i'm still processing my feelings from last night. talk about epic. i finally saw 90s nin, but like new and improved 90s nin. trent sounded amazing and had so much energy, and robin is hot hot fire. i couldn't get there early, though, and wound up in the back near a pocket of extremely aggro dudes. a fight was on the verge of breaking out between two people directly in front of me within the first minute of terrible lie. (like, two guys were passing each other and the next second one of them had the other pinned by the neck up against a pillar.) it was fucking intense, and weird. that energy was very present through the whole show. i know a lot of people get off on that shit, but i don't. none of that could take away from how amazing the band looked, sounded, and felt, though.

the lighting on this tour has been so great. sin and help me i am in hell looked and sounded beautiful. it was so special to hear now i'm nothing. and a warm place made me fucking weep. i can't wait to see what they do they next three nights.