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Thread: Paranormal Programming or as some people call 'em "Them Ghost Shows"

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    Paranormal Programming or as some people call 'em "Them Ghost Shows"

    BOO! Gotcha?

    Flashy, long thread title I made up eh?

    So who's a fan of such television shows/series or films?

    I'm not a believer per se but I love watching shows like this. Any goings-ons, evidence, voices, readings, photographs or videos that have been shown or reviewed on these shows really interest me.

    I am fickle on my opinions and my beliefs but I don't believe in ghosts entirely but such shows make compelling evidence they exist sometimes. Eh, who knows....let's have a good chat!

    What's your favorite locations or sites known to be haunted or have investigations? What's your favorite episodes or shows?

    Mine is definitely Travel Channel's Ghost Adventures. So much more fun and interactive than Ghost Hunters for me.

    Anyways enough talking, let's go at it.

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    I dunno. I'm a believer. I saw a ghost when I was little, but haven't had an "experience" since then.

    As far as these shows go, they ARE fun to watch. :P Ghost Adventures is pretty good. But no matter how many shows I see, the skeptic in me won't let me think half of what happens in them is remotely true, simply because it's so easy to fake those sort of things and misconstrue them. Like when they say "There's absolutely NO WAY I could have knocked this thing over myself!" and then they do things that wouldn't even knock it over, like jumping in circles around it without actually touching it.

    But they're still really creepy to watch! Like I said, I'm a believer in the paranormal. But TV shows don't really do much for that side of me. They mainly feed the skeptical entertainment side. :P
    Last edited by ImTheWiseJanitor; 05-27-2012 at 02:17 PM. Reason: Executed a smily face. Too much happy.

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    I love ghost stories and I'm always fascinated by this sort of stuff... unfortunately, all of these shows just seem ridiculous. I tried to get into that Ghost Adventures show, but the guys on the crew annoyed the shit out of me. That other show with the TAPS people was too self involved and focused too much on reality TV style drama.

    There was some program about "America's Most Haunted Places" or something that I thought was kind of neat.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrea View Post
    I dunno. I'm a believer. I saw a ghost when I was little, but haven't had an "experience" since then.

    As far as these shows go, they ARE fun to watch. :P Ghost Adventures is pretty good. But no matter how many shows I see, the skeptic in me won't let me think half of what happens in them is remotely true, simply because it's so easy to fake those sort of things and misconstrue them. Like when they say "There's absolutely NO WAY I could have knocked this thing over myself!" and then they do things that wouldn't even knock it over, like jumping in circles around it without actually touching it.

    But they're still really creepy to watch! Like I said, I'm a believer in the paranormal. But TV shows don't really do much for that side of me. They mainly feed the skeptical entertainment side. :P
    I've never had an experience. I'm not a believer but I don't denounce such events, forces, presences or events happening. I'd love to experience something, somewhere...even at the cost of my composure.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    There was some program about "America's Most Haunted Places" or something that I thought was kind of neat.
    If you might mean Travel Channel's Top 10 Creepiest Destinations then I agree whole heartedly. They have a countdown:

    10. Bermuda Triangle
    9. Haunted Hollywood
    8. Tower of London
    7. Mutter Museum, Philadelphia, PA.
    6. Gettysburg, PA.
    5. New Orleans, LA.
    4. Salem, MA.
    3. Area 51
    2. Wichester Mystery House, San Jose, CA.
    1. Lizzie Borden House, Fall River, MA.

    With number two being my favorite area of such events. I'd love to visit it one day.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    With number two being my favorite area of such events. I'd love to visit it one day.
    I've been to the Winchester house... it's really weird.

    Surprised the Queen Mary isn't on that list. That place is authentically creepy.

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    As I read somewhere, referring to them ghost shows, "Would you repeatedly watch a show about anacondas if they never found an anaconda, or even had footage of one?"

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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Seaward View Post
    As I read somewhere, referring to them ghost shows, "Would you repeatedly watch a show about anacondas if they never found an anaconda, or even had footage of one?"
    That's actually a really good way of putting it. But there's just something about some of these shows that are fun. Like watching a "scary" movie for half an hour or so and then going on to something else. On the other hand, I REALLY like those "Top 10 Haunted Places" shows. I think I actually get more out of learning about those places than seeing people have "experiences" in them that are just conveniently never caught on camera or are discovered after the fact.

    Really, tne show I can't stand is Dead Files. That girl is incredibly annoying, and the majority of the show that has her in it is her making horrid reaction faces or standing there saying "I feel..Oh my god, I feel something..." At least Ghost Adventures has things "happen" throughout the show. These two people find "two unrelated cases" that just coincidentally happen to be COMPLETELY related. One case is about a man who murdered a woman, and the other case is about a woman who was murdered by a man. WHOOOOAAAAAA. Didn't see that one coming.

    V - I just saw that episode, too! Personally, I didn't like it as much as the Letchworth Village episode. That shit was crazy.
    Last edited by ImTheWiseJanitor; 05-27-2012 at 04:57 PM.

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    Just watched this episode, best EVPs they ever had. The end group huddle was bizarre with the EVP recordings.

    Watch, excellent episode!

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    Whoa! Double post somehow. Sorry.
    Last edited by ImTheWiseJanitor; 05-27-2012 at 04:55 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrea View Post
    I just saw that episode, too! Personally, I didn't like it as much as the Letchworth Village episode. That shit was crazy.
    I just watched the Letchworth Village episode and I agree. Very, odd, disturbing and intense. "Pray Your God" was a chilling EVP.

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    Me and my girl were huge fans for the first two seasons of Ghost Hunters... enough to buy all of the first 3 seasons on DVD
    but I dunno, I felt the vibe of the show changed for the worse during the 3rd and it just wasn't the same.

    and then that live Halloween episode a few years back happened...
    I never saw such blatant fakery going on behalf of the Ghost Hunters. I mean it was really in your face fakery.
    From then on, they completely lost us and we stopped watching.
    I really was offended and realized this show was complete bullshit, I traded all my DVDs in and never looked back.

    I got into Ghost Adventures when they were originally just a two hour special with the famous "ghost walks across the room" and "brick incident."
    I watched them for a couple of seasons, but then it was on and off. But I still appreciate them more than Ghost Hunters since it's much more entertaining

    Now, Ghost Hunters is like watching paint dry to be honest and I can't take any of their evidence seriously. Especially since they've been called out and past members came out and said it was all fake. Even the tension between Brian and the crew during the first couple of seasons. It came out it was all staged.

    Plus, I read there were two teams considered for the original Ghost Hunters show...
    and the other team turned it down when the contract hinted at faking evidence.
    Plus the team doesn't really go to places that they say for hours into the morning... more like a couple of hours, which some of the people who's places were investigated came out and said.

    And the contest shows for new recruits, which both series tried, really left a bad taste in my mouth.
    And I absolutely hate Paranormal State.

    I still watch Ghost Adventures here and there... but more for entertainment since Ghost Hunters has pretty made me not trust these paranormal TV shows.
    I was a huge Ghost Hunters fan, but felt betrayed. And the product placement was also a nail in the coffin.
    It was disappointing, but a lesson learned. Silly for me to believe in them and in shows like these.

    I'm not knocking the paranormal in general because I do believe in ghosts, but just not on television.
    When money is involved, people are gonna do what they can to keep viewers tuning and buying merch.

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    And as much as I like Ghost Adventures, it doesn't help that they use a program like Ableton to record their EVPs and do audio work. There's lots of stuff that you can do with that music program.

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    I've been bingewatching these shows. I kind of want to hatefuck Zak Bagans.

    It's also really weird seeing an episode featuring someone you actually know.

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    Quote Originally Posted by slave2thewage View Post
    I've been bingewatching these shows. I kind of want to hatefuck Zak Bagans.

    It's also really weird seeing an episode featuring someone you actually know.
    You're a month short for Halloween!

    I really used to love Ghost Adventures but when they added the two tech guys and constantly enter and leave their investigating area I'm kinda whatever to the show now. It was great with just the three alone locked inside.

    New season starts in early October so hopefully they visit some good places.

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    I'm basically watching all spooky/paranormal/horror stuff for the next two months. MEGA HALLOWEEN 2K14.

    Is it true they fired Aaron Goodwin from Ghost Adventures? I listen to that Real Ghost Stories Online podcast (which is normally quite good, btw, and daily) and they mentioned that about... a month ago?

    EDIT: finally Googled that. Apparently it was a hoax. It did lead to this gem, however...
    Last edited by slave2thewage; 08-27-2014 at 09:28 PM.

  16. #16
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    I used to love Ghost Hunters but it has been kinda boring the last few seasons. Ghost Lab was kinda cool and Paranormal State was a bit of a joke (especially the exorcism)
    GA is definitely more exciting now. My favorite remains Destination Truth.

    You gotta take everything with a grain of salt though. Some of their EVPs are pretty good. Some others are far-fetched.
    I'm like "how the fuck did you hear those words when it's clearly inaudible.".

    Anyways, I'm a believer so I tend to believe that they to believe that they are indeed catching some real evidence. However, I am not sure that everything they present is truly what is seems.
    The power of suggestion is important with these shows. Something on the FLIR could very well be a reflection of someone or whatnot. The footage is real but the explanation might be wrong.
    There's no way for us to be 100% sure if what they present as evidence is truly what it is.

    GA will be fun this year. They went to Ireland and investigated Leap Castle. Ghost Hunters investigated this place and it was awesome.
    GA is currently in Mexico investigating the Island of the Dolls. Destination Truth went there and it was pretty fun too.

    For what it's worth Josh Gates has a new show coming soon on Travel Channel (home of GA). Show will be called "Expedition Unknown". They have taped 6 episodes.

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    Dead Files did an episode in the town I grew up in, and the spirit which was supposedly in the house was a friend of my dad's.

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    Ghost Adventures season 10 is starting this Saturday with an investigation of the Queen Mary.
    Should be fun as usual.

    Ghost Hunters' new season starts on October 8.

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    I work in a notoriously old haunted movie theater in downtown KC and there's always been a large amount of employees who claim to have witnessed shit (I never have, personally), but one of our old GMs called in one of those ghost hunter squads, and the consensus from all involved seemed to be that the hunters were all full of shit.

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    Just watched the Zozo episode of Ghost Adventures. First time in quite some time they had me on the edge of my seat. Either it was stellar acting or there was some legitimate shit going on in this house.

    Speaking of Zozo, anyone has had experience with a Ouija board? I used to have one when I was a teenager. I don't recall have any sorts of paranormal experiences but I would definitely be incline to experience with one again.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    Just watched the Zozo episode of Ghost Adventures. First time in quite some time they had me on the edge of my seat. Either it was stellar acting or there was some legitimate shit going on in this house.

    Speaking of Zozo, anyone has had experience with a Ouija board? I used to have one when I was a teenager. I don't recall have any sorts of paranormal experiences but I would definitely be incline to experience with one again.
    Last night's episode on Island of the Dolls was an engaging watch. I definitely enjoyed it. This season feels like the older episodes.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Last night's episode on Island of the Dolls was an engaging watch. I definitely enjoyed it. This season feels like the older episodes.
    You're right. This season has been great so far. Island of the Dolls was pretty good. The fire was intriguing.
    Next week is the 2-hour special in Ireland. Amazing locations including Leap Castle. Should be fun.
    I also think they did a recent tapping at the Sallie House. Some crazy alleged demonic attacks are taking place there. Some of the photos taken of people with scratches are insane.

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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    I work in a notoriously old haunted movie theater in downtown KC and there's always been a large amount of employees who claim to have witnessed shit (I never have, personally), but one of our old GMs called in one of those ghost hunter squads, and the consensus from all involved seemed to be that the hunters were all full of shit.
    What theater? Lived in Lawrence (KU) for a few years a while back, I'm so all about this kind of stuff, but never heard about anything in KC.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Throw_it_away9 View Post
    What theater? Lived in Lawrence (KU) for a few years a while back, I'm so all about this kind of stuff, but never heard about anything in KC.
    Alamo Drafthouse in downtown KC. Formerly the old Empire Theater. It's got some hella old shit in it. The upstairs theaters were built around the original Balcony, which is still in tact, and under theater 1, down in the basement, there's a hole that you can crawl through that will take you to the original Orchestra Pit that still has the same door and everything. Lots of spooky shit in that building. I love it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    Just watched the Zozo episode of Ghost Adventures. First time in quite some time they had me on the edge of my seat. Either it was stellar acting or there was some legitimate shit going on in this house.

    Speaking of Zozo, anyone has had experience with a Ouija board? I used to have one when I was a teenager. I don't recall have any sorts of paranormal experiences but I would definitely be incline to experience with one again.
    Yes, when I was a teen we used to do that a lot. We had an experience that scared the shit out of all of us and none of us will ever attempt ouija in any form ever again.

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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    Alamo Drafthouse in downtown KC. Formerly the old Empire Theater. It's got some hella old shit in it. The upstairs theaters were built around the original Balcony, which is still in tact, and under theater 1, down in the basement, there's a hole that you can crawl through that will take you to the original Orchestra Pit that still has the same door and everything. Lots of spooky shit in that building. I love it.
    Oh cool. I've heard of the Drafthouse, but never been. Hoping to make it back to KC one of these days, I'll have to check it out.

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    Destination Truth is the best paranormal related show. I'd have a beer with Josh Gates.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post
    Destination Truth is the best paranormal related show. I'd have a beer with Josh Gates.
    He has a new show on Travel Channel called Expedition Unknown. No date yet. Still in production.

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    The Ireland show was half bad, half good.
    The "orb" caught in the Hellfire Cave definitely looked like a bug. The rest was mostly personal experiences. Surprisingly enough they didn't catch much at Leap Castle either.
    Loftus Hall was something else though. That white mist passing by that doorway was very interesting.
    The door closing itself made for good TV as well. It did look like a heavy door. When they pushed it hard against the wall, it didn't really bounce back so who knows how it began to close by itself.

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    Watching Ghost Adventures crash and burn during their live Halloween broadcast was amazing! Shout out to the Rabbi for pretty much proven these guys are bullshit. Watching Zak's reaction was priceless and seeing him try to salvage what happened was embarrassing.

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