent brought to the table was so potent.

    Anyway... even if it does end up that this is more "allusion" than "part two", I just wanted to say it feels good to be back on here with you fine people. Seeing the 24.xx.x.xxxx numbers of others show up is giving me an emotion, man.

    Regardless, the meta implication that YZ itself was a simulation is currently blowing my mind because it puts so much in perspective about the original storyline.

  28. #628
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    Couple things i thought of...Trent did say the EP is coming out before the first shows, so maybe we'll get a surprise release before the show today? And I'm really hoping all this ARG may lead to some "extra" music being found or released. That would be awesome. I don't know what else the endgame of the ARG could be or maybe I'm just being hopeful...

  29. #629
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrFaust View Post
    Seeing the panel of this machine from Less Than suddenly makes Zero-Sum have more meaning, at least to me
    I've found Zero Sum has a lot of parallels with NTAE especially Branches/Bones and now TITP

  30. #630
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    I haven't been on ETS since shortly after the YZ ARG ended. As soon as I can the video yesterday, I just knew this trilogy of EP's had to be YZ related and got goosebumps of the ARG continuing. I started having visions of AIR v2

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