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Thread: Controversial Music Opinions...

  1. #541
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    Holy... and he is coming on tour with Manson and Zombie. Not only is Manson enough torture, but it looks like I really have to suffer until I finally get to see Rob Zombie again.

  2. #542
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlb View Post
    Holy... and he is coming on tour with Manson and Zombie. Not only is Manson enough torture, but it looks like I really have to suffer until I finally get to see Rob Zombie again.
    He is? Ugh. He has no connection with this J-Devil act to either MM or RZ's music stylings. Out of place. Very mehhhhhhh.

  3. #543
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    Kinda hard to watch... but it sounded better than recent Korn?

  4. #544
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    Yeah a friend of mine just told me that he is only supporting them in the US though. Thank god, but oh well, still sorry for you guys. It's a shame that Rob and also Manson are supporting this kind of shit. I have no words for how awful that video above is. I even got goosebumps...

  5. #545
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    It's a name thing. You don't think the hardcore Korn fans aren't going to come out of their Holes to see him open? I think so. Smart, from a business perspective.

  6. #546
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    Some bollocks ebm throbbings as you wait for rz/mm

    Seems predictable if not appropriate

  7. #547
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    Will somebody please just assassinate him??

    Why do all the great musicians get slaughtered by crazed fans or crashing planes or self inflicted bulletholes, while we have to continually put up with these assholes.

    He sucked in the 90's as a Nu Metal Singer and now he sucks even harder as a dubstep slinger.

    BTW Thats a better lyric than anything he ever wrote and I just made it up. and i have a cold.

  8. #548
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    Well, I actually had some resepct for Davis back in the day.

    I was never a Korn fan, but I could always understand why people liked them and hell, some of their songs are quite catchy and made an undoubtly terrible music genre somewhat bearable. I know that Manson and Zombie are not the holy grail of music either, but Manson put out some relevant and IMHO very good albums back in the day and Zombie is just all about fun and delivering a kick ass tongue in cheek rock show whereas Davis, a guy that seemed to sing about personal issues and serious topics, has completely lost it with doing stuff like this. Fuck, you can not even call this "stuff" anymore.

  9. #549
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    Yeah that was just pure shit to be honest. I would rather have him keep making more music with Korn (Who I am not a fan of, though I do like a few of their songs) then have to listen to the J-Devil bullshit, that was just really pathetic and embarrassing.

  10. #550
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    Wow, I'm shocked how terrible that J-Devil shit is.

  11. #551
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    I mean this seriously. That was pretty entertaining, In a 'Plan 9' kind of way. I'd happily sit with a few beers and watch a full length set of that on DVD. Providing it was ripped off, of course.

  12. #552
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    I just watched that J-Devil video. I don't have anything against Davis but that video was just awful. It's neat he wants to try something new but there shouldn't have been some stupid gimmick to go with it. Not to mention it seems like he is trying too hard. "I will fuck you, fuck you, fuck you but I won't fuck to the world" and "I'm gonna blow your minds, motherfuckers."

    Just no, who says that? Sounds a bit foolhardy and a tad bit lame. Not to mention, I find his audience hilarious as most looked exactly like what most 'brostep' fans look like. LAWL.

  13. #553
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    Why does the musical taste of this forum seem to be stuck in 2003? It makes me think that this place is a graveyard. Korn? Manson? System of a Down? Those bands haven't been relevant in at least ten years! It just seems like the majority of this board has refused to progress and expand. It makes me wonder what Trent would think of his fans today because surely he doesn't listen to that garbage. That's my controversial music opinion. I'll keep on trollin' along...

  14. #554
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    I agree. I see threads on industrial music and think 'whoa...I was HUGE in to industrial music. in high school.'

  15. #555
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    I think you overreach your brush by saying that the entire board has insular taste in music. If you were to look through the half-dozen threads of older artists, you'll probably see the same people posting in them. Why the Manson thread is the most popular thread in this forum is a mystery to me and a god damn embarrassment when there are better, contemporary artists to listen to.

    But hey, this is a discussion board, so if you don't like seeing this forum populated by "has been" acts, feel free to start a thread on someone more topical.

  16. #556
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    Yup, Orestes is dead right. The board looks pretty damn rough on first look, I'll give you that, but most of the ~RaWk-BroZ!!!~ stick to the stuff they know and don't really pester the rest of us. Through threads like the coldwave and jangle ones, I've discovered loads of great stuff.

    If this were a perfect world, we'd start to see less threads around here titled 'x band', and more threads that ask questions about the peculiar relationship that fans have with music. Threads on the sort of stuff that writers like Nitsuh Abebe, Tom Ewing and Alex Macpherson write about. This thread definitely qualifies, and is a perfect first step. I think that's a much more fertile ground for discussion than "x has a new album on the way", "y replaced their guitarist", and "I used to love z, but now they suck". Then again, if this were a perfect world I'd be starting those conversations on my own and not just bellyaching that the level of discourse on a message board isn't up to my lofty standards.

  17. #557
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlueCalx View Post
    The board looks pretty damn rough on first look, I'll give you that, but most of the ~RaWk-BroZ!!!~ stick to the stuff they know and don't really pester the rest of us.
    Are you referring to the NIN fans?

    Quote Originally Posted by rampface View Post
    Why does the musical taste of this forum seem to be stuck in 2003? It makes me think that this place is a graveyard. Korn? Manson? System of a Down? Those bands haven't been relevant in at least ten years! It just seems like the majority of this board has refused to progress and expand. It makes me wonder what Trent would think of his fans today because surely he doesn't listen to that garbage. That's my controversial music opinion. I'll keep on trollin' along...
    Personally I am glad people here aren't afraid to discuss those bands, like maybe they were when the board was more taken by the indie direction of NIN circa The Slip and TR's tastes at that time (electro-indie, where did that disappear?). I find it more diverse and tolerant now. I do check out new stuff all the time, but my formation was the 90s, and it's the case that it's more interesting to me at this stage in my life to check out (and inevitably dislike) the new Manson than get into what's speaking the same language as one of my 18yo students (tangential side-note: a student was once amazed I recognized a RHCP quote in a paper of his: I was like, dude they are more my generation than yours). 90s alt.metal, well that's the scene that NIN peaked in, and will be best associated with, for better or worse. To me NIN will always be closer in spirit to Tool or Type O Negative or Korn, but hey, I am glad there is a difference of opinion, and for some people NIN is closer in spirit to Death Cab For Cutie or Sigur Ros or Radiohead.
    Last edited by aggroculture; 08-13-2012 at 06:16 AM.

  18. #558
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    Just because someone likes NIN and some shitty band like Death Cab for Cutie (or Limp Bizkit) doesn't mean the person necessarily finds them to be in the same "spirit."

    I also don't see the connection between Sigur Ros and NIN... or Radiohead and NIN. I like them both, but that doesn't mean that because I'm posting about either band on this site I feel that they in some way embody the "spirit of NIN."

    Fuck. Personally, I am glad that there's some people on here who aren't afraid to NOT discuss music in respect to Nine Inch Nails.

    NIN is just another band I like.

  19. #559
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    My point is that what most posters here share, I imagine, is that they like NIN. Some, such as myself, got into them alongside Nirvana, Tool and Korn. Other NIN fans may dig Radiohead and Sigur Ros and have total contempt for what they see as washed up 90s or 00s metal bands, which they don't associate in any way with NIN. I am glad this board can accomodate both camps. I guess this is to NIN's credit in generating a diverse fanbase.

  20. #560
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    i hate bands you've never heard of.

  21. #561
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    I quite like talking about the old 90s/00s bands... comfort blanket stuff, reminds me of simpler times. I can't really see many people giving a fuck if I started a uk grime thread

    NIN does have broad appeal, you're likely to find more people who like NIN and sigur ros than you are people who like slipknot and sigur ros... I see what aggroculture means, it is nice to have a place where you get both Radiohead and Marilyn Manson threads & it doesn't seem incongruous

  22. #562
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sutekh View Post
    I can't really see many people giving a fuck if I started a uk grime thread
    I would find that to be much more interesting than the constant lingering thread about Marilyn Manson.

    Here's the thing. When I was a little kid, I pretty much only listened to classical music. When I turned 10 or so, I got a Warrant album and thought it was the greatest thing in the world. However, around this same time, I started getting really into David Bowie, and I went around collecting all his albums. Later, Nirvana came out with Nevermind. At some point I remember really liking Pearl Jam. Then I turned 14, and started devouring everything I could find that sounded interesting to me. Around that time, The Downward Spiral came out. I immediately bought everything they had put out to that point, and then I went around listening to Skinny Puppy, COIL, Throbbing Gristle... However, while this was happening, I was getting into Pink Floyd, Miles Davis, 2Pac, Aphex Twin... and every one of these musicians was a doorway to another genre of music.

    You know who sucks? Warrant. Because I'm not 10 years old anymore. I don't look at music through the perspective of every band that ever introduced me to something. I don't think to myself "oh I like COIL because I discovered them through Nine Inch Nails." I don't think COIL embodies "the spirit of NIN." People who cling to music obsessively and never branch out into other things (or if they do, only look at it through the lens that respects some group that really impacted them) are kind of fucked up. They become something like that Axl W Rose guy who posts in the Guns N Roses thread, if that's a real person.

    But yes, it's a Nine Inch Nails board, so I get the obligatory threads about Tool side projects and industrial music. I get why this is one of the last places on earth where people sincerely give a fuck what Marilyn Manson is doing now. NIN was probably my most favoritest band in the whole wide world when I was fourteen years old. If I was still fourteen, I'd love to participate, but I'm in my thirties now. I don't have time for a "favorite band."

    NIN does have broad appeal, you're likely to find more people who like NIN and sigur ros than you are people who like slipknot and sigur ros...
    But the point is you're likely to find NIN fans who like everything. That doesn't mean that the band has anything to do with NIN. Just because it may be more likely that a Nine Inch Nails fan will like Depeche Mode than Cher means absolutely nothing. It just means that some people have more predictable musical taste than others. This doesn't mean that Cher lacks the "spirit of Nine Inch Nails," and my reasons for not giving a shit about her music have nothing to do with Nine Inch Nails.

    There's a big section of this board relegated to conversations that must discuss NIN every ten seconds. Let's not assume that people in this portion of the board aren't sick of hearing Reznor's name every ten seconds. Let's not think "oh, someone on here likes weird abstract hip hop, how unusual for a Nine Inch Nails fan." Let's just talk about music and stop being obsessive children about it.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 08-13-2012 at 03:39 PM.

  23. #563
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    NIN was probably my most favoritest band in the whole wide world when I was fourteen years old. If I was still fourteen, I'd love to participate, but I'm in my thirties now. I don't have time for a "favorite band."
    Why not? Do you mean growing up has caused you to branch out into lots of different genres and artists and you can no longer focus on one band with the same fervor that a worshipful teenager could? I mean, my dad is 52 and I'd say the Beatles are still his favorite band after many years. So I don't see that getting older extinguishes that passion, if anything it enhances it. It's like marriage, it's not as fiery as you get older, but it's quieter and stronger.

  24. #564
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    Quote Originally Posted by carpenoctem View Post
    Why not? Do you mean growing up has caused you to branch out into lots of different genres and artists and you can no longer focus on one band with the same fervor that a worshipful teenager could? I mean, my dad is 52 and I'd say the Beatles are still his favorite band after many years. So I don't see that getting older extinguishes that passion, if anything it enhances it. It's like marriage, it's not as fiery as you get older, but it's quieter and stronger.
    Because there's hundreds of bands that mean just as much to me in different ways. I can have extreme nostalgic fondness for a particular band, and I may still put their music on now and again, but I don't feel the need to sit down and absorb it the way I might with something that I'm currently fascinated with. Does that mean my favorite band is the one that I am currently listening to the most? I don't know. I don't really care enough to make that distinction.

    How about this... is your dad still actively hunting out new music?
    Last edited by Jinsai; 08-13-2012 at 03:57 PM.

  25. #565
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    Jinsai... I agree with a lot of what you say & can relate to your bio, and certainly when people bang on about old bands and back-in-the-day, it's often because they are in some kind of protracted adolescence which they wish to extend because it's a comfort zone, but something that is not a great deal further down the line in terms of retrogressive navel gazing a fuck about rock music - full stop - after a certain age

    It's a guilty pleasure, as grown men we should really be doing something - possibly anything - other than discussing what bands we can discuss without provoking status anxiety

  26. #566
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    It made pretty sad that the Manson thread was as popular as it was when (I guess) his new album came out(?). Some days that was the biggest thread on the forum. If it's any indication of what I think of Manson, when I started, I added music from every artist on the roster -- except Manson. Personal indulgence, that. But if people want to discuss Manson, I guess they want to discuss Manson. Personally, I don't think I could care less about the guy or the albums he puts out.

    It's funny how it's sometimes difficult to betray your tastes. I got into Queens of the Stone Age a while back (before they opened for NIN), which wasn't really my usual schtick. One day I plugged them into Pandora to see what related music came up, and it was all mid-90s grunge basically. I mean, I listened to Offspring before I got into NIN, and when my g/f at the time wanted me to sell off her copy of Nirvana Unplugged, I ended up keeping it and really liking it.

    Anyway, yeah, the notion of a 'favorite band' seems really weird to me, also being in my early 30s. I mean, evidence clearly points to it being "NIN", and forgive the approaching wank here, but I feel like I'm post-fan w/r/t NIN. Sure, it's a weirdly-huge part of my life, but in a very passive way now. What I do find a little bit terrible is that I find more joy in discovering mid-90s bands I skipped over than I find in music that's coming out now. I also discover new bands at a much, much slower rate. Am I the modern version of the 1990s Skynyrd fan? Do I want to know the answer to that question?

    (My dad actually does actively seek out new music, but I think he's the exception rather than the rule.)

  27. #567
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    Nine Inch Nails would probably still be something that excites me if he had just stopped after the fragile. unfortunately the last 10 years have greatly tarnished my obsession of all things reznor.

    the beatles stopped. paul mccartneys various solo projects, as shitty as they are (another controversial opinion i know) are not attached to the beatles, so it doesn't make my opinion of the beatles go down. or up for that matter. Nine Inch Nails is, quite frankly stagnant. I'm positive that trent reznor is aware of this, and is thus wise for making NIN "go away" these last few years.

  28. #568
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    Interesting! I don't regard post fragile NIN as stagnant... for me (and I'm sure, for many of you, but bear with me) it would have been stagnant if he had stayed fucked up and kept doing the whole heavy metal-ish pop coil thing - the indie infused, sober, uplifting themes NIN, while not interesting in the way the 90s stuff was, is certainly worthwhile... I don't entirely disagree with what a lot of the old guard says on here, but stagnant ... ouch! It was a cool band in the 90s with many "how did he do/think of that" moments, but he never reinvented the wheel

    However I'm not calling bullshit on your opinions at all - I would certainly say it's a different band after 2005. An arch fanboy I am, an objective judge I am not

  29. #569
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    I know my wife is of similar opinion to Joymode, but I've kept on with NIN. Having joined a punk band myself at the time, I found the stripped down approach to With Teeth to be interesting, and particularly enjoyed Aaron North's contribution to the live incarnation - but it's not as solid as previous records (which, frankly, are very difficult to follow up) - a couple really good tracks, a stinker or two, and then the rest. Year Zero was awesome to me, in that it went very noisy, very electro, and finally moved away from the introspection and further towards narrative. The Slip gets a lot of hate from ETS, but I that it was great - some of the hardest hitting NIN in a decade. A solid collection of new material, plus great rehearsal footage to boot.

    I find it incredible when I read letters from dudes in Iran, Egypt, and Syria actively citing Year Zero as inspiration for them during real-life actual revolutionary action. It's interesting to see how different people take to Nine Inch Nails, but always inspiring to see the ways it helps people keep their shit together when things get rough - whether it's with personal relationships, or with oppressive government regimes. To a lesser extent, it's interesting to me when I've been in shows and heard people shout "Play more from [any post-Fragile album]" - new fans crop up with each release, although from an entirely different perspective.

    When I posted that video of Lollapalooza to the Hotline's twitter account, it got me thinking about what that must have been like. Imagine you came across Pretty Hate Machine, and you played the crap out of it, with all the percolating bass synths, drum machines, and excessive (although typical for the time) reverb. Terrible Lie kind of plink-plonks along, punctuated by guitar stabs and moody pads. So you go to see them at Lollapalooza, and the first two songs you hear are Terrible Lie and Sin, but in their much more aggressive live incarnations. I feel like, had I been around for that shift, it would have blown my impressionable young mind. You see people fleeing from the front of the crowd because they've just been annihilated. As a band, you don't have many chances to make such a dramatic pivot as that. After the Sin single with it's dancey remix, you get Broken, one of the first and heaviest volleys in what's been called the loudness wars, with blisteringly loud aggression - to follow that with the (and I hate using this word now) epic Downward Spiral, again, what a shift. After such a successful path, the only way out was to make something like The Fragile, a critical darling that famously tanked commercially, becoming a cult classic and a favorite of respected musicians of all stripes... how do you even follow that up? No matter what you do, people are going to be disappointed.

    I'm glad that in the touring that's happened since, I've been able see them in venues that were unthinkable to me. I thought for sure the "See NIN in a small club" boat sailed back in 1994, but then I bought tickets to the NYC Wave Goodbye shows, seeing the band play in the Bowery Ballroom was a personal concert highlight, which was promptly obliterated by seeing the band perform The Downward Spiral the whole way through. I'm pretty happy with the way things turned out.

    Now, Tool, on the other hand...

  30. #570
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    F tool.

    No really tho. I did enjoy seeing NIN in second row seats in Fresno. That was awesome.

    And I'll never ever ever deny the influence that nin has had on my musical tastes and my own music for that matter.
    Last edited by DVYDRNS; 08-13-2012 at 10:33 PM.

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