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Thread: Controversial Music Opinions...

  1. #1
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    Controversial Music Opinions...

    I'll get the ball rolling...

    Randy Rhoads was not that good. Yes he was a great player, but it's cartoon heavy metal, it sounds silly & tacky. Only the bad taste bastards of the metal world would think that neo classical rock is a good idea (just the term makes me wince).

    Bob Dylan... so fucking what? Don't get it. Some stuff I don't get but I see the appeal. Not Bob.

    The Clash were just middle class chancers making pop rock and are only so big because most people don't want to be challenged, but like the idea that they are. I say this as a fan of the clash! But the idea they were punk is bullshit... they were a pub rock band who pretended to be angry interested in politics and social issues because that's what constituted the latest fad at the time

    A friend of mine once said that if Corrosion of Conformity had released "Load" instead of Metallica, it would be hailed as a classic - spot on. Not a massive fan of Load but it gets unfairly slagged

    The Beatles = overrated. And before anyone (not that I have you lot pegged as bastards, but slagging the beatles usually gets a bad response) gets all pompous, tells me I am a bad person or stupid for not liking them and lectures me on how important they are to the development of pop music (really?! no shit. wow you must have watched television or read a paper at least once or twice to gain such an insight, I am in awe), I know - and I do like them. But for me the myth is as powerful as the music - that's why, when you say they are overrated, people always refer to the band's place in history rather than the music itself. they didn't invent beat pop, they didn't invent psychedelia, they didn't invent rock music or heavy metal... let it be!!!

    Mastodon's drummer is so good he's shit - ditto Steve Vai. But only virginal bedroom guitar heroes stick up for Vai so maybe that's not so controversial

  2. #2
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    Bob Dylan=can't stand the man, though I get why he was influential/important.

    The Beatles=not overrated at all. Best band ever in so many ways. It's the Rolling Stones I can't stand. They have a few good songs, but I just can't fucking stand them most of the time.

    My controversial opinions:

    Slayer=overrated as fuck.

    Iron Maiden=ghastly, horrible band who rip off Queen without ever realizing that Freddy Mercury was having a laugh and not taking himself seriously. All music that descends from Iron Maiden (power metal) makes me cringe.

    Stephen Malkmus=horrible.

    Limp Bizkit=awesome.

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    I will go out on a limb and say LB have an album's worth of good songs
    I need a shower now

    edit - TOOL! Never got it. Love APC but Tool sends me to sleep. Just don't get it... really feel like I should

    I always hated Green Day but I quite like American Idiot & tbh it's a pretty coherent & a decent premise for a concept album. They still leave a bad taste in my mouth, but I can't deny i enjoyed that one
    Last edited by Sutekh; 05-12-2012 at 11:09 AM.

  4. #4
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    Maynards voice sickens me, like I've literally got an aversion to it. Generally speaking my reaction to singers is either like or indifference, but theres something about Maynard's voice that irritates the shit out of me.

    I love Bob Dylan, but having said that I do sometimes think Townes was better (totally that old controversial Steve Earle - stand on Bobs coffee table in his cowboy boots...) either way they are both phenomenal (as is Steve Earle )

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sutekh View Post
    TOOL! Never got it. Love APC but Tool sends me to sleep. Just don't get it... really feel like I should
    Quote Originally Posted by Minpin View Post
    Maynards voice sickens me, like I've literally got an aversion to it. Generally speaking my reaction to singers is either like or indifference, but theres something about Maynard's voice that irritates the shit out of me.
    This is not the place for me.

  6. #6
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    Personally, I'd say that once you reach a certain age or understanding of music, a dislike of someone shouldn't be labeled as 'controversial'. To beat the dead horse some more...look at Marilyn Manson. Loved...L O V E D his earlier stuff but he let himself go and his work has blatantly suffered as result of it. Can't stand him now and often wonder how I could at one point. I chalk it up to being a teenager though, and am grateful that it was a gateway of sorts to better music.

    Personally I can't stand Limp Bizkit but am fully aware that some people do. I always found the 'bro rock' bands to be cliche as hell but whatever floats your boat. Agreed on Slayer. Whereas I wouldn't say they're overrated, I can probably get through about 2 songs max before switching to something else. Also agreed on Iron Maiden. I get what they've done for metal but I can't get in to them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Personally, I'd say that once you reach a certain age or understanding of music, a dislike of someone shouldn't be labeled as 'controversial'.
    Aah...not sure if I've caught what you mean (hungover, foggy), but labelling something "controversial" doesn't necessarily betray a lack of insight or maturity - the intention of the thread isn't "list bands you hate"... If you dislike something widely hailed or love something similarly reviled, this typically stokes controversy - it has nothing to do with the maturity or knowledge of the person making the comment - the controversial value is dictated by how occasionally unable the public are to just accept a difference of opinion without calling into question how well informed the judgement is. The maturity of everyone else is the issue, in fact! Case in point - this is the ONLY place ON EARTH where I have slagged off the Beatles and people haven't pissed their pants and cast aspersions on my character

    On the subject of our Brian... Eat Me Drink Me is better than anything after holy wood. The EMDM shows I saw were better than the Holy Wood shows too... shouldn't be true, but I can't lie to myself!

  8. #8
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    Let's see...

    I'll echo the initial poster's post on The Beatles to every letter in it.

    I find U2 to be overrated junk that has a few good songs but it is mostly due to over hype by media. Sad thing is, I mostly blame their over hype on Bono.

    I believe that when everyone jerks off to Metallica's yesteryears (aka Kill 'em All to ...And Justice for All) for being the best of the best I will slag you off. Every band in the 'Core Four' are way better than Metallica by a long shot (Megadeth, Slayer and Anthrax).

    Bob Dylan is a boring man to listen to. I appreciate and like his lyrical work but as for him performing me, I'll be asleep.

    I fucking absolutely LOVE Tom Waits but let's face, the guy sucks at singing. He's fucking terrible. I love him though. <3

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Personally, I'd say that once you reach a certain age or understanding of music, a dislike of someone shouldn't be labeled as 'controversial'. To beat the dead horse some more...look at Marilyn Manson.
    think you've totally missed the point, but outside of the Manson thread I really don't think hating on Manson would by any stretch be called controversial these days...

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    Again, it all depends on who you're talking to I guess...which was sort of my point. In the MM thread, saying you think he's terrible now could be 'controversial' but in a group of people who share the same opinion it'd be agreed upon. Maybe the more concise way to say what I was trying to get out was that in a medium such as music, disliking an artist for whatever reason, no matter how popular they are (i.e. The Beatles) isn't really controversial to me. Some people love them, some people can't stand them. I for one love Tom Waits, and the fact that he has such a beaten-down old man voice is part of the charm...he knows how he sounds and doesn't care. Some people can't stand him. I find neither opinion controversial.

  11. #11
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    Morrissey & solo projects: It's shit, I don't like the man or the music, I've tried but never had an Aha-moment with it, any of it. If anyone has one of those Aha-moment songs to convert me, please try.

    I saw him at Coachella 99 or 00 and got sick of his dandy-like stage persona taking off his shirt and twisting the sweat down on the dorks in the "pit". Disgusting. Convert me.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Again, it all depends on who you're talking to I guess...which was sort of my point. In the MM thread, saying you think he's terrible now could be 'controversial' but in a group of people who share the same opinion it'd be agreed upon. Maybe the more concise way to say what I was trying to get out was that in a medium such as music, disliking an artist for whatever reason, no matter how popular they are (i.e. The Beatles) isn't really controversial to me. Some people love them, some people can't stand them. I for one love Tom Waits, and the fact that he has such a beaten-down old man voice is part of the charm...he knows how he sounds and doesn't care. Some people can't stand him. I find neither opinion controversial.
    for the purpose of this thread, think controversial in terms of going against a "general" consensus

    EDIT: also why specifically music? From your reasoning doesn't sound like anything could be controversial...
    Last edited by Minpin; 05-12-2012 at 03:05 PM.

  13. #13
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    The point is to ascertain some opinions on music you have that will inspire popular butthurt. You'll always find someone who has contrary feelings, not denying that possiblity, but rationally you have to acknowledge there are such things as popularly held opinions, and making statements that aren't aligned with those opinions will most likely stoke controversy. It's always fun to read people's insane opinions! Anthrax better than Metallica... I actually sucked air through my teeth when I read that! Good stuff

    You know exactly what I mean now confess guilty pleasures and slaughter some sacred cows!

    Pearl Jam were shit... also Chris Cornell is so phony it makes me cringe

    Dunno if you guys know the Manic Street Preachers, but Know Your Enemy was one of their 3 best albums IMO. Absolutely baffled by its bad reputation, best thing they'd done since Holy Bible or Everything Must Go

  14. #14
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    Tom Waits - I can "hear" why his music is appreciated, but it has never really touched me. Just some drunk growling to bad coumtry music.

    Pink Floyd - In terms of songwriting and dynamics, nothing gets past them, but most of their music sounds so thin and distant, never really got it.

    Ministry - Tried so many times to get into them, I don't know if it's Al's voice or their music, just doesn't happen.

    Converge/Dillinger Escape Plan - Any --core music for me is gut music not "head" music.

  15. #15
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    Tom Waits: can't stand him or understand what others see in him.

    Pink Floyd: Dark Side of the Moon is one of the most blah records ever. A snoozefest.

    Dillinger: awesome. Converge: live great, on record a total bore. I literally get bored after a few minutes.

    U2: They do have some great songs, but on the whole are totally overrated.

    Metallica: I get that they were so influential etc, but I don't really care. I admit I liked the black album for a week in the early 90s, and I also admit that I sometimes hear old Metallica on the radio and go "hmm, that sounds alright." But for the most part I don't get Metallica worship at all, don't get what the all fuss is about. Seen them live and, whatever, neither bad nor good. I own Master of Puppets and every time I've listened to it it does absolutely nothing for me, it's just annoying. Hetfield's vocals are stupid and annoying. Maybe what I am hearing on the radio is ...And Justice for All.

    Lou Reed: ugh.

    Morrissey, on the other hand, I love: check these awesome numbers out:

    Last edited by aggroculture; 05-12-2012 at 05:26 PM.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    Morrissey, on the other hand, I love: check these awesome numbers out:
    Thanks for trying to convert me. To be honest, I have to admit that "First of the gang to die" is an awesome song. I've heard it of course many times before and liked it, but it's probably the only song that I like by him. As for the other ones, I think the first one "the more you ignore me" is the reason for why i think Morrissey is a douche. It sounds like a toothpaste/dandruff jingle, and a bad one at that. The third one "the world" has that aura of something that sounds as if it might turn good at any moment, but it doesn't, at all. Major turnoff. The last one sounds like someones uncle taking karaoke lessons.

  17. #17
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    John Lennon was overrated. Paul was the better singer/songwriter.
    David Gilmour > Roger Waters
    Tool and APC suck

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    I was really turned off by most of this thread because I love just about everything and have always had a really open mind, but looking at the last comment really made me think about just how much I really don't like Roger Waters material. Everyone knows his dad died in World War II I don't want to listen to decades of music about the same shit. I definitely really never got into his voice and truthfully I think The Wall is the least pleasing of all Floyd's material.

    Gilmour is so much more impressive in a myriad of ways. I love Barrett-era Floyd, too, but Gilmour's writing and guitar work are the most penetrating pieces of the groups material, I think.

    Also: I think it's universally agreed that Paul was always the most talented of the Beatles, however, John Lennon really made huge efforts to push the boundaries and develop sounds that were relatively obsolete in that era of music.

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    yeah "The Wall" stands alone... totally different to early kooky psych floyd and glacial 70s prog floyd. The first alternative rock album maybe? Some say first Waters solo album but I think it still has the vestiges of floyd

    It really ruins me to say this... but really gone off floyd in recent years, hardly ever listen. And as a teen I was a maniac for it... I remember the first time I heard dark side from start to finish, i actually sat up until 10am listening to it... I could just close my eyes and frankly trip balls because the music fired my imagination and emotions so much

    But now? Dunno... seems a bit ponderous and self-important. It galls me to write that, I wish things were different!

  20. #20
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    Love this thread.

    I think it's interesting, hobochic, that you're still seeking conversion after having seen most of what Morrissey has to offer and still not feeling it. I'm still a pretty big Morrissey fan, I've heard the vast majority of what he's published and, honestly, if you find the music uninteresting, you're totally correct. It's bland, pedestrian rock music as played by a band of middle-aged men who would be gigging at pubs and bar mitzvahs if not for their friendship with Moz, and it's a whole lot of Morrissey's love-it-or-hate-it personality. You're still trying, though, so you must be seeing some value in his music. I'll take a different tact in trying to convert you. People like Morrissey because, as a songwriter, he has a gift for writing lyrics that are broadly, deeply relatable while being vague enough to be open to vastly different interpretations. His songs are very rarely autobiographical, they're about wheelchair-bound geniuses, faded boxers, glamourous gangsters, British nationalists, guilt-ridden priests, and other compelling characters. He writes with an almost supernatural level of empathy, an empathy which is all the more interesting when seen in light of the man's surly, narcissistic personality. Morrissey is not dissimilar to the Jack Nicholson character in As Good As It Gets - a nasty, bitter little man who can only see all the beauty in the world through his art. If that paradox fascinates you, you'll get a lot of mileage out of Morrissey. If all you can see is the boring music and the vain prick singer, look elsewhere. The world's full of good music and Morrissey's got enough fans.

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    As for my controversial opinions, here goes:

    Grunge was totally worthless from Nirvana on down. It's '80s college rock but with major label cheesemeister production, as played by jerkoffs with unbearable rock god messiah complexes. If you can read Kurt Cobain's journals and still think that he's a cool guy, you've got a stronger stomach than me and I just wrote a paragraph-long post about my love of Morrissey, ferchrissake.

    Rage Against the Machine were inferior to Limp Bizkit.

    Dinosaur bands like the Pixies or My Bloody Valentine who want to tour endlessly without ever bringing out new material need to hang it the fuck up.

    Aggressive, bro-ey dubstep in the vein of Skrillex is totally awesome. I like the introspective, ambient stuff too, but I love the booming wubs at clubs and parties.

    Of course the Beatles are great, but so is Frank Sinatra. Both are talented artists who were enormously influential, and who have no purchase at all on contemporary pop culture. If you call yourself a music fan at all, it's important for you to hear this stuff, but there's no point in trying to force yourself to have a relationship with that music that's like the one your parents or your grandparents had with it. Appreciate it for what it is but live in 2012, not a retro hipster fantasyland version of the '60s. Also, in the case of the Beatles, the music is so ubiquitous as background noise that to say you like their songs is a lot like saying you enjoy breathing air. Saying "I hate the Beatles" is either just straight-up trolling or moderately interesting cocktail party small talk.
    Last edited by BlueCalx; 05-12-2012 at 07:07 PM.

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    Not sure why I didn't recall this earlier but I think Radiohead is pretty shitty. I've listened to every album a few times, whether forced to after announcing how boring I think they are or just out of curiosity for being the only person I know that isn't into it. I really don't get why they're regarded so highly.

    I'm pretty much all alone for that one, I think, but I just feel that everything they do is mind-numbingly tiresome from the vocals, lyrics, to the production, etc. But everyone else thinks so highly of this band that my complaints are typically drowned out with their boring rants about how Thom Yorke's a musical genius or something.

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    I absolutely love Amnesiac (which everyone seems to hate), and think Kid A & OK Computer are really good albums with very thick atmosphere. But yeah outside of that they bore me as well to be honest! It's really odd, they were shit hot at the turn of the century but zzzz before and after

    people are writhing in pain at all this

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    That Radiohead cover band, Muse sounds better than Radiohead to me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by spegettiwestern View Post
    Not sure why I didn't recall this earlier but I think Radiohead is pretty shitty. I've listened to every album a few times, whether forced to after announcing how boring I think they are or just out of curiosity for being the only person I know that isn't into it. I really don't get why they're regarded so highly.

    I'm pretty much all alone for that one, I think, but I just feel that everything they do is mind-numbingly tiresome from the vocals, lyrics, to the production, etc. But everyone else thinks so highly of this band that my complaints are typically drowned out with their boring rants about how Thom Yorke's a musical genius or something.

    This band makes me want to puke. I gave them a shot, but ended up wanting to shoot myself.

  26. #26
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    Pink Floyd is better than Led Zeppelin.
    In fact, Led Zeppelin is boring as all hell.. I don't know for sure how most people feel about them, but I just don't care.

    Holywood is better than Antichrist...

    James Brown was better before the "godfather of soul" era.

    Jane Doe is not that great, IMO, You Fail Me is far superior.

    Calculating Infinity Is boring compared to Miss Machine

    Metallica's "old stuff" may be just as, if not more, boring than there later albums..

    Leonard Cohen sucks

    Thelonious Monk sucks

    The majority of Primus albums are shit... they are pretty awesome live though!

    Chronic 2001 is WAY better than The Chronic.

    NWA sucks

    Tupac sucks, Hologram mode was creepy.

    Billie Holiday is better than Ella Fitzgerald and Etta James combined.

    ...There's more, I'm sure. Feels good to let it out!!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post

    This band makes me want to puke. I gave them a shot, but ended up wanting to shoot myself.
    To be fair it takes time to like or appreciate what Radiohead creates. I enjoy them but it literally took years for me to even begin to like them.

    I do think they're horribly overrated though and I think the King of Limbs sucks.

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    Quote Originally Posted by spegettiwestern View Post
    Not sure why I didn't recall this earlier but I think Radiohead is pretty shitty. I've listened to every album a few times, whether forced to after announcing how boring I think they are or just out of curiosity for being the only person I know that isn't into it. I really don't get why they're regarded so highly.

    I'm pretty much all alone for that one, I think, but I just feel that everything they do is mind-numbingly tiresome from the vocals, lyrics, to the production, etc. But everyone else thinks so highly of this band that my complaints are typically drowned out with their boring rants about how Thom Yorke's a musical genius or something.
    You're not alone, trust me. I really don't get it either. I like only 3 songs from them which are Creep, Karma Police and Paranoid Android. If their stuff sounded like those songs more often I might dig them. Unless there's an awesome album of theirs I've overlooked. It's true that I probably haven't really given them a fair chance (sounds like you really have).

    So far this thread has touched upon ones I agree with such as Iron Maiden, U2, Tool and others. One I can think of right now that I think is vastly overrated is Guns N' Roses. I really don't get their appeal especially considering what Axl Rose has become in recent years. With him alone I can hardly take this band seriously.

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    Oh here we go.

    Hows this for controversial...

    I think Post Fragility era trent reznor music is over rated as hell. its not good. Those soundtracks.. yea give me a few months worth of living expenses and whatever instruments i want... I could have done those. no problem. and I'm sure many here could have done the same. He is not innovative. and don't get me started on the slip. Disgusting pile of trash. Embarrassing. And HTDA is crap. I wish Atticus would spend his time on something good... like a full length Error record...

    Look at reznors Spotify playlists. they are stuck in the past. He refuses to be inspired by current artists. He was better when he took inspiration from his peers. whether he considered himself to be ripping them off or not... he was better then. I keep hoping he gets it back, and i still see moments of hope with things like the immigrant song and tetsuo. but overall i'm disappointed continually.

    I downloaded the Niggy Tardust record. and it sucked. Then I downloaded the instrumental version, and it was awesome. I'm sure only because it was leftovers from Fragile music.
    Tool is a band full of members who don't give a crap about whats good anymore. only whats technical. they all sit around in studio jerking off and recording it, and their fans are the most obnoxious people in the world who fall for it every time. The only thing I like about tool is I'm pretty sure they're fully aware of it and get a huge kick out of the fact that they've gotten away with it this long and are still making money off of it.

    Cortini isn't that good. Unless he's remixing something.

    TR Screwed up bad when he lost his connection with Clouser.

    Radiohead... Oh jeeze... how over rated can this band get... why are people still talking about this band...

    Bands like M83 and Big Black Delta and A Place to Bury Strangers are far more inventive than the reznor camp of today. Which only makes sense, because they are younger and allow themselves to be inspired by their peers. they aren't lazy. They want to be better than everybody else. and that causes them to push boundaries.

    Switching Gears.

    Lady Gaga... Anybody who's a fan of this music is a slave.

    You might ask why I'm on this board anymore... because i grew up here i guess. I was here first.
    Last edited by DVYDRNS; 05-12-2012 at 09:33 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hobochic View Post
    Thanks for trying to convert me. To be honest, I have to admit that "First of the gang to die" is an awesome song. I've heard it of course many times before and liked it, but it's probably the only song that I like by him. As for the other ones, I think the first one "the more you ignore me" is the reason for why i think Morrissey is a douche. It sounds like a toothpaste/dandruff jingle, and a bad one at that. The third one "the world" has that aura of something that sounds as if it might turn good at any moment, but it doesn't, at all. Major turnoff. The last one sounds like someones uncle taking karaoke lessons.
    I'm a huge Morrissey fan. If these ones don't float your boat you're a lost cause:

    My Dearest Love:


    Life Is A Pigsty:

    I'll Never Be Anybody's Hero Now:

    Black Cloud:

    Christian Dior:

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