Yes, the bridge fell. Yes, the Republicans are blaming it on...diversity? But also yes: David Simon gives no fucks about decorum at this time.

‘The Wire' Creator David Simon Rips Into Baltimore Bridge Conspiracists, Calls Marjorie Taylor Greene A "Complete Submoronic Pratfall Of A Human Being'

choice quotes:

Simon, a reporter for the Baltimore Sun before creating Homicide: Life On The Street, reserved a special ire for Marjorie Taylor Greene, calling the rumor-mongering congresswoman a “complete submoronic pratfall of a human being.”

“Are you intentional or just an accident?,” Simon asked Greene in a post on X/Twitter after the Republican asked about the cargo ship’s crash into the bridge, “Is this an intentional attack or an accident?”
When another poster asked, “Isn’t it possible that this was a deliberate terrorist attack rather than a tragic accident?,” Simon retorted, “It’s possible that you’re a useless shitheel rando on an internet hellsite speculating wildly and without regard to what is already known by authorities in Baltimore. Quick, have someone fund your podcast. You’ll go far.”
To Anthony Sabatini, the former Florida congressman who wrote “DEI did this” – referring to diversity, equity and inclusion – Simon took no prisoners. “Your mother did you, but after a hard life of service on a truck-stop lot, can we really hold her loosened, battered womb responsible for dropping you head-first on the Winnebago floor and burdening our society with another empty, racist demagogue thereafter? We cannot.”