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Thread: Linkin Park

  1. #301
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    Quote Originally Posted by LOVEANDZOMBIES View Post
    Sorry, it was the first article I saw. No disrespect intended.
    None felt, it's a UK institution so it's only known here. Just sad when they report that and yet won't admit that toxic masculinity is such a problem.

  2. #302
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    Mike Shinoda @mikeshinoda

    Shocked and heartbroken, but it's true. An official statement will come out as soon as we have one.

  3. #303
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    Quote Originally Posted by HWB View Post
    Fuck I feel bad now for my earlier comments. I would not be surprised if one of the things that pushed Chester to this were the overly negative comments on the newest album, maybe not, I don't know, I feel fucking awful and I feel like my childhood died away.
    I think it had more to do with the loss of Cornell, today would have been his birthday but hard to know for sure. I don't even really want to speculate as to why to be honest, shit's still so raw.

  4. #304
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    Guy had a substance abuse history too.

  5. #305
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    Goddamn it dude.... this one really shaken me up. Wasn't too much invested in CC and his music (felt sorry for him, of cours,e and loved Audioslave), but man... I still remember my first fucking ever legit record I got from my parents on my name day and it was that neat Meteora cd with the booklet with the lyrics and trivias for each song. And I was listening to it 0-24, while trying to understand the stuff they wrote, which was not that easy given my English was in baby shoes.

    And yes, I still stand by what I said, that HT and Meteora made them legendary, and these folks (no matter how many trash records like OML left their hands) would've headlined 10-15 years later as well.

    You know what gets me? The fact that he had everything. Day after day he toured and people were loving them, I mean tens of thousands of people gathering to see you? Sure, you might read mean stuff on the internet, but don't tell me the emotion of the flesh and bone people do not outweight it. Also, they are together since what, 1997? ~20 years, he was touring with his friends, so yo uwould think at the very worst scenario he collapses in their arms and ask them for help or anything, to call of the tour, to do... anything, I don't know. If you are holed up, isolated, broke, alone... yeah, you kinda - as morbid as it sounds - expect it. But he had everything and every help available.

    I'm actually mad at him... No, I'm not saying suicide is for the weak, because I had that thought ONCE in my life, and sure as hell did not feel like a weak move right there and right then, but at least I tried my very last chance and it worked. Then again, I was still hopeful and young, while he has seen almost everything, so he might've thought that there is nothing more to life. Dunno.

  6. #306
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    This is terrible, so sad.

    Regardless of what albums we like or don't this one hurts. Absolutely shocked.

  7. #307
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    Goddamn it dude.... this one really shaken me up. Wasn't too much invested in CC and his music (felt sorry for him, of cours,e and loved Audioslave), but man... I still remember my first fucking ever legit record I got from my parents on my name day and it was that neat Meteora cd with the booklet with the lyrics and trivias for each song. And I was listening to it 0-24, while trying to understand the stuff they wrote, which was not that easy given my English was in baby shoes.

    And yes, I still stand by what I said, that HT and Meteora made them legendary, and these folks (no matter how many trash records like OML left their hands) would've headlined 10-15 years later as well.

    You know what gets me? The fact that he had everything. Day after day he toured and people were loving them, I mean tens of thousands of people gathering to see you? Sure, you might read mean stuff on the internet, but don't tell me the emotion of the flesh and bone people do not outweight it. Also, they are together since what, 1997? ~20 years, he was touring with his friends, so yo uwould think at the very worst scenario he collapses in their arms and ask them for help or anything, to call of the tour, to do... anything, I don't know. If you are holed up, isolated, broke, alone... yeah, you kinda - as morbid as it sounds - expect it. But he had everything and every help available.

    I'm actually mad at him... No, I'm not saying suicide is for the weak, because I had that thought ONCE in my life, and sure as hell did not feel like a weak move right there and right then, but at least I tried my very last chance and it worked. Then again, I was still hopeful and young, while he has seen almost everything, so he might've thought that there is nothing more to life. Dunno.

    Edit: I am highly against the sentiment of regretting bashing LP over OML. That record is low effort trash. If I walk around naked in the town hall and I get booed, then I deserve that shit, even if I hang myself tomorrow.

  8. #308
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    I liked the first album a lot. I moved on from them, but heard of his struggles. I'm so sorry to hear he was drowned by his own mind. With him going on Chris Cornell's birthday, and Chris Cornell going on the anniversary of Ian Curtis' death, it feels like a cycle. I hope it ends now.

  9. #309
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    Its Chris Cornells birthday today and i remember chester performing during chris's funeral.

  10. #310
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    I don't remember any of their material all that well (when I was a kid they were huge, and I have faint memories of the bigger stuff, but that's about it), but to hear that someone as young as he was, who had so much success, lived a dream and got to befriend and work with so many legends and heroes of theirs still succumbed to the feelings suicide imposes on us is tragic.

  11. #311
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  12. #312
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    He even toured with his favorite band as a vocalist, another dream come true. I really don't fucking understand how this works. Well, listening to This isn't the place and The background world sound different right now... can't get myself to lsiten to LP, don't want to sob just yet. I'm sure when I hear Mike talk about it, I'll break down anyway.

  13. #313
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    Its very sad. It just proves that money, fame and fortune and achieving all of your goals are not necessarily the key to any sort of happiness when mental health is a factor.

  14. #314
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    I really don't fucking understand how this works.
    Seriously. It's really hard for me to be empathetic in situations like this, because I just can't imagine in ANY way what's going on with these people. I can't wrap my head around it. Leaving six kids behind? I can't help but get angry about this. It seems just so wrong and selfish to me. Is everybody who kills themself automatically mentally ill and therefore can't be blamed?

    I don't want to offend anybody, I'm sincerely just always confused about this.

  15. #315
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    Quote Originally Posted by niggo View Post
    Seriously. It's really hard for me to be empathetic in situations like this, because I just can't imagine in ANY way what's going on with these people. I can't wrap my head around it. Leaving six kids behind? I can't help but get angry about this. It seems just so wrong and selfish to me. Is everybody who kills themself automatically mentally ill and therefore can't be blamed?

    I don't want to offend anybody, I'm sincerely just always confused about this.
    Would it help if we could compare it to something physically painful like diabetes or crohn's or cancer? He wasn't selfish. He was unable to beat this because it's more than willpower and life circumstances. I've been there. My mom succeeded when I was 19. I've been over this for 25 years. Sometimes our medicine and therapy just can't beat this. We don't say of those who stop treatment of cancer after so long that they were selfish. This is a lot like that. If you don't know, I would urge you to look into it the way I had to. Calling us selfish or cowardly is really unhelpful.

    Let me be perfectly clear: it isn't a moral issue. Neither brave nor cowardly. It's just an illness that makes your brain malfunction to such a degree that you take your life. The entire premise that any disease is due to moral failing is so deeply rooted in our culture that I know it's hard to step away from it. It's even more intense when it comes to suicide. I'd like to live in a world where all illness is seen for what it is, including the ones in the brain that we don't understand very well.
    Last edited by mostlymad; 07-21-2017 at 05:35 AM.

  16. #316
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    Quote Originally Posted by mostlymad View Post
    Would it help if we could compare it to something physically painful like diabetes or crohn's or cancer? He wasn't selfish. He was unable to beat this because it's more than willpower and life circumstances. I've been there. My mom succeeded when I was 19. I've been over this for 25 years. Sometimes our medicine and therapy just can't beat this. We don't say of those who stop treatment of cancer after so long that they were selfish. This is a lot like that. If you don't know, I would urge you to look into it the way I had to. Calling us selfish or cowardly is really unhelpful.
    Thank you. People need to stop calling suicide selfish. It's not. It's impossible for those who have never truly experienced depression to comprehend why someone makes that choice. And it's okay to not understand. But don't blame people who are victims of depression, something which they have no control over.

  17. #317
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    Well, it's just that, niggo. You can't imagine it, because you've never experienced it. It's twofold. One, you're suffering so much you literally can't take it. Nothing helps. Merely existing takes all of your energy. After a while, you're willing to do anything to make it stop.
    And two, in your mind, you're not "leaving your wife and kids behind", you're doing them a favour. In your mind, you're dragging them down, you're a burden to them, you feel their lives would be better without you. This is distorted thinking, but you believe it.
    Was never a fan of LP but it makes me sad that another one succumbed to the black dog..

  18. #318
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    The new record is so fucking dark in the shadow of his passing. Jesus fuck

  19. #319
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    Thanks for your input guys. I honestly didn't want to offend anyone. Or deny anyone of their very real and existing problems. So your posts are appreciated.

    I've never known someone nor experienced anything like this myself, that's why these news always leave me so confused. I just can't imagine what people are going through. I just see the aftermaths of suicide and feel helpless. I realize that this wasn't the best way to express my very inexperienced feelings on this. But I think it's only through a dialog like this that I can try to understand what's going on.

  20. #320
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    When you try to kill yourself you're convinced everyone who knows you will be better off because of it, even if they won't think so for a while. You believe yourself to be a toxin, and that you know the cure. It's wrong -- it's so very, horrifically wrong -- but it convinces you. You've never felt anything more certainly than that in that moment. You are completely convinced of it.

    Every time someone kills themselves and someone comes out and calls it a selfish move and acts like it's made by someone who's inconsiderate it shows that they've never really been there because when you're suicidal you consider far more than you ever have before, and all of it seems to lead to the exact same conclusion, even if it's the totally wrong one.

  21. #321
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    Quote Originally Posted by niggo View Post
    Thanks for your input guys. I honestly didn't want to offend anyone. Or deny anyone of their very real and existing problems. So your posts are appreciated.

    I've never known someone nor experienced anything like this myself, that's why these news always leave me so confused. I just can't imagine what people are going through. I just see the aftermaths of suicide and feel helpless. I realize that this wasn't the best way to express my very inexperienced feelings on this. But I think it's only through a dialog like this that I can try to understand what's going on.
    I think confused and helpless is an appropriate way to feel in this type of situation. It's a shitty situation no matter how you look at it. All you can do is do your best to understand that when you're going through those things, it truly feels like there is no other way out.

    Honestly, I'm truly happy for people who can't understand why someone would commit suicide, because it means they've never experienced those feelings themselves. I would never wish that experience on anyone.

  22. #322
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    God damn.

    Like a lot of us here, I haven't really been big on LP in a long time. But Hybrid Theory and Meteora were the start of my delving into rock music, the gateway that helped to define my musical taste and become a really passionate fan of music in general.

    You can roll your eyes at the lyrics, the simplistic arrangements, the latching on to nu-metal at the end of the genre's time in the spotlight, and that's all fine. I would agree with a lot of it. But Linkin Park was an important band for a lot of kids becoming teenagers, kids who, even if they look back and laugh at themselves and the "problems" they thought they had, could still look to Linkin Park and appreciate that there was at least some band that they could relate to. Chester's voice and life experiences played an enormous part in Linkin Park's appeal.

    To think that, instead of just releasing albums forever and fading away into nothingness, the band (most likely) ends like's just awful.

  23. #323
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    To say him or anyone committing suicide is selfish... go kick fucking rocks.

  24. #324
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    2 Post(s) of newly posted video is pretty speaking... uhm, to himself.


  25. #325
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    Ok, I see someone thinks I was making a commentary on his musical output when I wrote that. That's not what I meant.

  26. #326
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    saw LP once in 2003 on the summer sanitarium tour with metallica, deftones and bizkit.
    I never got into them, even then but this is still sad nonetheless, that's too young to die. fucking suicide again.
    And on top of it, as if it wasn't bad enough in itself, it's connected to Cornell, what a way to make it worse.

  27. #327
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    Quote Originally Posted by HWB View Post
    Fuck I feel bad now for my earlier comments. I would not be surprised if one of the things that pushed Chester to this were the overly negative comments on the newest album, maybe not, I don't know, I feel fucking awful and I feel like my childhood died away.
    look, I'm the biggest shit talker on linkin park, but it's not about music now. Rest in peace Chester.

  28. #328
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    Yeah, I think a lot of us have been tough on LP in the fairly recent past- rightfully or wrongfully. It's not about musical opinions or what we don't like right now.

    This ones tough- maybe it hits closer because I'm of similar age as Chester.

    I believe @Kris is a huge fan. Hope you're doing OK.
    Last edited by Krazy; 07-20-2017 at 06:18 PM.

  29. #329
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    The comments I'm seeing everywhere as always "You didn't even know him." Besides the bashing I gave for their new album... I've been listening to LP when they were Hybrid Theory (Thanks to my cousin for letting me keep an original print of the EP) so when you listen and connect with an artists work for so long, it is going to resonate with you. Whatever I may have been going through in my life at the time, Chester's words always hit me and I was always able to relate and connect with them. Yes, we do not know these people personally, but we know them through their own words and emotions and a lot of his lyrics were him spitting out his own personal demons as well as his solo work (Morning After acoustic version I am looking at you). This hits home a bit for me. Be more mindful about situations like this instead of spewing out nonsense.

  30. #330
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    RIP Chester. Your music was the soundtrack to my heartbreaks, promotions, disappointments and losses. The futility of my lifestyle at the time. I regret not seeing Linkin Park while I had the chance. Your songs will live on forever in my heart. They elevated my existence to a higher plane. "In the End" and "Numb" were both epic and surreal. You were larger than life and your blazed your own trail in this world. You reminded me that "time is a valuable thing," if I didn't know it already. Thanks for the memories.
    One of my family members killed himself. People always say it's a selfish, cowardly act. But you can never know what someone is going through unless you've walked a mile in his shoes. People don't commit suicide because they want attention. It's usually the result of a long struggle with personal demons or problems beyond one's control.
    Chester was sexually abused when he was a child. He didn't tell anyone because he thought people would think he was gay or lying. He was also bullied in high school. He once said, "I was knocked around like a rag doll at school, for being skinny and looking different." He also had a very special friendship with Chris Cornell. He was the godfather of Cornell's son, Christopher. Today would've been Cornell's 53rd birthday.
    Sexual abuse has a lasting effect on a person. It affects one's sense of self and security. Any form of abuse hinders people's ability to form lasting and meaningful relationships. It is also linked with drug use and addiction. Sexual abuse and substance abuse often go hand in hand.
    Then there's the old adage that he should've stuck around for the kids. Or he should've sought help in the form of counselling. No one likes to admit weakness or the fact that he needs help. What if he was so completely miserable that he just didn't want to live on this screwed up planet anymore?

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