I tend to favour hybrids; current strains I'm using:

- Staw Dawg 30% indica / 70% sativa
- Tangerine Dream 30% indica / 70% sativa
- Low Coast OG 80% indica / 20% sativa

I use these via a mains powered vapouriser - the Storz and Bickle 'Plenty' (link)

I also tend to blend whatever I'm using with a high CBD (~20%) hemp. The combination of high THC and high CBD is really, really nice - a combination of feeling very high but also completely compos mentis and on top of everything. It's also a touch more psychedelic.

The high CBD stuff is also very nice on its own (a world away from any CBD oils and extracts).

Once it's been through the vapouriser I keep what's left in a separate container and after a few sessions there's enough for a very pleasant edible dose.

I usually use the vapouriser just once a week - Saturday evenings in front of the stereo - I use it to decompress after a week of work and parenting.