well, he totally seems like it based on the trailer for next week. And the show's writers have professed a love for Lost.

I don't have any problem with Dale dying, but i DO have a problem with the continued hackneyed reliance on these Navy SEAL zombies. These things are loud, belligerent creatures. One snuck up on Lori two episodes back. Tonight, one sneaks up on Dale. Tonight's was even worse, b/c Dale sees this cow with all its guts laid out, as the zombie clearly was eating it. Why would it all of a sudden leave a ton of entrails and just wander around? it would still be devouring the cow at that point. Both aspects of the Dale attack are totally unbelievable and take me out of the scene. Dale would have heard one of those things walking, grunting and moaning waaaay before it came up on him. it's silly. Yes, we have suspended our disbelief to go along with the premise of the show...but beyodn that, keep it realistic, and not so HOLLYWOOOOOOD. I hate when the comic does it as well, but they rely on it much less than the show, and it can be masked better on paper too. find a better way for Dale to get attacked...don't rely on silly Hollywood cliches.

I DID like how it ripped Dale open though. A little different...glad they're not always just gonna try and bite someone, but use their hands to attack too.

I assume Andrea is going to become likeable at some point. It will be a shame if they don;t change her drastically. It's bad enough that almost every other character is unlikeable.