So, most of my gear's in storage, or at least packed away in the second bedroom. I have been extraordinarily busy at work. The whole theater-building thing is kind of on pause, but there's a lot of dull administrative crap going on there too. There's just plain a lot going on right now. I had set up a little spot upstairs where I had my Sub 37, Tempest, and Zoom R16, with the intent of doing some minimal electronic stuff without any computers (using the Zoom as a tape deck, basically), and a few months ago, when I sat down to get started, I discovered that my Sub 37 had an issue with the cutoff knob, so I sent the controller card off to get fixed, and pushed off to the next thing.

As a reaction, I decided to go all-in-the-box for my next exercise. I have about a year's worth of rehearsals with Warfilm recorded in 8 channel multitrack format. I spent a day or two going through most of them and finding notably weird noises... sometimes as simple as plugging a guitar in. In one case, an amp was slowly dying while Lance played his gutar. Nate has a bunch of handmade effects units and they make amazing, nonmusical noises.

So I took all that into Reaper, cut and pasted it into little bits, and arranged it around a set of samples from . A friend & coworker was playing the clip one night, and I sympathized with the sentiment. And I started thinking about making an aggressive, noisy house for those samples to live in - 95% samples from Warfilm recordings, the rest from my Tempest. That's how Stabilize into Equilibria came into being. And as usual, here's a screenshot of the Reaper session - 42 channels total on this one. Kinda nuts. It could be mixed better, there's a lot going on. But I'd rather just get it out for now.