Twin Peaks is the greatest show of all time. Its something of a holy grail and remains unrivalled.

That said Im not eager to jump on the season 3 bandwagon. On the one hand I wonder where things would have gone from its ending... on the other there's a lot that can go wrong. That petition raises a good point: there are a lot of unanswered Twin Peaks. But if ever there was proof that some questions are best left unanswered, it is Twin Peaks itself, which failed because its ultimate question was answered in concession to executives. David Lynch movies aren't about explaining themselves, its one of their brightest defining qualities. The fact that they can engage the viewer long after they finish.

If I were to jump on the bandwagon, it would only be on the condition that David Lynch were on board for the whole thing. And he won't be. If he wanted to do it, he woupd be doing it. He isn't the type to wait for the TV go ahead, especially in this day and age. Part of me would rather see how the mulholland drive show would have come out...

Im curious to see what will happen.