Quote Originally Posted by Harry Seaward View Post
I've dealt with the same thing. I live in a small town and crank is rampant. I've had many close acquaintances go completely down the toilet, or worse.

But I'm of the opinion that for every OD death and every thieving scheming tweaker, there are 10 people who just enjoy their drugs responsibly and without harming themselves or anyone else.
I hear that. I grew up in the rural, midwest community. These people don't exactly deserve to be shamed, but they are *in fact* harming themselves and the people they love. Perhaps it just as applicable to regular alcohol & marijuana users such as myself, but those *harder* forms of using are very much detrimental to the body & mind.

I know countless people who have done meth for decades, and sure, they're still alive. But the bodily / spiritual damage, loss of brain matter is VERY apparent.

Across the board, I think that *any* drug charges should be directed more towards education & rehabilitation, rather than incarceration & shaming for sure.