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Thread: Game of Thrones - Spoilers

  1. #1471
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    Finally saw the episode and it fucking delivered. Oh man, I loved that ending. Would rather it have been Ghost but what they did worked too.

  2. #1472
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Would rather it have been Ghost but what they did worked too.
    I really enjoyed that it paralleled with Roose telling Ramsay that he behaves like a rabid dog and having his own cruelty turning on him. Considering it was something of a main threat of his against people, it felt very thematically appropriate for it to be his own demise.

    That said I found it very polite of those dogs to wait until Sansa had finished her discussion. Those hounds may be starving to death and rape and eat people regularly, but who said they never had manners, right?

  3. #1473
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    When Ramsay threw Shaggydog's head at Jon and Sansa, I was convinced Ghost was going to come and at least growl at him.

    As for Rickon: I was screaming at the screen "zig zag kid, ZIG ZAG!" But I guess being the youngest Stark kid, he didn't have much training at anything and his brain was telling him that the shortest way between two points was a straight line.

    As for Sansa: I think she didn't tell Jon about Littlefinger and the Vale's knights for a couple of reason: maybe she wasn't sure they could make it on time but mostly: Jon and Littlefinger have never met, I think. Explaining Littlefinger to someone requires a lot of time and maybe she doesn't want Jon to know what's going on between her and LF.

    Why would Wun Wun require a club when he can just tear someone apart with his bare hands? That was AWESOME!

    Jon almost dying was such an amazing scene. It felt like he was drowning and he was only getting glimpse of life around him. Splendid shot!

    I cried a little when the Stark banner was flown at Winterfell. I know many of you did too!

    And I cannot wait to see Melisandre explain Shireen's death to Ser Davos.

  4. #1474
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    Ser Davos looked about ready to just snuff her out.
    Re: Littlefinger/Sansa secrecy...He did kind of cost Ned Stark his head..not sure how much of it is known to the Starks but it may be the reason why Sansa didn't want Jon to know he was helping.

  5. #1475
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    See I got the impression that Sansa didn't tell Jon because she needed Jon's forces as bait -- Ramsay would've locked away in Winterfell the minute he knew they had such a huge cavalry force; had Jon factored them into play, they likely wouldn't have charged until the Knights showed up, and Ramsay would've known all their cards they had to play. By keeping it a secret, Jon and Co. charged in, Ramsay believed it was all they had and was confident he could put on a big display of brute force, leaving his entire army vulnerable, giving the Knights the ability to sweep in and take everyone out without them having any time to defend themselves against the charge.

    At least, I think that's what she was going for. It fits with Robb Stark sacrificing thousands of men to win battles, too. The whole episode showed Sansa becoming more cold and tactical. She was willing to put all of them at risk because otherwise, they would've certainly lost. Ramsay wouldn't have stupidly said "fuck it, send everybody outside anyway" had he known they had that huge and powerful a force, and the battle wouldn't have started without them there had Jon known to count on it. I just think this was poorly explained and could've used some sort of confirmation, but maybe we'll get it next episode.

  6. #1476
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    Quote Originally Posted by koz-ivan View Post
    Sansa on one hand seems to have learned a thing or two, yet still keeps the knights of the vale secret from Jon - there may be an interesting question of why? but it goes unanswered.
    Maybe because she knew that Ramsay had to be taken by surprise? Telling anyone that there was a secret army on the way could risk that?

    Not sure, the thing I don't get is why everyone is acting like Tyrion is responsible for the Masters attacking Mereen. How did his deal with them in any way empower their attack?

  7. #1477
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    She did know he had to be taken by surprise. She had that speech to Jon about knowing how he thinks, and to not do what he expects. She wasn't sure what that was at the time, but she figured it out.

  8. #1478
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    So, where is Ned? He's not in the Winterfell Crypts, that's for sure. Bones last seen in Catlyn's tent at Renly Baratheon's camp.

  9. #1479
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Baphomette View Post
    So, where is Ned? He's not in the Winterfell Crypts, that's for sure. Bones last seen in Catlyn's tent at Renly Baratheon's camp.
    I thought his bones were delivered to Catelyn at some point as a sort of shitty peace offering from the Lannisters

  10. #1480
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I thought his bones were delivered to Catelyn at some point as a sort of shitty peace offering from the Lannisters
    Yes. Littlefinger took them to her while she was in Renly's camp. Since she hightailed it out of there with Brianne when Renly got killed without any luggage, I'm assuming she left them behind. The camp was taken over by Stannis and it's highly unlikely that anyone would have known what they were. And on the off chance she did manage to take them with her, they'd have been lost at the Twins. Unless she stashed them at Riverrun, in which case they'd now be in the possession of the Lannisters.

    In the books:
    Tyrion Lannister orders Lord Eddard's head, along with all the other heads to be removed from the spikes.[45] He then sends Eddard's bones to Riverrun.[46][7] Catelyn Stark tasks Hallis Mollen to take the bones north so Eddard can be buried in the crypt of Winterfell beside his father, brother and sister.[9] The ironborn take Moat Cailin soon after and it is unknown if Eddard's bones made it past the Moat before its fall to House Greyjoy.[47][48][9]
    Last edited by Baphomette; 06-21-2016 at 01:07 AM.

  11. #1481
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Baphomette View Post
    Yes. Littlefinger took them to her while she was in Renly's camp. Since she hightailed it out of there with Brianne when Renly got killed without any luggage, I'm assuming she left them behind. The camp was taken over by Stannis and it's highly unlikely that anyone would have known what they were. And on the off chance she did manage to take them with her, they'd have been lost at the Twins. Unless she stashed them at Riverrun, in which case they'd now be in the possession of the Lannisters.

    In the books:
    I think, in the TV timeline at least, it's implied that the remains made their way into the Winterfell crypt. Some way or another.

  12. #1482
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    Watched the NBA Finals last night, so I had to avoid the internet until I saw the new episode. Just finished it, and man, that fucking delivered. Amazing acting, cinematography, and editing. Also, the pacing of the episode was great. There was a really nice mix of tension and release throughout the episode. I was genuinely afraid for some of the characters during the whole thing. I swear my heart rate was up for half the episode. My only real complaint was that Rickon should have zig-zagged, like some others have said.

    My reaction to the last five minutes of the episode:

  13. #1483
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  14. #1484
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    My favourite part was when Ned Stark rode by to help.

  15. #1485
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    holy shit I missed that.

  16. #1486
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Maybe because she knew that Ramsay had to be taken by surprise? Telling anyone that there was a secret army on the way could risk that?
    Possibly. If true it would still be a super cold move to effectively use Jon as bait to draw Ramsay in so the Knights of the Vale could win the day.

    either way I just find it unsatisfying, and it points to a weakness in the books & show, when the plot requires the Starks to be idiots, they are idiots.

    Not sure, the thing I don't get is why everyone is acting like Tyrion is responsible for the Masters attacking Mereen. How did his deal with them in any way empower their attack?
    If Tyrion was empowered to make a deal and not just any deal but a deal on slavery (Dany's #1 issue) and they didn't see Dany at all - that is a sign of weakness.

    They certainly may have attacked regardless because Dany is a threat to them and their way of life so I can't pin all the blame on Tyrion, but I can see how one follows the other.

  17. #1487
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    Quote Originally Posted by koz-ivan View Post
    Possibly. If true it would still be a super cold move to effectively use Jon as bait to draw Ramsay in so the Knights of the Vale could win the day.
    Well, maybe she's kind of fucked up now. Some bad stuff's happened to her. Bad stuff can fuck you up.

  18. #1488
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I think, in the TV timeline at least, it's implied that the remains made their way into the Winterfell crypt. Some way or another.
    Didn't Sansa visit her father's tomb, in the crypt, right before Littlefinger left her to marry Ramsay? I seem to remember them speaking in the crypt. Maybe I'm just imagining that though.

    And what about Robb's decree in which he's legitimizing Jon as a Stark an is naming him as his heir? I know it definitely happened in the books (and wasn't a Mormont witness to that?). I think Robb at least talked about it in the series (and Catelyn wasn't happy about it) but I seem to remember him sending a letter? What if this letter turns out now? At the time Robb wrote it (presumably) Jon was in the Night's Watch which meant he could not become the heir of Winterfell but now, Jon's watch has ended...

    This story is dark and full of little details.

  19. #1489
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    Episode was a great payoff. Still, why anybody is still hooked on the Danaerys end of things is a little beyond me. In the next episode she sets sail for Westeros, and everything up to this point is a totally straight line from season 2. It's been an isolated, meandering plot for like four or five years so it's mysterious to me that anyone likes her so much.

  20. #1490
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    Episode was a great payoff. Still, why anybody is still hooked on the Danaerys end of things is a little beyond me. In the next episode she sets sail for Westeros, and everything up to this point is a totally straight line from season 2. It's been an isolated, meandering plot for like four or five years so it's mysterious to me that anyone likes her so much.
    Totally. It was very clear once they took over Mereen it was all filler until enough shit went down in Westeros that her story pace could wind back around and join everyone else. She had some cool moments in some of the Free Cities and some necessary moments in the desert but deciding to try to rule Mereen was the death of her plot for sure. And now she acts basically like she already was at that point, just with dragons that listen to her (also a reason time had to pass).

  21. #1491
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  22. #1492
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    I loved the episode (and have been loving this season for the most part).

    I'm still a little confused by the Sansa withholding the Knights of the Vale thing. Because she didn't tell Jon, their already small army nearly got decimated. That blood has to be on her hands right? I can't make any sense of it, unless she knew Jon + gang would have their backs to the wall (or eachother), but that means she might have been willing to sacrifice Jon to win back Winterfell. She already confessed to Jon that Rickon was as good as dead. Maybe she thought the same of Jon. Either way, it didn't make too much sense to me. I've liked Sansa's redemption, but I was confused why she didn't tell Jon about the Knights of the Vale (unless she did off-screen..which in that case I'd be even more confused).

    The actual battle was beautifully shot. Brutal, claustrophobic, mesmerizing. I don't think it had quite the same "holy shit" effect as Hardhome did last season. The stakes just didn't feel as high. Plus, we all knew this battle was coming. But it was easily the best human (+giant) battle the series has seen. These battles have mostly been abbreviated or omitted in the past.

  23. #1493
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  24. #1494
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    Episode was fantastic. Man, that scene of Jon getting trampled was hard to watch. I believe I didn't breathe throughout the entire episode. I knew the Giant would die, but man... that was a true tear jerker for me.

  25. #1495
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    Spoiler: The soundtrack for Season 6 is out and the last track, The Winds of Winter, has the Dany dragon flying music. I don't know if the title indicates anything, but I wonder if this signifies Dany's arrival on the shores of Westeros. It's pretty epic sounding with a choir and everything and is reminiscent of the children's choir at the end of Season 4. Just a thought.

  26. #1496
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    this bitch has to die next episode, right? RIGHT?

  27. #1497
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    ^^You really want to know?

    I can't believe we're already at the season finale.

  28. #1498
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    Leading the previously on with Dorne felt like an intentional way of making me cry in fear

    Edit: I was wrong

    I was so wrong

    10/10 favorite of the series
    Last edited by implanted_microchip; 06-26-2016 at 09:15 PM.

  29. #1499
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    I need to see that episode again just to take everything in. Wow.

  30. #1500
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    I legit started crying when the screen segued from baby Jon to present day because I'm a fucking dork.

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