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Thread: 12 dead, 59 Injured During Shooting at Dark Knight Rises Premiere

  1. #1
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    12 dead, 59 Injured During Shooting at Dark Knight Rises Premiere

    Guns fucking suck. I know they are a necessary evil for some, but for personal reasons I have always felt this way.

  2. #2
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    ^^Are you referring to this?

    14 dead, 50 wounded after gunman opens fire at midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises.

    Jesus Christ.

    One police officer carried a girl believed to be about 9 with gunshot wound to her back out of the theater, a witness said. "She wasn't moving."
    There are just no words for that.
    Last edited by theruiner; 07-20-2012 at 06:06 AM.

  3. #3
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    12 killed, 50 wounded is the count now - the suspect's mother apparently lives a mile from me, and the local news helicopter is currently above her house

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by PQHooligan View Post

    12 killed, 50 wounded is the count now - the suspect's mother apparently lives a mile from me, and the local news helicopter is currently above her house
    wtf is going on with some people!. sick

  5. #5
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    hipsters all over Facebook are pushing for outlawing guns now. oh geez.

    How are you supposed to protect yourself against criminals who still have illegal guns and will always have access to them?

    Reeducation is the answer. We live in a Death Obsessed Society.

    But i think this is bigger than what we're being told. Look at who the media is attacking already. "conspiracy theorists and truthers"

    But I hold 1 dollar bills up to the light. so yea.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by joymode View Post
    How are you supposed to protect yourself against criminals who still have illegal guns and will always have access to them?
    Curious- how often do you find you have to defend yourself against criminals who have guns now?

  7. #7
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    Why would you hold 1 dollar bills up to the light? And would that be a series of singular 1 dollar bills, or several 1 dollar bills at the same time? In case of the latter: is the purpose of your holding up 1 dollar bills to the light to block the sun? Cause they got things for that now. What are they called? Oh yeah, that's it: sunglasses.

    Seriously: people died. At least wait 48h before incorporating it into your bloody rhetoric.
    Last edited by Elke; 07-20-2012 at 12:24 PM. Reason: can't spell for shit

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by joymode View Post

    We live in a Death Obsessed Society.
    Really? I think this society plays death down and it is disturbingly removed from the culture itself. I think we need to be more honest about and aware of the reality of death if anything. Anyways this is horrible news and tragic as fuck. All these people wanted was to enjoy a flick. I can't believe how many people were shot and the fear all those people must have felt. I wish those who survived a safe recovery.
    Last edited by littlemonkey613; 07-20-2012 at 03:24 PM.

  9. #9
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    12 dead, 59 Injured During Shooting at Dark Knight Rises Premiere

    Why are the press intent on calling these "Batman Shooting Victims"? How moronic is that? The first thing that conjures up is the image of Batman running around shooting people.

    Also, this probably would stop happening in the USA as much if the USA hurried up and banned guns.
    Last edited by DF118; 07-20-2012 at 04:18 PM.

  10. #10
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    Random Headlines thread, you'll probably get flamed for making a topic about it.

    Either way, I'm glad this asshole didn't commit suicide. Now he can face trial and get his sentences.

    No real motive pinpointed but as I see it there was none. He probably thought he was a bad ass when he did it since he wore black clothes, had several assault rifles and wore a gas mask. You're fucking cool, bro!

  11. #11
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    What grants having a devoted thread in this subforum anyway? I've always wondered.

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    I believe it's when something of significance happens. Despite the fact that some may disagree (who would've thought...HERE of all places!), I feel that this probably is such a thing.

  13. #13
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    Oh boy, it's time for another fifth grade debate about gun control in 'merica. Apparently this guy had buckets of ammunition in his rigged-with-explosives apartment.

    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Random Headlines thread, you'll probably get flamed for making a topic about it.
    How about we flame you for discouraging thread creation instead? Catch-all threads suck.

    He probably thought he was a bad ass when he did it since he wore black clothes, had several assault rifles and wore a gas mask. You're fucking cool, bro!
    You realize you're talking about someone who is most likely mentally ill, right? I'm pretty sure people who hear voices don't act weird to be cool.

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    Roger Ebert weighs in.

    Like with most other things he says, I agree.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magtig View Post
    How about we flame you for discouraging thread creation instead? Catch-all threads suck.

    You realize you're talking about someone who is most likely mentally ill, right? I'm pretty sure people who hear voices don't act weird to be cool.
    How about I'm in agreeance? I'm just referencing the one fact I made a news thread before but it was talked about in Random Headlines first and it was frowned upon?

    I'm not saying he wasn't mentally ill but the demeanor and the attire involved seemed to point to something more of 'I'm a cool guy" mixed with his psychotic episodes.

    How many people wear gas masks NOT trying or thinking they are cool?

  17. #17
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    Well I guess if we're going by your avatar what you said about gas masks and people trying to be cool is true. However, he threw tear gas when he first walked into the theater, so the gas mask presumably had an actual function.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Magtig View Post
    Well I guess if we're going by your avatar what you said about gas masks and people trying to be cool is true. However, he threw tear gas when he first walked into the theater, so the gas mask presumably had an actual function.
    Yeah, I like Fallout 3. Best avatar they have to offer now on here. I figured that would have been brought up.

    I know he did, I just don't see the reason for dropping tear gas when you're decked out with assault rifles galore.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by DF118 View Post
    Curious- how often do you find you have to defend yourself against criminals who have guns now?
    Seriously! I don't understand these people (and Joymode, I know you didn't say this) who seriously think that they need to walk around with a gun 24/7. Like, I'm going to the grocery store and a duel might break out. You never know, better grab my gun! I hear this a lot in Arizona. I seriously question the mental state of anyone who thinks that they need to carry a gun with them at all times because they're that paranoid that there's a crazy gunman hiding around every corner. The chances of you ending up in a movie theater with a crazed gunman, or even getting robbed by gunpoint, are pretty slim. But that doesn't stop some people (and a lot of people in my backward, redneck state) from thinking that everyone needs to have a gun on them at all times everywhere.

  20. #20
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    There are, like, 3 people with that vatar on this board. Its kind of confusing sometimes. Really though, THATS the current focus of this thread? And whether or not their should be one? O h dear...

    This one is cutting pretty deep for me. I think its the combination of all the circumstances. First of all, i think a lot of us were at those showings last night. It could have been any of us, and its an especially terrifying place for something like that to happen. Very claustrophobic, nowhere to run.

    Furthermore it was super random. Unlike in columbine, for imstance, the shooter didnt know any of his targets... it wasnt some act of vengeance. If anything, these people had something in common with the shooter. And, on the surface at least, it seems like he had something going for him, a future phd, etc. Its very gut wrenching. Very wierd. Its all useless and ruins an otherwise great experience...

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    Flags went at half staff at the Indiana statehouse today, in memory of those who perished. A point of state pride for me today, something I don't know much of sadly.

    Christopher Nolan's response to the incident hits quite a few resonant notes for me (and a lot of us I imagine) as a moviegoer. Cancelling the Paris premiere was a nice gesture on his and Warner Bros. part.

  22. #22
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    Interesting article to consider from Gawker

    "There is no such thing as "politicizing" tragedy. James Holmes did not materialize in a movie theater in Aurora this morning, free of any relationship to law and authority and the structures of power in this country; nor did he exit those relationships and structures by murdering 12 people and injuring several dozen more. Before he entered the theater, he purchased guns, whether legally or illegally, under a framework of laws and regulations governed and negotiated by politics; in the parking lot outside, he was arrested by a police force whose salaries, equipment, tactics and rights were shaped and determined by politics. Holmes' ability to seek, or to not seek, mental health care; the government's ability, or inability, to lock up persons deemed unstable — these are things decided and directed by politics. You cannot "politicize" a tragedy because the tragedy is already political. When you talk about the tragedy you're already talking about politics."

    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    There are, like, 3 people with that vatar on this board. Its kind of confusing sometimes. Really though, THATS the current focus of this thread? And whether or not their should be one? O h dear...
    The avatar was never the point, and it's irrelevant that three people have it. Read the whole conversation.

  23. #23
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    In response to joymode from the RGH thread:

    States with the highest gun ownership have more gun deaths. Imagine that.

    Then there's this:
    "Number of Murders, United States, 2009: 15,241Number of Murders by Firearms, US, 2009: 9,146
    Number of Murders, Britain, 2008*: 648
    (Since Britain’s population is 1/5 that of US, this is equivalent to 3,240 US murders)

    Number of Murders by[pdf] firearms, Britain, 2008* 39
    (equivalent to 195 US murders)"

  24. #24
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    Chris Nolan has given a statment

    I realize that this story is only tangentially related to the movie, and to discuss it on that level is a little strange, but his condolences were well presented and concise.

    On the actual pertinent discussion about gun control, this disaster is bringing out the usual debate, and the opposition is once again saying that "if someone in the theater were armed, this could have been avoided." That argument (there a world where everyone is carrying concealed weapons will somehow be safer) is strange to me.

    Especially when it seems to constantly avoid the statistics regarding gun ownership and associated gun violence, and the even more obvious issue as to where this most recent shooter got his guns. It seems like every time someone loses their mind and goes on a shooting rampage, it turns out they acquired the weapons and ammunition through legal channels... which is why it's so perplexing to me when people argue that "the criminals will always get the weapons illegally, and so we need access to weapons to defend ourselves from them."

    But I'm not going to jump to conclusions. Where did this guy get his weapons and ammo from?

    Also... what the fuck?!
    I'm assuming that was just some incredibly bad timing... right?
    Last edited by Jinsai; 07-20-2012 at 07:40 PM.

  25. #25
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    They took down the tweet after, so yes.

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    The NRA tweet was obviously an innocent tweet that was made ignorant of what had occurred last night, they have removed it.

    Anyway, I was at a midnight screening last night, this was kind of a punch in the stomach this morning to learn about. It is an absolute tragedy, and it is sad that numerous media have already started trying to connect this with the Batman character and the movies. Of course this is bringing up the gun debate yet again, and while I don't foresee and wouldn't want a gun ban in the US, I do believe at this point we need some kind of mental health requirement for gun purchases. When I was in high school you could not play on the sports teams without a yearly sports physical as proof that you were fit to play safely, the same kind of idea should be utilized with gun purchasing, if you want to buy, you need to provide credible proof of a mental health assessment. It provides obvious loopholes, and likely won't stop all instances of chaos via mental health issues, but it could help. It sounds like James Holmes, who referred to himself as the Joker to cops, bought his weapons recently, possibly after he snapped or went over the edge of safe train of thought, some kind of mental health check could've slowed him down from procuring his weapons. That's just my opinion.

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    I read somewhere James Holmes got some of his guns (if not at all) at Bass Pro.

  28. #28
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    so after looking around a bit, it seems that the police have stated that the shooter obtained all the weapons he used in the shooting legally in the past few months in "hunting and fishing stores."

    Fishing/hunting stores sell AR15s?

  29. #29
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    I couldn't find an AR15, but Bass Pro has this delicate little number. And a whole bunch of semi-automatic rifles.

  30. #30
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    What's even more twisted, in a bizarre coincidental fucked up way is one of the victims was in the Toronto Eaton Centre mall shooting last month. Well, she literally just stepped outside of the mall when the bullets started to fly. She wrote on a blog that she "had a queezy feeling about being in the mall and needed to get out"

    That's some fucked up "Final Destintion" shit right there!

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