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Thread: Drugs! Thread!

  1. #511
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Seaward View Post
    I've dealt with the same thing. I live in a small town and crank is rampant. I've had many close acquaintances go completely down the toilet, or worse.

    But I'm of the opinion that for every OD death and every thieving scheming tweaker, there are 10 people who just enjoy their drugs responsibly and without harming themselves or anyone else.
    I hear that. I grew up in the rural, midwest community. These people don't exactly deserve to be shamed, but they are *in fact* harming themselves and the people they love. Perhaps it just as applicable to regular alcohol & marijuana users such as myself, but those *harder* forms of using are very much detrimental to the body & mind.

    I know countless people who have done meth for decades, and sure, they're still alive. But the bodily / spiritual damage, loss of brain matter is VERY apparent.

    Across the board, I think that *any* drug charges should be directed more towards education & rehabilitation, rather than incarceration & shaming for sure.

  2. #512
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfkiller View Post
    Feels better than real life but in a pure way, not like being drunk. Does that make sense?
    Yeah, to add my $0.02 in the drunk vs stoned discussion, if I drink enough to feel even the slightest buzz, I will get intestinal problems. No matter what kind of alcohol or how much. If it's enough to matter beyond tasting it, it's enough to make me regret it. I've never been hungover. This is bad enough. Where as when I smoke, it actually calms my intestinal disorder, and I get the fun times. I've decided that my fiance can drink and I'll do my thing and we can have good times like that, but I don't think I'll really be drinking much anymore.

  3. #513
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    Reading about people's experiences with friends being completely taken over by drugs is really scary to me and I'm so sorry some of you guys have faced that personally. I was always paranoid about drugs but wanted to "experiment" because I'm a curious monkey. It just makes me open my eyes and be grateful that my experience with drugs has in a safe environment, with people who knew how to control doses and who know how to do the "after care"- like giving me vitamins after coming off an LSD trip, haha! They put a special aura to the experience that made it clear, this isn't for casual use. Except for weed and alcohol, while others around me can consume that casually on a regular basis, I've learned that I can't.

    As I was walking around yesterday, feeling "high" off of simply having had a really thought provoking class and meeting some new people, I thought to myself 'maybe my time to experiment is over'. I was actually a bit light headed and totally hypnotized by the thoughts in my head and also saw colors a bit more vividly- obviously not as vividly as when you're on hallucinogenics but I was sensitive enough to realize there was a slight rise in some brain chemical or another causing this euphoric feeling. I mean, it's not like I've even tried many drugs- LSD twice, shrooms once, a low dose of a pill that had molly and some form of speed once, and lots of cannabis- well I definitely wish I didn't smoke as much as I did when I did, but all things considered, it was the safest of drugs to be consuming every day.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfkiller
    Being high is just so much more preferable than not. Feels better than real life but in a pure way, not like being drunk. Does that make sense?
    I used to think this way but you really should be careful not to desensitize yourself to how exciting real life can feel. While I feel like I gained some insight about the nature of consciousness or some shit, while being an altered state, nothing beats- in my opinion- being lucid enough to use my "thoughts" in a logical, critical way, especially when I'm going through something that is exciting and should be naturally pleasurable. Perhaps because my attraction to drugs was for some faux-shamanistic, getting in touch with something inside me and breaking down preconceived "walls of perception". For example, I noticed a newfound plasticity with words and just generally became sillier and said things non-traditionally in conversation after I came down an LSD trip. While I was stoned or on a trip, I never enjoyed how hard it was to properly put together my thought processes. I did learn to stop getting hung up on that and was able to enjoy what it meant to just fall into music or into drawing or painting. Or yoga, oh man, yoga stoned was one of my favorite things to do, haha! One breath felt like a lifetime! It was sooo relaxing! Then the munchies set in once and I sat on my yoga mat eating spoonfuls of honey and peanut butter straight out of the jar. I never managed to wash off the peanut butter stains from the jar off the yoga mat, sadly.

    Something that never had an attraction for me was to have sex while on drugs, that completely scares me despite people having said it's AMAZING! It's like how I'll never touch heroine. These sounds like extreme experiences of the senses, extreme euphoria, I'm not sure I find any value in experiencing that. I remember feeling a bit euphoric while on LSD but instead of thinking "Wow, that was amazing!" I thought, "Wow, that was a kind of terrifying!"

    TL;DR I finally feel done with drug experimentation.

    EDIT. Oh shit, I totally have had sex on drugs! I completely forgot! A boyfriend of mine at the time had...some "legal experimental" drug that was some chemical acronym and a number. I suppose it was pleasurable but we sort of abruptly stopped because we were being quite manic and harsh with our sensitive bits which after I don't know what unholy amount of time screamed "STOP, this is not longer pleasure but torture!" So that's what I got out of THAT experience...ugh.
    Last edited by halloween; 02-23-2016 at 02:02 PM.

  4. #514
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    Thank you for the concern, I've thought about that myself too. I don't mean real life can't be amazing. It just takes the edge off when you're feeling down or maybe lessens your anxiety so you can do more. But there are some things like walking late at night I can't do while high, gets me too paranoid.

  5. #515
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    I know what you mean. I used to smoke a little (like half a joint) about an hour or two before I had to meet up with people because by the time I was hanging out with them, the initial intense buzz was already over, but I was then left with a relaxed mood. I used to suffer from a lot of social anxiety. To a much less degree I still do, meaning it's not debilitating anymore, it makes me awkward but I'm ok with awkward. I haven't had a panic attack in a loooong time. Nothing gets blown out of proportion in my brain anymore. Sometimes it is, but I'm aware enough to say "ok, sure, whatever you think, Anxiety" and go on to face whatever and almost always I have a "See Anxiety, it wasn't that bad. You don't know anything." I'm getting off topic now. This is why I think I'd've enjoy medicinal/non high thc content weed during the time I was plagued with such anxiety.
    Last edited by halloween; 02-23-2016 at 06:11 PM.

  6. #516
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    High and feeling great!
    I'm about to get an infraction for asking to get the "tony parente is my soul mate" thread unlocked @Ryan @tony.parente

  7. #517
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfkiller View Post
    High and feeling great!
    I'm about to get an infraction for asking to get the "tony parente is my soul mate" thread unlocked @Ryan @tony.parente
    Would you believe I've only gotten one infraction in the history of my stay here on the board?!!

  8. #518
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    Would you believe I've only gotten one infraction in the history of my stay here on the board?!!
    It's because Sarah K wants to free bleed on your face. (Love you Sarah don't be mad please)

  9. #519
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  10. #520
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfkiller View Post
    It's because Sarah K wants to free bleed on your face. (Love you Sarah don't be mad please)
    The only infraction I got was back during slave2thewage and my short little headbutting episode a while back I THINK. It was for a personal attack but I never figured out exactly what it was that I said lol

  11. #521
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    No comment haha but I feel you tony.homie

  12. #522
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    I don't free bleed on faces, btw. Just dicks.

  13. #523
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    I don't free bleed on faces, btw. Just dicks.
    Both are super hot, give it a try sometime

  14. #524
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    so i had to look that up.
    errr...unless we are talking sitting on a clump of moss and being one with nature, literally, for a few days...i don't understand this.
    anyway, i think i will drip on over to the feminist thread with this link to ask....why?

  15. #525
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    wtf you two talking about? anyways...

    stoned and drunk is always great, but what about that third thing? i've had a revolving door in the past but nothing since i gave up fungus a couple years ago.


    edit: those are the first two posts ive ever thought of facepalming but im a believer of, "if you've got nothing positive to say..."
    Last edited by TheyCallMeDrug; 03-06-2016 at 01:00 AM.

  16. #526
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    bought a magic flight launch box today.
    veeery hopeful that this is, indeed, the vape for me.
    will report back, after the maiden voyage.
    woop woop!!!!

  17. #527
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lew View Post
    bought a magic flight launch box today.
    veeery hopeful that this is, indeed, the vape for me.
    will report back, after the maiden voyage.
    woop woop!!!!
    I've been using one of these for years now

    Due for an upgrade. Looking forward to a report

  18. #528
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    @hyprpwr i like it. alot.
    it is odd, though.
    nothing on the exhale, lol, and hells bells does it ever last long.
    if you do get it, make sure to read the manual well.

    all up: so far so very baked goodness.
    Last edited by Lew; 03-10-2016 at 07:57 PM. Reason: baked. rofl.

  19. #529
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lew View Post
    @hyprpwr i like it. alot.
    it is odd, though.
    nothing on the exhale, lol, and hells bells does it ever last long.
    if you do get it, make sure to read the manual well.

    all up: so far so very baked goodness.
    Nice! Enjoying some purple kush in joint far my favorite method but hey, vaping is awesome too

    BTW. ..mine is light on the exhale too but it works; )

  20. #530
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    Quote Originally Posted by hyprpwr View Post
    Nice! Enjoying some purple kush in joint far my favorite method but hey, vaping is awesome too

    BTW. ..mine is light on the exhale too but it works; )
    lol, yeah i cannot get used to the no smoke/vapour thing...i spent the evening arguing with myself...brain says: you can't be high, there is no smoke. body says: holy mcbaked batman, don't listen to your brain, listen to me.
    i love joints, which is my problem. i love them too much. i can't afford my habit, and since i have zero interest in quitting i figure just be more efficient in usage.
    my friend had the arizer, and i liked it...i just happen to be really lazy and can't be arsed with all the cleaning (you know, the five minute clean LOL) and such. this one seemed the easiest to clean and deal with.
    i had one of those blue pen vapes. that was my fave, but again annoying to clean and you had to repack it too often. plus it wasn't truly a vape (unless you put the little glass disc in it). and plus did i mention i am lazy? the ceramic filter would clog really fast and it bothered me.
    so, tonight i will try the mflb with the glass stem. i doubt it will make a difference, but we shall see.
    i currently have a blueberry type of weed (not sure why it is called that, perhaps the colour?) and i am quite pleased with it.
    it is amazing how long the mflb takes to fully finish the bowl.

    happy friday, y'all.

  21. #531
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    I love my Pax 2 much more now than when I first got it. Everyone always wants to use it, but I don't think they're really that good for sharing. People who aren't familiar with it struggle.

    Blunts will always be my first love because that's just how I learned. I like the process.

  22. #532
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    @Sarah K yeah, i figure there will be a learning curve...especially for drawing on this one. they recommend a maximum time to hold the battery in but that time does not work well with my typical draw.
    going to check out your pax2 for future reference.
    happy friday, beautiful woman!

  23. #533
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    Top portable vapes review/discussion (Mighty/Crafty), Pax 2, Firefly 2

    I'm still in love with my Mighty (especially now with the bubbler) but that new Firefly 2 looks nice.
    I've been having good luck lowering my usage per session, seems to keep my tolerance lower and gives me a decent high now without needing to fill up the herb chamber.

  24. #534
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    Can anyone recommend a good starter vape for weed? My preferred method is to use a bubbler but the idea of no smoke at all is more than appealing, I've just never used one and would love any recs/advice someone could give.

  25. #535
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    The Pax is good, but there is a slight learning curve. The only other one I've ever had is like one of the first Iolite ones that ran off of butane. It was awful.

  26. #536
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    I have a few friends who love the MFLB. What won me over on the Pax is how discreet it is. It doesn't *look* like a vaporizer. I can take and use it anywhere. I've gotten it into shows and such just by wrapping a pair of headphones around it to make it look like an MP3 player... Worked every time so far.

  27. #537
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    Can anyone recommend a good starter vape for weed? My preferred method is to use a bubbler but the idea of no smoke at all is more than appealing, I've just never used one and would love any recs/advice someone could give.
    I started out with the first Pax and it was pretty decent. Like Sarah said already, they are pretty discreet if that's a concern. I can't praise the Mighty enough but it's kinda pricey if you're unsure and just want to test the waters.

    This one looks like it might be similar to the Pax but cheaper. This guy's website helped me pick out my vapes and his videos are pretty funny sometimes as well as informative. Seems like the herb pen vapes mostly suck and don't actually vaporize.

  28. #538
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    I just had like an accidental 90 hour binge. On coke. Which I had previously not cared for(I'd do it if someone gave it to me, but I never felt the urge to get any). This shit was different, though. I only meant to stay up one night and through a weird and random series of events, I have been awake since 8:00 Friday morning, and it is now 2:00 Tuesday morning. I think that I just had my first ever hallucination in my life though so I'M OUT. Lol. I'm finishing this blunt and then my ass is going to bed. I ain't fucking with that.

  29. #539
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    I just had like an accidental 90 hour binge. On coke. Which I had previously not cared for(I'd do it if someone gave it to me, but I never felt the urge to get any). This shit was different, though. I only meant to stay up one night and through a weird and random series of events, I have been awake since 8:00 Friday morning, and it is now 2:00 Tuesday morning. I think that I just had my first ever hallucination in my life though so I'M OUT. Lol. I'm finishing this blunt and then my ass is going to bed. I ain't fucking with that.

    I just found a connect for some actually. I've done it twice and both times have been while drunk and neither time did I feel anything. I want to try it out in a more controlled setting (by myself, not at a party, not drunk) so I plan to acquire some soon. The only issue is that I don't know prices or how to determine quality. Shrug, guess I'll google away.

    Anyway, I've been on a poppy seed tea binge for a few months now. I had previously been taking Vicodin (12/day, 8 days/month) and I loved it. I would have about a week on, three weeks off. But then I started buying poppy seeds. It's definitely a way different high, but I enjoy it. It's essentially just morphine and codeine. It's basically impossible to dose though, and you never know when you're going to get really potent shit or completely useless shit that could almost pass for bunk. But when it's strong, it's fucking strong. A newbie going overboard (i.e. drinking more than like 1/6 of a cup) could definitely OD. Scary stuff in the wrong hands. Also it's fucking disgusting, but what drugs aren't.

    Yeah I've essentially been on for 8+ weeks at this point. I actually quit last weekend, I think I went ~3-4 days off. The comedown/withdrawals weren't anywhere nearly as shitty as I was expecting. I basically couldn't sleep for several nights and I was kinda irritable, I was really sluggish and felt exhausted. Also my back really hurt a lot. I've got bulging discs and that's what started me on Vicodin in the first place.

    Either way, for $30 I get enough seeds on Amazon to stay totally blitzed all day for like 10-12 days. Not a bad deal. 8/10 would recommend.

  30. #540
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    alcohol and weed are two good friends of mine recently. drinking like a god damn fish.

    need some amphetamines for this summer season coming up.

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