Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
It's ok dude. I wasn't expecting you to back yourself up with solid data. My point was that your data is heavily flawed. I already explained why. Do tell me about elementary school while trying to make your point with pictures again!
You said that I should look at the rates, not absolute numbers. Ok, give me the rates (I'm sure you have them next to your Glock and bible - I'll wait for you to get them.)

Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
Your views of "home defense" are insanely lacking. A "warning shot"?!?! You must know very little about gun laws. Ironic, considering you seem to want more of them. You do not brandish a gun (or fire it for that matter) unless you are going to kill someone. Intent to kill someone in self-defense has a very strict set of requirements. Otherwise, you land in jail. If you feel a "warning shot" is sufficient (compared to killing) means you do NOT meet the requirements. Your dumb ass would be in jail in most states. :lol: You must also have no idea that you are responsible for EVERY bullet you fire. Bullets go far. "Warning shot" is more like "I accidentally shot someone that I didn't intend."
If someone breaks into your home I don't think you're gonna be worrying about breaking gun laws. If you have to worry about every legality levied on firing a gun in a time of survival, why have one in the first place?

Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
wow... Please do tell me more about your expert view in home defense! You are basically a text generator for this thing http://www.quickmeme.com/Condescending-Wonka/
There's this cool website called Reddit that might be more your speed. Go back to the kid table and leave the adults to their discussion.