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Thread: Coronavirus - COVID-19

  1. #2431
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    I've always had my private opinion that covid may be dose-dependent for severity.
    Someone who has someone cough on them directly might have a more severe case vs. someone who catches it from touched objects or while wearing a mask. It may also account for stronger immune system vs weaker. Most older (65+) people have weaker immune systems.

  2. #2432
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    "Whatever one may think about the COVID restrictions, we surely don't want them to become a recurring feature after the pandemic has passed," said Alito, who was nominated to the court by President George W. Bush.

    There goes our secret plans to use COVID-19 to keep anyone from every going to church again! Curses!

  3. #2433
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  4. #2434
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    Trump will withold vaccine from NY until Cuomo approves, good lord. And again he called it the China-flu. *smh*

  5. #2435
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  6. #2436
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    Washington state basically just got shut down again for the next month. There have been record number of new infections every day for the past week or so.

  7. #2437
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    NJ, which was very hard hit early on, is constantly having record cases too.

    It frustrates me how many people are acting like everything is normal, still having parties and things like that. we are WORSE than we are now, and there's more socialization happening, stores are open, and many schools are open. makes no sense. time to shut things down like we did in the spring. it'll piss a lot of people off but the spread is out of control.

  8. #2438
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckrh View Post
    Washington state basically just got shut down again for the next month. There have been record number of new infections every day for the past week or so.
    My mother in law is like "Thanksgiving is still on and your great aunt from Wenatchee is coming to visit and so is your brother from Corvallis and probably your sister from Bend" to my wife and I said nope, we're not going over there. They're a little hand-wringy about it but I'm not changing my mind. you're all smarter than this and they said it was OK but at the same time you know the tone of voice used where it's not really OK? yeah.

    Jesus. and looking around this isn't changing. Another court said the governor was wrong about lockdowns. How ignorant are these people? I get that if you let it go you set a precedent but this is unprecedented times we're living in, so let's set some! Got-dang morons.

  9. #2439
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    My mother in law is like "Thanksgiving is still on and your great aunt from Wenatchee is coming to visit and so is your brother from Corvallis and probably your sister from Bend" to my wife and I said nope, we're not going over there. They're a little hand-wringy about it but I'm not changing my mind. you're all smarter than this and they said it was OK but at the same time you know the tone of voice used where it's not really OK? yeah.

    Jesus. and looking around this isn't changing. Another court said the governor was wrong about lockdowns. How ignorant are these people? I get that if you let it go you set a precedent but this is unprecedented times we're living in, so let's set some! Got-dang morons.
    The thing is Washington did well for a long time but people became complacent & stopped taking it seriously. Evidently a hundred years isn't enough time to learn the lessons of the Spanish flu pandemic. Pretty much same shit going down. I've never let my guard down because of health issues but I'll probably get it because of someone else's stupidity, Just wait to see what happens if this goes into Xmas. It'll be ugly. People are fucking stupid.

  10. #2440
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    My family is not getting together for Thanksgiving this year. My parents are in the same area as me but I haven't seen them since January because of the pandemic. They have health issues and I don't want to take any chances. We still talk over the phone, though. I have one sibling in Northern Minnesota up in the Iron Range (that's where Bob Dylan is from) and another sibling in Chicago. My sister-in-law is a nurse so she takes this all VERY seriously. We're gonna try to do a Zoom call at some point on Thanksgiving, though, so we can at least get together that way.

  11. #2441
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    We were able to keep it under 100 cases total until the end of the month here. We had 8 added Friday for a total of 34 active. Now it's 135 cases overall: 34 active, 99 recovered, 2 deaths. We're more of a retirement town, and about 70,000. Here it seemed that everyone let their guards down and went on about normal life. You see more of the younger families with masks on inside stores than the older population.

    The anti-mask protests are here, too. I've had more people in my 450 sq. ft condo back in the day...

  12. #2442
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckrh View Post
    The thing is Washington did well for a long time but people became complacent & stopped taking it seriously. Evidently a hundred years isn't enough time to learn the lessons of the Spanish flu pandemic. Pretty much same shit going down. I've never let my guard down because of health issues but I'll probably get it because of someone else's stupidity, Just wait to see what happens if this goes into Xmas. It'll be ugly. People are fucking stupid.
    Do whatever you can in your power to not get it no matter what. The latest death up here in BC is a man in his 30s who was recovering at home with no underlining health issues. He apparently had a mild case and died in his sleep. Scary fucking shit man.

    Also, a 29 year old cancer patient that caught it died in my old hometown of winnipeg because every ICU bed in the city is being used for covid patients now. That's fucked up. Manitoba is one of the worst hit spots in Canada right now for covid. Speaks volumes when all ICU beds are used and people need to make a choice on who lives and who dies now.
    Last edited by ManBurning; 11-15-2020 at 07:01 PM.

  13. #2443
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    This is infuriating. There has been an outbreak of COVID among state Republican Legislators in Minnesota. They didn't even bother alerting their Democratic colleagues of the outbreak. These guys not only wouldn't tell the other party, but they were hosting fundraising dinners with large, unmasked crowds. Even Gov. Tim Walz chewed them out for their irresponsibility. And now Minnesota Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka (a Republican, of course) just released a press statement that he has COVID. His Democratic counterpart in the Senate is calling for his resignation for his irresponsible and reckless actions.

  14. #2444
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    Moderna says 94.5% effective for their vaccine.

  15. #2445
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    Our governor is completely dillusional, drunk on the Trump kool aid

    Not everyone in SD is a science denying regressive, I promise!

  16. #2446
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    a person I work with let me know that her son has Covid. he's eight, ffs. this is so stupid.

    and my wife tells me that kindergarten is supposed to start going back soon? I'm still in Washington state, the one that just said they're going to be closing down again, so what kind of fucked up bullshit messaging is this?

  17. #2447
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    I found it interesting that the announcement in Washington came after the election. It was pretty clear the direction things were going by election day. Lucky me lives 2 miles from White Center, ground zero for King county.

  18. #2448
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    NYC closed schools again. no timeline on when they will reopen.

    our school in NJ hasn't opened yet and there is rumblings we may be all remote until June. good! as it should be.

  19. #2449
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    All news reports indicate that COVID is worse NOW than in the spring or anytime previous. The deniers will always be there. But now we have the complacent. People who used to be freaked out but now don't give a darn because "we survived the first surge and things never got as bad as they told us." Was the first surge over-hyped? (not in my opinion). Are people just wicked stupid? (yes).

  20. #2450
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    I'm in a tough spot at the moment. My 72 year old uncle is going to die any day now from pancreatic cancer. I want my 66 year old mom to stay in Florida & not fly up for the funeral/wake. If she came up, she would most likely be staying with me too, as opposed to a hotel room, unless I forbid it. How do I tell my mom to not come up for this w/o it turning into a huge fight? If she flew up, it would probably be with my 32 year old brother who is a pharmacist and has def. been smart about Covid. Also info I suppose you should know if you choose to give me advice: my wife and I had Covid already and are still testing positive for antibodies. Oh, I live in Bayonne NJ btw.

    I completely understand her wanting to pay respects for her brother in law (my father passed a few years ago). I will prolly be attending one or both of the services depending on timing and how they're being handled, regardless of whether my mom comes up. I just think it's not smart, as I'm sure you all do too. She came up last month with my brother and stayed with us for 4 nights, but cases were not going up insanely yet, and she wanted to see me for my 40th bday/see my uncle before he got bad with his cancer. I was opposed to that visit too, but relented bc of the tricky circumstances with my uncle. Ugh help!

  21. #2451
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    I'm in a tough spot at the moment. My 72 year old uncle is going to die any day now from pancreatic cancer. I want my 66 year old mom to stay in Florida & not fly up for the funeral/wake. If she came up, she would most likely be staying with me too, as opposed to a hotel room, unless I forbid it. How do I tell my mom to not come up for this w/o it turning into a huge fight? If she flew up, it would probably be with my 32 year old brother who is a pharmacist and has def. been smart about Covid. Also info I suppose you should know if you choose to give me advice: my wife and I had Covid already and are still testing positive for antibodies. Oh, I live in Bayonne NJ btw.

    I completely understand her wanting to pay respects for her brother in law (my father passed a few years ago). I will prolly be attending one or both of the services depending on timing and how they're being handled, regardless of whether my mom comes up. I just think it's not smart, as I'm sure you all do too. She came up last month with my brother and stayed with us for 4 nights, but cases were not going up insanely yet, and she wanted to see me for my 40th bday/see my uncle before he got bad with his cancer. I was opposed to that visit too, but relented bc of the tricky circumstances with my uncle. Ugh help!
    I feel for you. Hang in there. Pancreatic cancer is nasty. It's what got my dad. I hope the rest of your family makes it through ok.

  22. #2452
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    I'm in a tough spot at the moment. My 72 year old uncle is going to die any day now from pancreatic cancer. I want my 66 year old mom to stay in Florida & not fly up for the funeral/wake. If she came up, she would most likely be staying with me too, as opposed to a hotel room, unless I forbid it. How do I tell my mom to not come up for this w/o it turning into a huge fight? If she flew up, it would probably be with my 32 year old brother who is a pharmacist and has def. been smart about Covid. Also info I suppose you should know if you choose to give me advice: my wife and I had Covid already and are still testing positive for antibodies. Oh, I live in Bayonne NJ btw.

    I completely understand her wanting to pay respects for her brother in law (my father passed a few years ago). I will prolly be attending one or both of the services depending on timing and how they're being handled, regardless of whether my mom comes up. I just think it's not smart, as I'm sure you all do too. She came up last month with my brother and stayed with us for 4 nights, but cases were not going up insanely yet, and she wanted to see me for my 40th bday/see my uncle before he got bad with his cancer. I was opposed to that visit too, but relented bc of the tricky circumstances with my uncle. Ugh help!
    I had a similar conversation with my mother about visiting, albeit not due to a death in the family. Certainly a tough conversation to have.

  23. #2453
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    I totally understand where you're coming from. My mother-in-law passed away last month, and it was so tough to tell people that they couldn't come to the funeral or burial. It is a conversation that has to be discussed though, it may be tough - but they'll understand in the end. Let it out with a good cry and they will come together at another time.

  24. #2454
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    well there goes the "can't get it twice" people.

  25. #2455
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    I'm in a tough spot at the moment...Ugh help!
    Echoing what's already been said. It's tough to reason with someone grieving and I hope she listens to you. Would it help if you spoke to your brother privately to help convince her it's a bad idea? As you well know, last month and now are vastly different situations and it's only going to get worse. Definitely a difficult conversation but it's one worth having and hopefully she understands you're worried about her health.

  26. #2456
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    I'm in a tough spot at the moment. My 72 year old uncle is going to die any day now from pancreatic cancer. I want my 66 year old mom to stay in Florida & not fly up for the funeral/wake. If she came up, she would most likely be staying with me too, as opposed to a hotel room, unless I forbid it. How do I tell my mom to not come up for this w/o it turning into a huge fight? If she flew up, it would probably be with my 32 year old brother who is a pharmacist and has def. been smart about Covid. Also info I suppose you should know if you choose to give me advice: my wife and I had Covid already and are still testing positive for antibodies. Oh, I live in Bayonne NJ btw.

    I completely understand her wanting to pay respects for her brother in law (my father passed a few years ago). I will prolly be attending one or both of the services depending on timing and how they're being handled, regardless of whether my mom comes up. I just think it's not smart, as I'm sure you all do too. She came up last month with my brother and stayed with us for 4 nights, but cases were not going up insanely yet, and she wanted to see me for my 40th bday/see my uncle before he got bad with his cancer. I was opposed to that visit too, but relented bc of the tricky circumstances with my uncle. Ugh help!
    This isn't a "helping" tweet thread (click through) at all but you reminded me of it and the things people/family do because they're still people in the end.

  27. #2457
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    edit: his bio was pointed out and I have to post it because the sheer testicular fortitude of these people sometimes!

    (also, psst, maybe Trump actually gets Covid this time?)
    Last edited by allegate; 11-20-2020 at 11:59 AM.

  28. #2458
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    Thanks for all the kinds words & advice guys.

    My uncle hasn't passed yet, and I decided to not draw out this discussion/probable argument over multiple convos, so I'm waiting till he passes & we actually have an idea of what the family will be doing for services before I discuss with my mom. If she's going to insist on coming up, I'd rather only have to discuss it once. At the very least I'm hoping none of this is going to happen until after Thanksgiving. Having my family travel next week will just make everything worse. With the number of daily cases getting worse and worse, I'm hoping maybe they will listen to reason. I have a feeling my brother doesn't want to come up at all, but if my mom is going to insist on coming up (who knows, maybe she won't!) I'd rather he travel with her so she doesn't do anything dumb.

    My other concern is that she's going to try and turn the trip into a part of her social calendar, which I absolutely will not let happen. If she comes up, she's coming for the services, and then going back to FL.

  29. #2459
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    it's a tough situation to be in bobbie, I wish you the best. I had a discussion with my mom earlier this year about funerals in the pandemic. I told her I, her, or my father should only go to funerals if they are immediate family. no need to risk anything further, as difficult as it may be. this is the era we are in. eventually, she understood and came to her senses.

  30. #2460
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    Fuck that I was wrong, I am surrounded by idiots.

    Sioux Falls finally passed a mask mandate but it's legally unenforceable. At least my employer has had us in masks since April-ish.

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