I guess I never introduced myself here, so here I go. I'm pretty new.

29. Data Warehouse/Business Analytics professional. Just finished part-time grad school. Recently divorced. I like to write and am actually working on something NTAE/AV inspired... if anyone is interested...

I love a lot of music. I've been a casual NIN fan since the mid 2000s, had downloaded the albums, owned a NIN hoodie.. I was a bit of a Trent fangirl though, as lame as that is. I loved The Social Network score. Then I went to Riotfest. I was pretty excited they were on the bill, but had no expectations. And now here I am. I find it odd that I didn't get obsessed with NIN considering how much I like David Fincher, David Lynch...But rediscovering it has definitely been an experience, especially when listening to The Fragile, an album I hadn't listened to.

Other music I like : Coheed and Cambria, Glassjaw, At the Drive-In