Does anybody have the old spiral fan videos from the 2005 With_Teeth tour?

I've had a couple computers crash on me over the years, but i've always managed to save my hard-drives. I bought an old school USB HD shell that's compatible with the old 3.5" Hard-drives they had in the 90s. I plugged it in and found these videos, and other old school goodies. However my girlfriend was bothering me to go to get ready for a "christmas party" and told me to "transfer my files later". I mistakingly turned off the USB connector, not thinking anything of it, when I returned later that night, i found that my computer would no longer recoginze the device... Needless to say, I was pretty goddamn angry.

I saw that I had these videos, and I got excited, remembered how classic they were and wanted to edit them all together in a giant "with_teeth" closure type tour documentary... but now I can't seem to find any remains of these videos online, and with the spiral being shut down, i am afraid these gems are lost in the NIN archive forever!