I've never really listened to them but that sounds like a good read.
Quote Originally Posted by Highly Psychological View Post
You get autobiographies where it seems somewhat glamorous but this guys journey sounded hardcore.
After I got through Scar Tissue I was astounded Anthony was alive long enough to even join the band. He snorted a line of heroin when he was like 14 years old, thinking it was cocaine. I knew he was heavy into drugs for a while before reading but I had no idea he ever got into it so early or that it went on right into the 2000s. I might have to add that Meat Puppets book to my reading list, I find it really cool knowing about a band before getting into them. My parents got me Slash's autobiography for Christmas a few years ago and I really dug into GnR after I read that, and it was so cool hearing some of those songs for the first time, know what they were going through when they wrote them almost made me feel like I was there in the studio with them.