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Thread: 2013.04.29 - New York, NY @ The Apollo Theater

  1. #31
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    I tried to arrange a refund/exchange for my old ticket.
    Unfortunately I just received the reply:
    "When I got your email, I immediately checked to see if I could honor your request for refund. I wish I had better news, but unfortunately your order is not eligible for an exception to our Refund Policy."

    "You are quoting from our 72 hour fan guarantee, unfortunately your order does not fall under the guarantee."

    Now I got a spare 'Lower Mezz Center Seat' (second level)!
    Last edited by witte; 04-15-2013 at 12:48 PM.

  2. #32
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    Re: 2013.04.29 - New York, NY @ The Apollo Theater

    I just realized the two tickets I bought are seats 9 and 11. Does anybody know if the seating at this place goes every other number or did they give me two seats not next to each other?

    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

  3. #33
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    Right-Orch and Right-Mez seats are odd-numbered, so they're next to each other.

  4. #34
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    Re: 2013.04.29 - New York, NY @ The Apollo Theater

    Phew. Thanks!

    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

  5. #35
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    Thanks to the awesomeness that is NIN fans, I'm going to this show! Taking a megabus up as soon as I get out of class, taking the subway to the theater, should be there around 6 or so (depending on how long it takes me to figure out the subway, lol) and catching a ride back to Philly. I can't wait!

  6. #36
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    About my little misadventure, as soon as i posted this here, and tweeted Rob, it's been taken care of. Now i really hope i will receive this ticket overseas before I leave old continent, it should be. Is it normal to be more exited by the show than NYC ?

  7. #37
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    As you may or may not know, people from Reflecting In The Chrome and ThisOneIsOnUs got together to record and edit the Chicago show for an upcoming release. We shot the whole show with 5 high-end XDCAMs and two DSLRs and we are currently in the process of collecting any extra footage. As always with those projects, the more we have, the better. So we're going to call out for anyone who wants to record upcoming shows, here are a few tips to help make your footage match with ours if you'd like to contribute.

    First of all, whereas we had passes and official permission to record the Chicago show, we cannot provide such help for upcoming shows. Some venues, like HoB in Boston, charge royalties for bands who want to record their shows. So it's even beyond the bands control. Although, for those who'll try to sneak in their gear anyway, read on :

    We're going to try to refrain from using iPhone/Flip, etc footage and concentrate on higher end gear. You can still let us know if you shoot with those, but we can't promise we'll use it. However, if you've got a DSLR that shoots in 1080p (5D, 7D, 60D, etc), or a prosumer HD camcorder (Panasonic HVX-200/Sony EX1, EX3, FS100, NXCAM/etc), we're definitely takers!

    Technical specs :
    -Set EVERYTHING manually. No autofocus, no autoexposure, no auto white balance.
    -DON'T EVER CUT : we need continuous shots of the entire show, including breaks between songs. If you cut, we'll have to manually resynch your video and that can be a pain in the ass, especially if you cut between each and every song. If for some reason you had to cut, let us know when you submit your footage.
    -Record in 1920x1080, 24 frames per second, with the highest possible bitrate on your cameras.
    -Use whichever Picture Profile's got the most dynamic range or manually set everything to neutral except contrast which you'll want to drop even more. If you shoot with a DSLR, I can't insist enough that you get Technicolor's CineStyle profile. The image will look flat and lifeless but, trust us : that's what we need for color correction.
    -Set & lock your white balance manually to 3200K. Don't try to make custom white balances with a sheet of white paper : these will always result in great difference between cameras for various reasons.
    -Try to keep your ISO sensitivity as low as possible. It'd be best never to go over ISO 600. It probably won't be possible given the low light environment but keep that in mind anyway.
    -Open your aperture as much as possible. Most Sony's will open up to f2.8 which is great for the lighting conditions.
    -If you still don't have quite enough light, instead of boosting the ISO, you can slightly slow down the shutter speed (1/40 should be fine, but don't go below 1/30 or you'll get trails whenever there is movement).
    -If your camera has such tools, I suggest you display your Histogram and your Peaking at all times. Histogram is a little graphic that shows which parts of the screen is over or underexposed. Slightly underexposed is okay, slightly overexposed is not okay in the digital world, so try to watch out for overexposure. Peaking will highlight all pixels that are sharp, which is going to make it much easier to focus especially on small LCD displays.
    -If you are filming with a zoom from a single position for the entire show, zoom in as far as you can go, focus on the farthest thing you see. Everything in between will stay sharp and you won't have to worry again about focus.

    -Try not to move around the venue too much. It's always better if you stay in one place and film from that spot the entire time. That way when we're editing, we're sure your angle will be usable at all times and won't have to worry that you're shaking or moving around. If you're zooming in or out and panning across the stage, make sure you stop long enough in between movements... In otherwords, don't just keep scanning and moving around : that's unusable. You want to make at least 30 seconds to a minute-long stops between each move for us to cut easily.
    -If you've never heard of the Rule of thirds, read this carefully before going in. Try not to frame anything dead center unless you're filming a very wide shot. Always put your subject on one third of the image.

    What we most need :
    -Dynamic, handheld shots from the pit.
    -Closeups. As per Rob's indication though : don't bother trying to get closeups when the band is hidden behind the screens. They are meant to be hidden, the show is all about video projections at those points. Ice age and Fur-lined, by exemple, will give you better opportunities to film the performers and zoom in real close.
    -We'll still take everything else you shoot, though.

    Postproduction :
    -I will need you upload your original, uncompressed data (if you shoot with camcorders, I need the entire card structure and not just the video files) to your own DropBox account (or whichever hosting site you like, WeTransfer, etc) and then share it with me. If you record on cameras with higher bitrates like P2s, we might need you to send a HDD for which we might be able to cover shipping.
    -My DropBox account for you to share your files with me : pp.chevigny-le.blanc@umontreal.ca
    -When you submit your footage, make sure your mention your online screen name, your full name and address, cellphone number so we can keep in touch.

    I think that's it. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at either ones of those addresses :

    Most importantly : enjoy yourselves!
    Last edited by Ash512; 04-26-2013 at 08:54 AM.

  8. #38
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  9. #39
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    Ugh, rain, all day. Guess I won't be putting my mohawk up after all...

  10. #40
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    Hi everyone - long-time lurker, first-time poster.

    I'm emerging from the shadows as I happen to have a single spare ticket to tonight's show (center orchestra, reasonably close), and I figured I'd check here in case anyone was still in need of one.

    If you're interested, please PM me and I'll endeavor to respond quickly. It should go without saying since I'm posting here, but I'm looking for face value only ($50; I'll eat the service fee). I'd plan to meet you outside the venue around 7:30/45 for the hand-off.

  11. #41
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    Searching flights from MN to NY within this small timeframe, not looking good. Wish I had known I would have the time to make it a few days ago... Having babies and family can really screw up the important plans I kid...

    Good luck with everyone's traveling. I'll be stalking your thread for updates.

  12. #42
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    Standing outside atm. No rain. :-) No info to add & nobody else here currently.

  13. #43
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    Fuck yeah! They just released some tickets, so I will be making this my last show.

  14. #44
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    Oh ho! Now there are people. Please come say 'Hi' if you pass by.

  15. #45
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    Here we go

  16. #46
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    DIIV finished. Waiting. Got a signed poster but too dumb to tell which. Will edit later when I can get into tube.Apollo very nice but smaller than I thought. Will not update during show but it's probably not too different. :-)
    Last edited by m0reta; 04-29-2013 at 11:32 PM. Reason: Thank you heavenly_bearded!

  17. #47
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    It's the birdy poster...

  18. #48
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    Anybody see Bowie there?

  19. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by FULLMETAL View Post
    Fuck yeah! They just released some tickets, so I will be making this my last show.
    My baby's there. I saw on twitter that tickets were released and she's in nyc so I texted her and she grabbed a ticket. Wish I could have gone but I had a final tonight.

  20. #50
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    zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. not into this project enough. ill watch them again at Voodoo Fest and then I'm done. the silly, sometimes overly dramatic/important lyrics just do nothing for me. i relate to this material in no way. some sweet bleeps and bloops though, and a great light show. glad the vanity project w/wife goes on the backburner soon. And you're lying to yourself or overthinking things if this isnt just more of the same from Trent and co since YZ. Yes there are exceptions, but Trent and Atticuss have been playing in this ballpit for years now. i need a diff. sound.

  21. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by sick among the pure View Post
    Ugh, rain, all day. Guess I won't be putting my mohawk up after all...
    the people standing behind you will thank you

  22. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. not into this project enough. ill watch them again at Voodoo Fest and then I'm done. the silly, sometimes overly dramatic/important lyrics just do nothing for me. i relate to this material in no way. some sweet bleeps and bloops though, and a great light show. glad the vanity project w/wife goes on the backburner soon. And you're lying to yourself or overthinking things if this isnt just more of the same from Trent and co since YZ. Yes there are exceptions, but Trent and Atticuss have been playing in this ballpit for years now. i need a diff. sound.
    Everyone, chill out - Bobbie Solo just broke it down for you, all truth in your face. Quit overthinking your enjoyment of the tunes.

    That concert was rad. Wish I could see it again.

  23. #53
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    Classic venue, great show. And very special to sit next jessamineny and her friend.
    Great ETS meet up outside the Apollo before and after the show.
    Very special to be part of this.
    Tomorrow night 4/30 I'll fly back to 'the dutch mountains'.
    I had a great time in NY

  24. #54
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    A quickie from And the sky began to scream:

    This was a great performance and I think the band were quite pleased with the show and the atmosphere tonight. We got band intros and Trent expressed his heartfelt appreciation to all his friends on stage, as well as a funny quip about the long tour finally winding down.

    I'm so happy this was the last one to go out on. While it was a seated venue, the audience was very respectful and engaged with the performance on stage. That said, there were a shit-ton of electronic screens going off all over the place. Some guy in the row behind me was perturbed with a fellow a few seats away from me who had his camera up for a long while. In a GA crowd, it's not so bad, but when you're stuck in a seat - it can get a bit obnoxious. Especially, if it's distracting you from what's happening on stage. In terms of courtesy, the bloke shooting the video probably should have dimmed his screen or something.

    Oh well, I have a flight to catch in the AM. Good night, everybody!

  25. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by butter_hole View Post
    the people standing behind you will thank you
    Considering the seating arrangement, it wouldn't have been a problem.

    Quote Originally Posted by FULLMETAL View Post
    Especially, if it's distracting you from what's happening on stage. In terms of courtesy, the bloke shooting the video probably should have dimmed his screen or something.
    I hate that too, so when I popped my camera up for a quick shot or video, I made sure it was low (between heads instead of above them) and my screen was dimmed as far as it would go the whole show. There was a guy directly in front of me, I swear his screen was all the way up, and he would text or e-mail during the show, it was like a flashlight in my face. That, and the girl 2 seats over seemed to think you should use a super bright LED flash when you take pics of a show where a main component of the visuals is a front-projected video. She kept looking at her screen after each photo like "wtf why didn't this turn out it's all white" so I leaned over between songs when it was quiet enough for her to hear and told her "you'll want to urn your flash off to get any photos".

    Anyway, it was a great show, glad I was able to make it out. Made a lot of new friends, since this is a new area for me I didn't know anyone going in. Met the Inverse Phase guy (quit lurking and post ) More later.
    Last edited by sick among the pure; 04-30-2013 at 01:57 AM.

  26. #56
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    Nothing more annoying than people who take pictures with the flash on. Seriously? You think your tiny little light is gonna do anything but light up the heads directly in front of you?
    But anyway, yeah incredible show and as excited as I am for NIN, I really hope HTDA isn't over.

  27. #57
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    My (long) show recap ahead:

    My girlfriend and I drove up all the way from Baltimore because I got my tickets from ticketmaster — missing the presale/modlife tickets — and then they added the Silver Spring show, but ticketmaster wouldn't refund. We got there around 5 or so. Upon our arrival we ran into... uh, I'm really bad with names... I'm guessing m0reta, a guy from Israel, a guy named Israel, a girl with a name that starts with B (you told us to say "red shirt!")... We were later joined by sick among the pure, a couple from Boston/LI, some guy that was just watching everyone and laughing.... um, anyway, you can see I'm terrible at this naming-people shit. Moving on.

    For the record, I'm not much of a "big show" guy so this was my first NIN/HTDA show despite being a long-time fan of TR and related works.

    Our man Israel was definitely the most excited of the bunch. I only had one extra P8M CD on my person and he snatched it up from me, like, on the spot. After that I held onto his Olive Garden bag while he circled the building at least a few times, managing to snag pictures with both Atticus and Trent. I did manage to run across 125th and meet Atticus after he snapped pics of the Apollo Marquee, you might actually see me in the middle of the street if he posts them somewhere. Atticus was very kind. I introduced as "8-bit NIN guy" for the hell of it, and he asked me about my toolset, so we talked about that, etc. Very neat. I got a photo of me being all giddy, I think I'll spare you guys from my horrible face for now and just post it to facebook later.

    It was pretty surreal to be recognised by at least half of the people I met once they knew I was "the 8-bit Nine Inch Nails guy". Everyone was very friendly. Even Atticus knew who I was, which freaked me out a bit. I handed out some stickers in line and a few download codes for the album. I can't thank everyone enough for not punching me in the face for ruining their favorite album .... or whatever other criticism I got back when P8M was announced.

    After we all reconvened in line, someone (I should probably know who he is) was handing out NIN stickers/postcards/etc. Then a venue organizer stopped me to ask what was in a box I had on me. I showed him that it was just where I was putting my swag, and also I had a copy of my own CD I wanted to see if I could get TR to sign. Oh, and also I have a complete-in-box Robotron 2084 for the Atari 5200 with the dual-joystick holder, which was another signing option if Trent thought I was being an asshole for asking him to sign my own album. He asked how I thought I was going to get it signed, mentioning stage diving and other hijinks. I mentioned I was hoping for something after the show, asked him if I had the crazy eyes, and he said no and moved on.

    Speaking of robots, we were also joined by Rob Milus / robot_32 who I actually got to meet over the weekend at a convention and hang out with. Great guy. I did what I could to embarass him in line by introducing him as the "HTDA fan video guy". Us tribute folks gotta stick together, you know?

    A number of people asked if we would be joined by Leviathant but he did not make the show. Also there was some buzz about Mariqueen breaking down in NJ. Everyone was concerned that someone insulted or harassed her. From what we were able to figure out it was just a very intense moment for her during the show. I heard the Boston show had a number of people ho-humming like bobby and they were actually just standing around not doing anything, not even looking at the show. I haven't read any other tour threads (other than Chicago) yet, but hopefully it wasn't because of that. It was very refreshing to see everyone caring.

    The ticketmaster and modlife lines were on opposite sides of the entrance. We yelled and waved at the modlife peeps from the ticketmaster line as they were let in because, shit, we were all friends by the end of waiting in line, why not say hi? There were a few people in the modlife line that waved back at us, but for the most part we got confused looks. Oh well.

    7.15 rolled around and we were in like clockwork. Both of the lines were really short (which was a little surprising) but the venue began to fill up nicely. I was originally a bit distraught that we hadn't gotten "Orch" seats but the Lower Mezz seats were pretty awesome and the Apollo is a neat place. I was also surprised to see a restroom attendant. Several of the venue personnel had never heard of Nine Inch Nails and had no idea what to expect. I found this amusing. There was a joke at one point about the HTDA show being the most white kids that had ever been in Harlem. After finding our seats I went downstairs to buy some merch and the guy running the merch table told me to put some of my cards on the display spread.

    The show in and of itself was fantastic. I wasn't a huge fan of DIIV but their set ended better than it started. There were conflicting opinions from various people I talked to as to whether the DJ replacement on the show (shows?) they couldn't make was good or bad. Anyway, the HTDA visuals were great. As someone that has been coding for awhile I definitely have a lot of respect for Rob and everyone that helped to put the set together. It's not always easy to put together visuals that work well live. Lots of cool ideas explored. I'm not going to spoil it, but some of it really reminded me of demoscene stuff, which is where my "chiptune heritage" stems from. I already like the music, so the new experience was definitely those.

    I did have my cellphone out a bunch of times, mainly to snap some shots and video. Being in the seats, I tried to keep my screen and brightness down but sorry if I upset anyone with it. It doesn't have a flash — and with how vivid the visuals are, you don't need one — so at least I wasn't one of "those" people. I did hear from a few people that they were bumped unapologetically or had some other negative experience with someone that claimed to be friends with someone in either band (or their guests), but I didn't personally have that experience.

    I found out there was no signing table, and there was badge checking at the "Guests" room (where all the friends were), so after the show was over, I popped around back to see if I could maybe get my goods signed. I was the first one out there, and there was a long wait before we even saw anyone. The Apollo staff approached me and said they had to gate off the area, which made sense. There were a few points where we caught one or two of the band members coming out of the back door, but sadly no one ever approached us. In the end, there was maybe only a dozen or so of us out by the gate waiting quietly and patiently for something to be signed. One of the gates got moved and we made it around to the entry of the bus, but everyone was already on board and we were shooed away. The bus completely left the premises very shortly thereafter.

    At the very last minute I was able to hand off an extra copy of Robotron I had to the tour manager, who said he'd hand it to Trent sometime today, and then my girlfriend and I headed off with Rob Milus to the nearby White Castle to have an anti-victory dinner before dropping him at the subway and heading south again.

    I'm a little disappointed I didn't get to run into anyone other than Atticus, but shit, at least I got to meet Atticus, and the show and community was worth the drive. There might be family along on the tour and I understand there were a lot of friends in NYC, so we're hitting the Silver Spring show tonight to try again very shortly.

    Signing off for now!

  28. #58
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    man, I wish I would have paid more attention to all of this / not been stuck at work till the last minute, so I could've met some of you peeps. I'm no Atticus, but I would've been happy to meet you, buddy -- I love your 8bit stuff. I was also in lower mezz so I probably was right by you.

    had a great time at the show... wish there was another one I could get to

  29. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by screwdriver View Post
    man, I wish I would have paid more attention to all of this / not been stuck at work till the last minute, so I could've met some of you peeps. I'm no Atticus, but I would've been happy to meet you, buddy -- I love your 8bit stuff. I was also in lower mezz so I probably was right by you.
    oh bummer! yeah, I'm usually wearing some sort of retro gaming-related shirt, which may or may not make me easy to find.... please feel free to say hi anytime! Wait, maybe this is my chance......:

    NYC or nearby peeps, I would love it if you could make it out for my show in Brooklyn, I will be playing Pretty Eight Machine stuff and more: https://www.facebook.com/events/442648705818755/

  30. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by InversePhase View Post
    oh bummer! yeah, I'm usually wearing some sort of retro gaming-related shirt, which may or may not make me easy to find.... please feel free to say hi anytime! Wait, maybe this is my chance......:

    NYC or nearby peeps, I would love it if you could make it out for my show in Brooklyn, I will be playing Pretty Eight Machine stuff and more: https://www.facebook.com/events/442648705818755/
    I'm in! barring a work emergency, I'll be there. probably wearing my awesome new HTDA hoodie

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