Today is my first day on EtS. So "hi" and all that!

I was a pretty devoted fan as a teenager and college student, but I sort of stopped following NIN around the time Year Zero was released (YZ was great, but I was going through my Indie/Folk phase so that's all I listened to for years). About a year ago I decided to dial back in and see what Reznor had been up to musically, and I was pretty excited to hear the direction the music had gone since I fell off. I've been playing the best game of catch-up ever over the last 12 months. This place gets mentioned a lot on the NIN subreddit, so I figured I should come check it out.

I'm really excited to see the show in Memphis this year. The last time I saw NIN live was during With Teeth, which I'm kind of shocked to do the math and realize that was eleven years ago.