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Thread: The Flash!

  1. #31
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    Who is stoked for the The Flash crossing over with SUPERGIRL?!

  2. #32
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    Just started watching Supergirl (six eps in), and it's pretty cool. Crossover would be pretty cool as well.

  3. #33
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    I want a replica of Zoom's mask on my shelf.

  4. #34
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    I love The Flash. This season has been on a roll.
    Legends of Tomorrow has been great so far. Vandal Savage is one of my favorite villains. I'm also amazed by the causative nature of time travel. But that's another story.

    Arrow has been much better this season than last. I'm still in on it.

    And Supergirl was super slow but when the Hank Henshaw storyline is revealed it really picks up.

    Can we change the title of this thread to something like "DC Television Universe?" Maybe something else. But pull them all into one?
    Last edited by RJK; 02-16-2016 at 10:56 AM.

  5. #35
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    I'm going to guess that the guy in the iron mask is the real Jay Garrick.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    I'm going to guess that the guy in the iron mask is the real Jay Garrick.
    I thought the same thing, but who is the Jay on Earth 1?????

  7. #37
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    Well if I say I might spoil the season.

  8. #38
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    The end of this episode of The Flash!!!

  9. #39
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    well played Conan...well played. It seems pretty obvious to me that the man in the mask in Zoom's prison is Barry's dad. Which Earth he's from is another story.

    Loved the easter eggs in the spacetime jump from Earth 1 to Earth 2 a few episodes back...Supergirl, Grodd, Legion stuff & a shot of the actor who plays Barry's dad from the original Flash series...which lends credence to the theory of him showing up as some sort of speedster again at some point.

  10. #40
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    I was still somewhat hoping it'd be Tony Todd under the mask just because he has KILLED IT as the voice for Zoom. Oh man i cannot get tired of hearing that voice haha so good.

  11. #41
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    Season is humming along nicely. Last week's episode was just ok though. The time travel & backtracking through old, tired storylines didn't do anything for me. Def. curious about Zoom in two weeks as it looks like we'll get more info.

    Anyone catch the crossover with Supergirl? It had its moments, but it did nothing to convince me to watch Supergirl. It's even more earnest, corny and safe than Flash. Flash was great on it overall I thought. #1 annoyance with any of these shows though is the nonsensical plot device they use where the hero catches up with the villain, and they stop to talk before fighting. Both Supergirl & Flash could roll up on theor bad guys and kick the shit out of them before they know what hit em. I know I know...then we wouldn't have a series. Well, get more creative and realistic with your writing!

  12. #42
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    I dug the crossover my only nitpick was that they had to go the parallel universe route or whatever you call it. I mean i get why.... because it kind of explains away the fact that nobody on either Flash or Arrow (Legends of Tomorrow as well i guess) had ever thought of mentioning her before. In Supergirl's world Superman also exists and those other shows would have to be pretty ignorant not to have ever even referenced something they were involved with or whatever, that's one thing i like about the street level Marvel heroes on Netflix, the awareness of what happened in The Avengers movies and what not is so fucking cool.

    Loved the CW joke from Cat Grant.

    As far as recent Flash developments man when will Barry ever learn not to fuck with time? lol always fucks something up.

  13. #43
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    So, about the finale...

  14. #44
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    I knew the iron masked guy once a hint was dropped a few weeks ago. But that ending though. Holy shit flashpoint?

  15. #45
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    I thought the masked man reveal was kinda lame, but not the end of world. Kinda funny though considering he was the flash of the 90s (which flopped). Even the lady from mercury labs was in it. Cool finale though. Hopefully this ending means we don't lose Wells.

  16. #46
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    ~skips entire thread~

    I'm a HUGE fan of Kevin Smith and recently had access to Netflix so, prompted by his infamous crying-jag, I watched all of Season One in a hurry after skipping all of "Arrow" and most of "Legends of Tomorrow," which I also only watched thanks to his suggestion.

    I especially liked the stuff with The Atom but didn't really care for much else about the spin-off, but "The Flash" itself met almost ALL of my expectations and even exceeded a few despite the obvious handicap of the CW production and weak-ass casting. Which is REALLY saying something, because that's NO mean feat.

    And speaking of mean feet, it really is a shame that what's-his-face who plays Barry Allen won't be the DCEU Flash, because he's EASILY the most solid, naturalistic actor of the bunch. The rest might be holding him back but HE is ready to go, otherwise. With the obvious GIMME of the Crisis on Infinite Earths storyline it's too bad they haven't exploited it fully to pick and choose between the best of both/all worlds and to help trail the MCU more closely while taking advantage of proven successes. Maybe someday?

    Anyway, as luck would have it, I had weed and booze but no access to a TV when Kevin Smith's episode finally aired. Bah!

    Reallllly looking forward to that one!

    In the meantime, I'm SUPER glad to hear he's directing at least one episode again for S3, with the same writer, crew, etc.

    Can't wait to close the distance and play catch-up!

    So so to speak.

    ~exits thread till then~

  17. #47
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    What did everyone think of the Invasion crossover? As is always for non-teenage girls that are fans of these shows with a working brain, there was some good and some bad. Overall I think it was a success & certainly worth building on for a future crossover next season.

    - You didn't need to watch the Supergirl episode AT ALL. They literally repeated the only parts of it that had to with the crossover at the beginning of the Flash episode. This was my first episode of Supergirl and aside from the charismatic portrayal of Supergirl from the lead, the rest of the show was WAY too CW for me. It's also annoying to me that Arrow, Supergirl & Flash all have the same templates with the support group backing up the hero.

    - The Arrow episode was good (and I don't normally watch that show either) but was largely just a way to save money on effects. By putting them plot as a mind control thing, it saved them from having to show more of the Dominators.

    - The Flash & LoT episodes were the essential ones and were action packed. Eespcially the big finale in LoT. Although again, it was so forced for Arrow to tell Supergirl to stay back. That made literally no sense. They only did it b/c Supergirl is so powerfull she would defeat the enemy no problem. Maybe instead, they could have written the villains as more difficult to beat. Instead they were just lazy & didn't want to think around a way to use Supergirl. This goes hand in hand with the lazy writing on FLash where the only way he can be defeated is for him to illogically not use his speed in the middle of a fight.

    - The Flash/Supergirl team-ups are great. They have perfect chemistry and the combo tactics they used were awesome.

    - The costumes almost all hit the mark. Dunno about that Wild Dog one though. And whats up with that absurd helmet that Diggle wears? Do all black characters on these shows that get into fights/have powers have to wear helmets for some reason?

    - Ray Palmer's line about Supergirl looking like his cousin was BRILLIANT.

    - Felicity is annoying as hell man. Dunno how you Arrow people do it every week. She is just a one-liner machine, not a well-conceived character like she used to be.

    - Can we please move past Flash feeling guilty about the timeline now please?

    - Loved the Civil War-esque fight scenes involving all the characters.

  18. #48
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    Yeah that kind of annoyed me how they billed the episode of Supergirl as part of the crossover, it BARELY was and obviously like you said.. it was recapped in Flash anyways.

    It just felt like a bait and switch to get them some more ratings.

    Arrow, well... it was their 100th episode and i can understand them wanting to celebrate their show. I can give it a pass for how they were able to do what they did but it just makes me wonder why they couldn't have just worked in the crossover so that it wasn't going to fall on their 100th ep, maybe they could have gone balls out but like you said they probably also had budget to consider.

    Flash and Legends, def the best ones.

  19. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    Arrow, well... it was their 100th episode and i can understand them wanting to celebrate their show. I can give it a pass for how they were able to do what they did but it just makes me wonder why they couldn't have just worked in the crossover so that it wasn't going to fall on their 100th ep, maybe they could have gone balls out but like you said they probably also had budget to consider.
    Exactly. I liked the episode too, but the 100th shouldnt have conflicted with the crossover then.

  20. #50
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    The Flash!

    I watch supergirl because when it gets comic, boy it gets fucking comic. The rest of is about girly. But it is a show called supergirl so I deal with it.

    I am behind on legends, left off about half way through season 1 and saw that hawk girl was not part of the crossover. Guess I'll have to watch it now.

    The Flash is the best show of the tv universe.

    I'm glad Cisco has stopped being such a bitch to Barry and can continue being the Cisco we all love. And I hope they address flashpoint more this season. It's a big deal in the flash universe and to just leave it alone would suck.

    And it's a shame berlantie didn't use flashpoint as an excuse to fix arrow and bring it back to its glory. After season 2 that show has gone downhill. Fuck that fan girl base of that show.
    Last edited by Conan The Barbarian; 12-05-2016 at 07:36 PM.

  21. #51
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    You will be pleasantly surprised about Hawkgirl in general then @Conan The Barbarian

  22. #52
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    This season sucks. I cannot STAND the contrived reasons to put issues between Barry & Iris, and it's really lame that they keep going back to it. Just let them be a happy couple & find relationship drama somewhere else on this silly show. Plus it makes everyone hate Iris again, which I'm not sure the show wants.

    If next season doesn't have a non-speedster as the primary villain, I will probably stop watching. We keep going in circles here despite how many good villains they've given us. Look at Grodd for example. That was the only good set of episodes this season other than the big crossover, which had a ton of problems but overall was fun and a good first try.

    Get Malfoy off this show please. His character is annoying and serves no purpose other than giving the other chick someone to potentially bone. Plus, the size of the group is getting absurd now.

    Still better than Legends, which is laughably, cringeworthy awful. At least there are alot of different DC characters on it, and they will give us new ones every few episodes too. The villains are SO uninteresting on this.

  23. #53
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    The Flash!

    Well, your wish is granted as next year is not a speedster.

    I agree, the season hasn't sucked to bad, but it's not as good as the last two that's for sure.
    Last edited by Conan The Barbarian; 03-27-2017 at 12:15 PM.

  24. #54
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    I don't think it sucks. But yeah, it's gone off the rails a bit. Better than what Arrow has become.

  25. #55
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    This past episode was fucking awesome.

  26. #56
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    Only halfway through and Crisis on Earth X is a massive improvement over the Dominators crossover last year!

  27. #57
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    Agree completely, if only for not depowering Supergirl alone! Having fun with this so far.

  28. #58
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    This year's CW superhero show crossover, Elseworlds, was fantastic. No Legends, so it improved dramatically on that alone. Story is pretty much lean and mean and gets right to it. Superman himself appears all over this things, we see Amazo, almost have a JLA at one point, we travel to Gotham, meet Batwoman and Bruce Wayne/Batman are heavily discussed. Some great team-ups and fights, especially the one in the first part. They directly tell us what the next one is gonna be also. So much fun.

  29. #59
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    I loved the Mallrats reference at the end.

  30. #60
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    Since this is pretty much the defacto Arrowverse thread: Crisis on Infinite Earths, who is watching?

    Part 1 flew by pretty quick and that ending wtf? i did not see that coming so soon!

    Spoiler: There's still three episodes of Arrow left for the show's final season, are they really going to wrap up without Oliver?

    Loved the cameos as pointless as they were.

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