Yes 2015 is coming soon enough.

Quebec mainly voted for Layton and not the NDP per say. I know a bunch of people who voted NDP and when questioned about their program, no one knew what the NPD really stood for.
To be quite honest, I'm still not sure what the NDP is all about on the federal level. They seem to switch stance according to public opinion.

I am not sure if Trudeau will be able to charm Quebecers, his father was not a popular figure with most Quebecers. If Trudeau wants the vote, he needs to do it by convincing Quebec that their only way to get rid of the Conservatives is to vote Liberal. That the votes from Quebec will bring them over the Torries but it won't cut it if they vote NDP. That's the strategy he needs to adopt.

Latest polls in Quebec have both the Liberals and the NDP at 34%, Bloc is at 17% and Torries are trailing at 12%.

I absolutely hate the Torries' foreign policies. We used to be a nation that was focus on peace missions and open dialogues. Not the case anymore.
I completely disagree with Bill C-10.
I disagree with the way the Torries are passing legislation through Omnibus bill, which I believe is unconstitutional.
How many times did the Supreme Court reversed decisions made by Harper and its party? Too many.
Time to go buh-bye as far as I am concerned.

Problem is that I just don't think Trudeau is ready to be PM. Can you imagine Trudeau and Putin talking about Ukraine? I can't.