Maybe I'm way off on all this but...For a while now I've had this theory that whoever comes after Trump will represent, in some form or another, a sort of "return to order."

I've just been thinking about the way that this exact scenario has played out in the past, albeit usually on the Republican side of things. For example, Nixon was chosen as a kind of "law and order" candidate (which is ironic in retrospect) because people were bothered by all the crazy shit that was going on through the '60s, all the protesting, the race riots, etc. He was, at least in the minds of his supporters, meant to come in and calm that shit down and restore order.

So I've just kind of been wondering if something like that will play out, only this time the "chaos" will be on the Republican side, with Trump's insanity, the Nazi marches, the Russia shit, the constant turn over rate of the WH staff, etc. There is this general sense that our government has gone crazy, so I just wonder if our next candidate will win by selling themselves as the antidote to all the insanity.

I could be wrong of course. It's just a thought I had, and not necessarily something I'm happy about, as I suspect that such a dynamic would favor the less radical candidates.