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Thread: Drugs! Thread!

  1. #691
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    Quote Originally Posted by kel View Post
    eww, don't put that in your mouth! laced with the flu, maybe.
    Just wanted to follow-up: The joint has been smoked. If I had to describe how I'm feeling though... palms are sweaty, knees week, arms are heavy. Vomit on my sweater already...'s spaghetti.

  2. #692
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheWiseJanitor View Post
    Just wanted to follow-up: The joint has been smoked. If I had to describe how I'm feeling though... palms are sweaty, knees week, arms are heavy. Vomit on my sweater already...'s spaghetti.
    Yup, that's the flu all right.

  3. #693
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    So i was reading back through this thread and saw a bunch of posts from years back where i was talking about how wonderful big doses of pregabalin aka lyrica are.
    Well, shortly after posting all those rave reviews, i learned that shit is VERY dangerous. i didn't just read about it, i experienced it.

    a couple of years ago, one of my big doses resulted in a massive seizure while another caused parkinson's like symptoms/dyskinesia.
    So i feel like it's important for me to say that i DO NOT ADVOCATE HEROIC DOSES OF LYRICA. it is NOT SAFE.

    Use this shit at your own risk. Better yet, don't use it as a recreational drug, AT ALL. i feel like i'm lucky that those episodes didn't cause permanent dyskinesia or even death. :/
    I feel like an idiot now for glorifying that shit back in the day and talking about how wonderful it is, and i hope to GOD that some kid didn't read my posts and try what i was doing with it and wind up in the hospital.
    Last edited by elevenism; 04-25-2018 at 02:01 PM.

  4. #694
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    So I smoked pot for the first time in years this weekend after my friend’s wedding. I swear, it was like being in the sunken place:

    Also, time was moving at like 1/15 of a second. I would feel like an hour passed by, look at the clock, and it’d only be just a few minutes.

  5. #695
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bachy View Post
    So I smoked pot for the first time in years this weekend after my friend’s wedding. I swear, it was like being in the sunken place:

    Also, time was moving at like 1/15 of a second. I would feel like an hour passed by, look at the clock, and it’d only be just a few minutes.
    Yeah man that shit is the strongest drug I've fucked with in about a decade. What it does to me is FAR more intense than strong opiates. A lot of folks don't seem to understand that.

  6. #696
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    My buddy has been using CBD oil for a bit now, more so now that his wife left him. Even before i could feel the difference in his presence. He's a pretty aggressive type of personality, not really in a bad way. It really seemed to notch him back to say a 6 instead of 8-9 intensity level. Since shit hit the fan for him he's been really finding it to be a help with anxiety etc. I tried some the other day and it seemed to help sort of chill my head out some as well. IDK it's weird and hard to explain, kind of like having coffee vs not having coffee is one way to describe it. I definitely didn't get high off it. I tried it again today and felt the same thing. I think I may pick some up myself and give it a go for a bit.

  7. #697
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    Weed + Bubble Bath is my latest hobby

  8. #698
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    drugs aren't as much fun when you have to take them. & legal weed has taken the scofflaw factor out of it. turns out was big part of the fun!

  9. #699
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckrh View Post
    drugs aren't as much fun when you have to take them. & legal weed has taken the scofflaw factor out of it. turns out was big part of the fun!
    dude you can say that again. I used to take opiates for fun. For most of my life I did, in fact, and only got physically addicted maybe once? Just like one lost summer?

    So, okay, I broke my back a few years ago and was prescribed a LOT of oxycodone. At first I was like, "hey, at least that!"

    36 fucktons of oxycodone later, the whole thing looks different. Miss a dose and go into withdrawal. And tolerance makes it to where it's pretty much impossible to get any sort of buzz from it, EVER, under any fucking circumstances.

    I sure do miss getting maybe 100mg of Vicodin every now and then and feeling like I was in heaven.

    I also have the same issue with xanax. As I got older, I started having more mental and emotional problems and they kept raising my alprazolam dose. And, same shit. Now I'm wildly physically addicted and will have a seizure if I miss a couple of doses.

  10. #700
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    Hey everyone, the licensed producer I use for my cannabis usage had a nice video made of it... (and if you want to see my pics of the product; check them out here)

  11. #701
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    Got a few chocolates from a coworker the other day. Yesterday I gave one a go. At first I wasn't sure if maybe i shouldn't have eaten 1.5 of them like she suggested, that is until i found myself standing at the door trying to figure out if I was good. Then I went to the Chinese Buffet and found I had a hard time putting food on my plate. That edible/eating herb business is a strange animal indeed.

  12. #702
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    While I haven't ever found it to be traumatic on a long term basis, it is true that weed can fuck you right up if you aren't careful. My most recent story of such was when I ate three 10mg edibles as I was in line at security at the airport. It kicked in with probably twenty minutes to boarding, and it was AWESOME. The whole thing felt like this great big adventure, the airport felt so massive and cool. Then I boarded, threw on Mezzanine, and... it got really claustrophobic really fast. I'm used to being stoned solo 95 percent of the time, and being sandwiched between two strangers, with no ability to phone or message a friend for support, I felt like rocking back and forth or emoting in some way but I knew that would probably freak out my fellow passengers, and I realized how slowly time was moving when I closed my eyes and when I realized I had THREE HOURS of this ahead of me, I got the fuck off the plane, straight up blurting to the flight attendants that I was too high to deal with this and that I didn't want to freak out once we were in the air.

    I spent the next several hours walking around the airport, scared that I was being watched because of how suspiciously I got off the plane at the last second. I'm going to be be MUCH more careful next time I try to enhance a flight, because that whole experience was fucked.

  13. #703
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    Good job canada!

  14. #704
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    Quote Originally Posted by loopcloses View Post
    While I haven't ever found it to be traumatic on a long term basis, it is true that weed can fuck you right up if you aren't careful. My most recent story of such was when I ate three 10mg edibles as I was in line at security at the airport. It kicked in with probably twenty minutes to boarding, and it was AWESOME. The whole thing felt like this great big adventure, the airport felt so massive and cool. Then I boarded, threw on Mezzanine, and... it got really claustrophobic really fast. I'm used to being stoned solo 95 percent of the time, and being sandwiched between two strangers, with no ability to phone or message a friend for support, I felt like rocking back and forth or emoting in some way but I knew that would probably freak out my fellow passengers, and I realized how slowly time was moving when I closed my eyes and when I realized I had THREE HOURS of this ahead of me, I got the fuck off the plane, straight up blurting to the flight attendants that I was too high to deal with this and that I didn't want to freak out once we were in the air.

    I spent the next several hours walking around the airport, scared that I was being watched because of how suspiciously I got off the plane at the last second. I'm going to be be MUCH more careful next time I try to enhance a flight, because that whole experience was fucked.
    reminder edibles are much more potent than smoking if i recall correctly how the liver processes THC

  15. #705
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    Over the past year, I may or may not have picked up a daily habit of everyone's favorite little glassy crystalline friend. It's been a strange and surreal experience. It hasn't exactly been a complete walk in the park, but I definitely can't say it's been all bad.

    On the one hand there are the Shadow People every once in a while, but on the other hand I've gone from a place of 0 programming experience to now being sorta semi-okay at programming. I never would have had the motivation or persistence to stick with something like that normally. Another check in the 'plus' column is that I'm not fat anymore, but then there's the likelihood of permanent neurological damage, even if minor. And then there's the fact that it deserves full credit with pulling me out of a reasonably strong opiate dependency, which is good. But then it also does things like create an urge for me to post all of this information on an internet forum for no reason and where it's not unlikely to color folks' opinion of me if they come across it...

    So yeah. There's good points, some bad points. But it all works out. (You know I'm a little freaked out?)
    Last edited by Harry Seaward; 10-17-2018 at 01:43 PM. Reason: Changed to links because apparently just plain YouTube links auto-embed with no option to disable that behavior...?

  16. #706
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    So I've built up a resistance to opiates and it sucks. I have sever neck pain from bone spurs that end up pinching a nerve which then causes my whole left arm to go numb. My doctor gaven me tramadol at first but now its not working so he has switched me to Oxycontin and it too doesn't phase me. I hate taking pain killers like this but its the only thing that takes off the edge off long enough to fall asleep. I've tried to move onto edibles too but man, I have to take a high dose of it (usually around 150mg) and only then do I start to feel it. Ugh....going in for an MRI on my neck tonight to see if surgery is needed. Wish me luck guys...

  17. #707
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotoriousTIMP View Post
    So I've built up a resistance to opiates and it sucks. I have sever neck pain from bone spurs that end up pinching a nerve which then causes my whole left arm to go numb. My doctor gaven me tramadol at first but now its not working so he has switched me to Oxycontin and it too doesn't phase me. I hate taking pain killers like this but its the only thing that takes off the edge off long enough to fall asleep. I've tried to move onto edibles too but man, I have to take a high dose of it (usually around 150mg) and only then do I start to feel it. Ugh....going in for an MRI on my neck tonight to see if surgery is needed. Wish me luck guys...
    Good luck! I recently had surgery on my lower spine & it wasn't a great experience. Had to do it or be in a wheelchair. I've got some issues with my neck also. I've probably mentioned elsewhere but I've got a rare & aggressive version of RA. Been fighting it for about 10 years. The past year has made me think I'm losing. By coincidence, things really started going to shit on the Vegas run for NIN a year ago. I do chemo on a 16 week cycle. Problem is it should be 12 weeks according to doc & my pain levels. Insurance won't pay for it though so I really suffer for 25% of the year. In that bad month now & its been brutal. As to the subject at hand, I have to take a pretty large amount of pain meds just to function at all. Double Vicodins just take the edge off a little during the day. Things get a little more serious at night. & even though legal in washington, my employer doesn't have to obey state law about pot. All of the talk about how to regulate the opioids is scaring the hell out of me. Trump & congress are going to decide this? Why does this worry me....I really wish I didn't have to take the pain meds but I have no choice. I've kept working but really don't know how long I'm going to be able do. The whole thing is like the sword of Damocles. Sooner or later either the disease or the treatments are going to kill me. I don't make long term plans but know I don't want to leave work in a coffin.

  18. #708
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    Quote Originally Posted by kel View Post
    anyone have experience with promethazine (phenergan)? it's an anti-nausea drug that i've been on since sunday. they work, but i feel so fucked up right now. almost like i took an opiate or something. think i need to call the doctor and see if there's an alternative. i hate feeling doped up like this.
    Phenergan is an antihistimine. All antihistimes are gonna make you feel fucked up. Ask your doctor for a straight up antiemetic instead.

  19. #709
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    @NotoriousTIMP @chuckrh I've long considered making an opiate thread, wherein we could discuss chronic pain, addiction, habituation/tolerance, withdrawal, etc, but I've been concerned that people would be afraid to open up about such things.

    What do you guys think?

  20. #710
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    @NotoriousTIMP @chuckrh I've long considered making an opiate thread, wherein we could discuss chronic pain, addiction, habituation/tolerance, withdrawal, etc, but I've been concerned that people would be afraid to open up about such things.

    What do you guys think?
    I'll contribute. Maybe I can help someone. I don't hide anything about my condition. Sadly, it affects everything in my life.

  21. #711
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    @NotoriousTIMP @chuckrh I've long considered making an opiate thread, wherein we could discuss chronic pain, addiction, habituation/tolerance, withdrawal, etc, but I've been concerned that people would be afraid to open up about such things.

    What do you guys think?
    I think the topic of opiates doesn't need it's own thread. This isn't Bluelight ffs.

  22. #712
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baphomette View Post
    I think the topic of opiates doesn't need it's own thread. This isn't Bluelight ffs.
    bluelight has like 1000 threads about opiates though. I'm talking about one.
    A LOT of people prescribed meds for chronic pain are going to be affected by this anti opiate crusade. I just wonder how many of us there are on ets.

  23. #713
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    Last edited by MJMari; 02-28-2019 at 06:17 AM.

  24. #714
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    Quote Originally Posted by MJMari View Post

  25. #715
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    This is hilarious.

  26. #716
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    I've been clean for 32 days and it fucking suuuuuuuuuuucks.

  27. #717
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    Denver becomes the first city to decriminalize mushrooms.

    God, I’m so happy I moved to this state last year.

  28. #718
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    Well I haven't posted in a while mostly because I've been in a downward spiral for the past year.

    I've decided that enough was enough and will be checking into rehab. I've been addicted to cocaine for 10 years now and it has pretty much ruined my life.

    I am determined to get clean but definitely need some help to get there. Wish me luck and I'll post more once I'm out!

  29. #719
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  30. #720
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    Holy shit that was one hell of a high!

    I've got a new friend, she's almost 65. I'd been delivering groceries for her for a while through Instacart, and we got chatting a bit. She's nice and easy to talk to. We've become friends, and she has been smoking weed her whole life. She gave me a couple cookies to bring home with me on Sunday, and I ate half of one when I got home Sunday night and I've not felt that stoned in my entire life.

    I've never been a heavy user or anything, in fact I think it's been about 2 years since I last smoked up at all, but shit, those were some strong cookies!

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