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Thread: Controversial Music Opinions...

  1. #751
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post
    Taste is subjective, but even so, I fail to see at all how that make him a "hack." He obviously did what he loved.

    Who the fuck didn't recycle psychedelic ideas in the 60's? And yeah, he didn't lead Pink Floyd anywhere, only because he was a bit busy freaking the fuck out because of his mental state. Seriously, these reasons you have to consider him a "hack" are a joke.
    Oh noes! Someone had the stones to speak against the infallible Syd Barrett! Better put on my elitist hat!

    He rehashed the same shit over and over and wasn't any good at it. Isn't that the definition of a hack? Look at early Floyd's contemporaries. Floyd didn't attain anything near the same level of acclaim or success until after Barrett left.

  2. #752
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    you're allowed to dislike syd barrett, but your reasoning is suspect, poorly explained without insults, and therefore just sounds like bad trolling.

    piper at the gates of dawn/the band's early singles are no better or worse than many of the other less championed contemporaries. are you trying to say that stuff like the pretty things and 13th floor elevators were more successful? a lot of that stuff is great (and yeah, some of it is better indeed)- but many of those bands were singles-oriented, with one or two chart hits but poor selling LPs. outside of a handful of bands- the psychedelic era was a cult audience. that said, piper was received very well for its time, so don't even tell me barrett-era is only successful due to the band's latter-day efforts.

  3. #753
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    I actually agree, Syd Barrett leaving Pink Floyd was probably the greatest thing to ever happen to that band. His shit's just not good.

  4. #754
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    Quote Originally Posted by Necrodoommonkey View Post
    Oh noes! Someone had the stones to speak against the infallible Syd Barrett! Better put on my elitist hat!

    He rehashed the same shit over and over and wasn't any good at it. Isn't that the definition of a hack? Look at early Floyd's contemporaries. Floyd didn't attain anything near the same level of acclaim or success until after Barrett left.
    No, that's not the definition of a hack. A hack is someone who's in it for the money. Syd Barrett obviously loved what he did, and yeah he had psychedelic influence during his days with Pink Floyd, but many bands did. It was the scene. He became much more interested in abstractness rather than "groovy" visuals during his solo career. Also, you've failed to even mention anything that he supposedly "rehashed."

    Quote Originally Posted by Necrodoommonkey View Post
    Floyd didn't attain anything near the same level of acclaim or success until after Barrett left.
    You're forgetting the fact that See Emily Play was actually a hit. Funny thing is, the main reason why they never really hit it big with Syd is because Syd didn't like recording shitty pop music, the kind of music that was polluting the scene. He wrote those songs like See Emily Play because the other members wanted them.

    Oh, and EXCUSE ME for countering your weak criticism. You can not like Syd, but calling him a hack simply because you don't like his work is pretty immature.
    Last edited by Frozen Beach; 10-02-2012 at 05:31 PM.

  5. #755
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    I fucking hate AC/DC and I love the shit out of Paramore, and I don't care.

  6. #756
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    I cant believe they have not made a Syd Barrett film yet. Documenting his decline from coolest most beautiful man in the world to a brain damaged, drug addicted, violent, 20 stone bald, cross dressing recluse with terrifying eyes.
    He was a true 60s icon. Probably because they cant find an actor as good looking at Syd.
    Its his image and story that certain outsiders or mentally unstable people relate to. The Madcap Laughs is a chilling document of a young man full of potential spiralling into Schizophrenia. Im sure there are many people out there who can relate to that or being in a fucked up head space. Daniel Johnston i struggle with not Syd Barrett he produced some brilliant pop songs.
    I find his work very dark and tragic. All very fractured and full of confusion. Vegetable Man is an immense song.Interstellar Overdrive sounds better in early bootlegs.I love early Pink Floyd its like two different bands, all the punks loved Syd dearly but hated the later Pink Floyd. ( John Lydon now admits he loves them)
    Would give anything to have witnessed them in London back in 1966-67. Bear in mind their material is nearly 50 years old, what they were doing back then with Quadrophonic sound, Trippy, groovy Visuals, and seizure educing strobe lights (which are now banned) with extreme volume was very innovative and intense for that time. Way more far out than what the Grateful Dead were doing back then.

  7. #757
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    -Led Zeppelin is a good band, but I don't really like them. Many friends think I'm crazy for that.
    -Fuck the Beatles. I like John Lennon though.
    -Best Pink Floyd song is Dogs from Animals.
    -I still like Marilyn Manson.
    -John 5 is a great guitar player, but I find his style of playing to be really boring.
    -FUCK dubstep. I hate all of it.
    -With Sympathy is one of my favorite Ministry albums.
    -Metalcore, modern hardcore metal, deathcore, whatever. It's all boring. 80's hardcore is the only -core I like.
    -Modern mainstream metal is terrible. When it comes to metal, I like 70's/80's heavy metal, 80's thrash, 90's black, some of 90's death, etc. Older stuff, but there's a few newer bands that I enjoy. Metal is best when it doesn't limit itself to the genre. Recently I've been diggin' a lot of French metal like Alcest, Amesouers, Peste Noire, and Les Discrets.
    -Country Joe & the Fish, that band you might remember from Woodstock who played the anti-Vietnam song "Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-To-Die Rag." Well, that song is shit compared to their first album, Electric Music for the Mind and Body, which I consider a psychedelic masterpiece.
    -I share the hate with AC/DC. Most annoying band ever. I can't stand them.
    -Most "indie rock" is boring.
    -I like Animal Collective.
    -I like Crystal Castles. I saw them live at Ultra Music Festival 2011 and they were great.
    -I could never get into Aerosmith.
    -Most hair metal/80's glam metal was lame. Fuckin' love Mötley Crüe though.
    -Rob Zombie's music isn't that good. I prefer White Zombie.
    -Quicksilver Messenger Service was one of the greatest bands from the 60's.
    -Nirvana is so overrated, it's ridiculous.
    -There's a band called Papadosio, and I think they're one of the best modern bands around.
    -Emo/Post-Hardcore is for 13-15 year-olds. I grew out of it.
    -Radiohead is possibly the second most overrated band of all time; the first being the Beatles.
    -90's hip hop is the only rap I like. Kanye West, Wiz Khalifa, Drake, Lil Wayne, etc. don't impress me.
    -I enjoy old AFI (before 2003) when they were a punk band.
    -Metallica and Megadeth both SUCK!
    -Bob Dylan...never got into him.
    -Fuck Lady Gaga.
    -I don't like Rammstein, and I don't know why people do.
    -How to Destroy Angels EP is boring now and I haven't listened to it in a while. But of course I'm eagerly waiting to here more. Hoping for a new direction.

  8. #758
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    I only ever listen to AC/DC when I'm playing a first person shooter. Only time it ever feels appropriate to me. Though, I think the opening to Thunderstruck is awesome regardless when I listen to it.

  9. #759
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    Back In Black and the live album is really all the AC/DC I need. Really never curious to explore the discography deeper. Just more of the same. That's fine for some people, and call me a snob for not thinking so. That's just how I roll.

  10. #760
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    Quote Originally Posted by sayyosin View Post
    -Fuck the Beatles. I like John Lennon though.
    This is why we can't have nice things

  11. #761
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    AC/DC is the poor man's Led Zeppelin.

    I think that Pink Floyd's 'Dark Side of the Moon' touches some kind of universal wisdom. 'Animals' used to be my favorite album of theirs, but I think you have to be in a certain state of mind to really love it. I once read that it's an album for cultists and that's true. If you're not "deep into it", or not anymore, you don't enjoy it as much. Of 'The Wall' and 'The Final Cut' I only enjoy Gilmour's songs. Syd Barrett... hmm, a few good songs, but his solo albums are not fleshed out enough. I just noticed that the career path of Pink Floyd resembles Fleetwood Mac's, a band that I've started enjoy lately.

  12. #762
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    I just love how I have an urge to hug some people while browsing this thread, and then five posts down I want to kick the same people in the face.

  13. #763
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    Quote Originally Posted by sayyosin View Post
    -Led Zeppelin is a good band, but I don't really like them. Many friends think I'm crazy for that.
    -Fuck the Beatles. I like John Lennon though.
    -FUCK dubstep. I hate all of it.
    -Metalcore, modern hardcore metal, deathcore, whatever. It's all boring. 80's hardcore is the only -core I like.
    -Modern mainstream metal is terrible.
    -Most "indie rock" is boring.
    -I could never get into Aerosmith.
    -Most hair metal/80's glam metal was lame.
    -Rob Zombie's music isn't that good. I prefer White Zombie.
    -Quicksilver Messenger Service was one of the greatest bands from the 60's.
    -Nirvana is so overrated, it's ridiculous.
    -Emo/Post-Hardcore is for 13-15 year-olds.
    -Radiohead is possibly the second most overrated band of all time; the first being the Beatles.
    -90's hip hop is the only rap I like. Kanye West, Wiz Khalifa, Drake, Lil Wayne, etc. don't impress me.
    -Metallica and Megadeth both SUCK!
    -Bob Dylan...never got into him.
    -Fuck Lady Gaga.
    -I don't like Rammstein, and I don't know why people do.
    Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, & yes.

  14. #764
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    Quote Originally Posted by sayyosin View Post
    -I don't like Rammstein, and I don't know why people do.
    Because they're fun, they have a sense of humour, their music is good and their videos are more interesting than most others out there these days.

    I was guilty of this a page or two ago, so I can say to get some controvery up in here, because none of that post had any.

  15. #765
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    Quote Originally Posted by ambergris View Post
    AC/DC is the poor man's Led Zeppelin.
    That's a funny thing to say considering they sound nothing alike, plus AC/DC never fully ripped anyone off, or at least to my knowledge they didn't.

  16. #766
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    I can't get my Excitement Meter for the new HTDA to hit anything above: 0

    The Grateful Dead - I always thought I'd appreciate this band with age. The band name alone always sounded cool but the music never ceased to disappoint. Is there anything by them that's worth checking out a second time at all? It's some of the blandest music I've ever heard.

  17. #767
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobochic View Post
    The Grateful Dead - Is there anything by them that's worth checking out a second time at all?
    No. There isn't anything by them that's worth checking out a first​ time, let alone a second

  18. #768
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    I don't know, I've always loved Dark Star, though there was a certain version I LOVED completely.

  19. #769
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    Rammstein write ridic simple music, but at least they can pull it off.

    The Beatles still hurt my ears.

  20. #770
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobochic View Post
    The Grateful Dead - I always thought I'd appreciate this band with age. The band name alone always sounded cool but the music never ceased to disappoint. Is there anything by them that's worth checking out a second time at all? It's some of the blandest music I've ever heard.

  21. #771
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post
    That's a funny thing to say considering they sound nothing alike, plus AC/DC never fully ripped anyone off, or at least to my knowledge they didn't.
    They didn't rip anyone off, but it's very generic blues-rock? I can see the zep comparison but yeah they are very different nonetheless. I always felt deep purple were the zep/sabbath cash in

    To the above who said they only need back in black.. NOOOOOO

    highway to hell is a million times better, honest

  22. #772
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sutekh View Post
    They didn't rip anyone off, but it's very generic blues-rock?
    Are you saying that Led Zeppelin didn't rip anyone off or AC/DC? Led Zeppelin ripped off a lot of people. While it's true at some points they went back and credited people, that still doesn't excuse their usage without originally crediting them. And no, I'm not referring to the very vague rips that people accuse them of.

    I only even mentioned this because I figured if you refer to anyone as a "poor man's" anything, you figured the "poor man's" would be the one that rips off people. And yeah, I know, blues music was all about borrowing, but times had changed when Led Zeppelin were a band.

  23. #773
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    Yeah I'm saying AC/DC are kind of in the same boat as led zep when it comes to pilfering blues rock moves and motifs

    I'm sure you know the first zep album is basically covers of oldies. I'm agreeing with you, Acdc didn't fully rip anyone off, but they are pretty generic sounding

    I think you've got me confused with the other fella, I didn't say anyone was a poor man's anything

  24. #774
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post
    plus AC/DC never fully ripped anyone off, or at least to my knowledge they didn't.
    Just themselves. On every song.

  25. #775
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    -Led Zeppelin is a good band, but I don't really like them. Many friends think I'm crazy for that.
    -Fuck the Beatles. I like John Lennon though.
    Good band, but overrated. Thank you Beatles for helping popularizing Rock N Roll, Fuck You for creating boy bands.
    -Best Pink Floyd song is Dogs from Animals.
    Good song, but I would beg to differ. Mine would be Welcome To The Machine or High Hopes.
    -I still like Marilyn Manson.
    Same here.
    -John 5 is a great guitar player, but I find his style of playing to be really boring.
    Haven't really listened to anything of his outside of Manson. Never really had the desire to.
    -FUCK dubstep. I hate all of it.
    Meh. Not to sound like a hipster, but cEvin Key was doing this shit in the 90s, ie his side project "Download".
    -With Sympathy is one of my favorite Ministry albums.
    Same here. This album proves that Al is a good singer and can write pretty songs.
    -Metalcore, modern hardcore metal, deathcore, whatever. It's all boring. 80's hardcore is the only -core I like.
    You mean when metal was more than simple power cords and cookie monsters? Yeah, same here.
    -Modern mainstream metal is terrible. When it comes to metal, I like 70's/80's heavy metal, 80's thrash, 90's black, some of 90's death, etc. Older stuff, but there's a few newer bands that I enjoy. Metal is best when it doesn't limit itself to the genre. Recently I've been diggin' a lot of French metal like Alcest, Amesouers, Peste Noire, and Les Discrets.
    I like the metal I grew up on, but I'm about to turn 31. If I were 16 I would probably check out more metal groups. Yeah, I'm getting to be an old fart.
    -Country Joe & the Fish, that band you might remember from Woodstock who played the anti-Vietnam song "Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-To-Die Rag." Well, that song is shit compared to their first album, Electric Music for the Mind and Body, which I consider a psychedelic masterpiece.
    Never paid attention to the first Woodstock. No idea what you're talking about.
    -I share the hate with AC/DC. Most annoying band ever. I can't stand them.
    I like some of their songs, but redneck is written all over them and that can be a little overwhelming at times.
    -Most "indie rock" is boring.
    Anything past 1995 is stuff I've already heard before. Again, not to sound Hipsterish, but there hasn't been any unique genres/styles of music for over 20 years.
    -I like Animal Collective.
    Never listened to them.
    -I like Crystal Castles. I saw them live at Ultra Music Festival 2011 and they were great.
    I like what I've heard, I'd be interested in hearing more. The song they did with Robert Smith was great!
    -I could never get into Aerosmith.
    I'm nostalgic for some of their singles, but that's about it.
    -Most hair metal/80's glam metal was lame. Fuckin' love Mötley Crüe though.
    It's fun to poke fun at and not take any it seriously. I'll never forget the first time I heard/saw Twisted Sister.
    -Rob Zombie's music isn't that good. I prefer White Zombie.
    I like the last two White Zombie/first two Rob Zombie Records. I didn't dig the early stuff and didn't bother listening to his later stuff. Rob owes Al Jourgensen big time though. Not only for his sound, but ripping off the whole cyber cowboy image.
    -Quicksilver Messenger Service was one of the greatest bands from the 60's.
    Nah, Pink Floyd
    -Nirvana is so overrated, it's ridiculous.
    Yes they are. They have some decent songs, but anyone who praises them needs to get out more.
    -There's a band called Papadosio, and I think they're one of the best modern bands around.
    I think I'll check them out
    -Emo/Post-Hardcore is for 13-15 year-olds. I grew out of it.
    Most music is. That's why most people stop seeking new music once they're 30ish.
    -Radiohead is possibly the second most overrated band of all time; the first being the Beatles.
    Yeah, they're a bit overrated. I like some of their stuff though. I would say Nirvana is more overrated though. When I was in college, people went nuts over KID-A. "It's really cool electronic!" I was like, "Yeah, so is Tangerine Dream! They've been doing that shit since the 70s!".
    -90's hip hop is the only rap I like. Kanye West, Wiz Khalifa, Drake, Lil Wayne, etc. don't impress me.
    I like certain songs here and there from the beginning of Rap to today. There isn't enough diversity in the genre for me to really care about it though.
    -I enjoy old AFI (before 2003) when they were a punk band.
    I respect them for being big fans of VNV Nation, but I can't get into them at all.
    -Metallica and Megadeth both SUCK!
    Going to have to disagree with you here.
    -Bob Dylan...never got into him.
    His voice is annoying as fuck. I agree.
    -Fuck Lady Gaga.
    I respect her. Some of her songs are ok, a few are really good. It's nice to have a pop star/singer who writes their own shit and markets themselves the way they want. She isn't a puppet like most pop acts today. If Madonna and Marilyn Manson had a kid, it would be Lady Gaga.
    -I don't like Rammstein, and I don't know why people do.
    I liked the first few albums, but it's the same crap over and over again. They lack diversity, and to me, that's what makes a band boring.
    -How to Destroy Angels EP is boring now and I haven't listened to it in a while. But of course I'm eagerly waiting to here more. Hoping for a new direction.
    It's grown on me, but I prefer NIN and the soundtrack work over this project anyday.
    Last edited by Senateguard33; 10-08-2012 at 07:01 PM.

  26. #776
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    Quote Originally Posted by Senateguard33 View Post
    not to sound Hipsterish, but there hasn't been any unique genres/styles of music for over 20 years.
    "Bitch, please."

  27. #777
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    if you wanted to get technical, hip hop is 30-40 years old now- not that i agree with the original post, mind you...

  28. #778
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    Quote Originally Posted by Senateguard33 View Post
    I respect them for being big fans of VNV Nation
    Awful band. But that's hardly a controversial opinion.

  29. #779
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    I hope you mean AFI and not VNV.

  30. #780
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    I mean VNV Nation=awful. I like some AFI.

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