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Thread: Linkin Park

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    Linkin Park

    Everyone knows who this band is, well I hope. One of my all time favorite bands since I was little and I still love them now. New album is being released sometime this summer and the new single "Burn It Down" will be available on Monday. Very strong string of albums in my opinion with "Hybrid Theory", "Meteora", "Minutes to Midnight", and "A Thousand Suns". Huge band, millions of fan and haters, but they are still a very strong band.

    Feel free to comment your opinions.

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    I hate hate hate the last two albums, on which with the assistance of the arch douche Rick Rubin, they turned their backs on everything that made their first two albums pretty good slices of poppy nu-metal.
    Emerging as bona fide douchebags in their deluded belief that they are artists, as opposed to nu-metal hacks who were really good at jumping on a bandwagon and got lucky, LP now aim way high above their station, failing and falling spectacularly, despite continuing to be rewarded with popularity, which surely reinforces, in their minds, their lofty aspirations. It's like they want to be Coldplay and U2 and Bob Dylan and Public Enemy instead of just being fucking Linkin Park. I'm not saying a band shouldn't grow: but I am saying a band knowing and respecting their limits is a prerequisite to growth that is genuine or convincing.
    Last edited by aggroculture; 04-10-2012 at 08:36 PM.

  3. #3
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    ^-- I kind of agree.

    I find that I still enjoy listening to LP but... I get embarrassed when people want to see my ipod and they notice I have Linkin Park. Once in a while I like listening to them but it has to be a certain kind of day.

  4. #4
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    Another new album by this shit band? Ughh great, more garbage for the radio airwaves.

    I never liked this band, even before the mainstream sound swap and switch. I haven't liked them for as long as I can remember. I remember disliking them and the douchebags that loved them when I was in 8th grade. That was about 2004.

    On topic, the only song I ever partially tolerated/enjoyed slightly is The Catalyst. Everything and I mean everything I can take or leave entirely. I just feel bad that Chester got ahold and started a group with the Orgy/Julien-K boys a few years ago.
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 04-11-2012 at 11:09 AM. Reason: u broek grmmr?

  5. #5
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    I think Chester is the worst part of the band. His voice is pure garbage.

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    Funny, I've always thought he was the only member of the band with some measurable talent.

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    There are definitely more horrible bands out there other than Linkin Park. But I do believe that they made a big bang in the nu-metal, Rap/Rock genre. I don't think anyone did it better than them.

    Everyone forgets the days when Linkin Park was called "Hybrid Theory" at the time, and their debut Ep was actually something to get excited about in the late 90's. Songs like "Carousel", and "And One" were very promising. They didn't bring that much new as a rock band when these songs came out, but for Linkin Park the music was more raw, the DJ loops and Emcee skills of Mike Shinoda were subtle but still was enough to have that old school Linkin Park style that a lot of us loved and miss. The lyrics and atmosphere were darker and I wish they would have stayed with more of that sound. I think that is when Chesters vocals really shine is when he has that angry, raspy sound in his voice.

    " "

    As far a their new material.... not really a fan. They even said they knew that their new sound really alienated a lot of their fans and Chester said they may have branched out a bit too far with the new sound they were exploring. He and Mike said that they really just went out for more of a sound that everyone that is a fan loved before their new material and that is more familiar which I am excited about. We'll see what happens when "Burn It Down" is offically released.

    Hybrid Theory, Reanimation, and Meteora I will always love. I was always a fan of Linkin Park, and always am intrigued when new material comes out. Doesn't mean I am always expecting the best, but I think they still have some good songs up their sleeve.
    Last edited by Self.Destructive.Pattern; 04-10-2012 at 11:14 PM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    I think Chester is the worst part of the band. His voice is pure garbage.
    I had a friend who thought he sounded like a bad version of Beavis of Beavis & Butt-Head.

  9. #9
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    You are a brave-ass soul making this topic. A brave-ass soul.

    I think the last two albums were an improvement over the first two. Hybrid Theory and Meteora got really stale really quickly for me, but Minutes to Midnight and A Thousand Suns have a lot more replay value. For me, anyway.

    I'm fairly excited to hear the new single. Just five more days.

  10. #10
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    I can count on one hand with both of the last two records combined how many of the songs i have liked, I'm not sure If I'll ever have a solid experience of them again album-wise after Hybrid Theory through Meteora but I'll still keep an ear out and will definitely check out any new music they have coming up.

    I did like that they took a more electronic approach with A Thousand Suns, that was interesting but there was just far too many disposable songs and what was up with all the stupid skits and 1 minute entries? what a waste.

    They're very good live though even though I only saw them back in 2007 but that along with their live footage, amazing stage presence and they interact with their fans... that's more than i can say for quite a lot of artists so say what you will about them but they've definitely got the performance chops.
    Last edited by thelastdisciple; 04-11-2012 at 01:32 AM.

  11. #11
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    It was one of my fav bands bout 10 years ago. I collected every shit.

    Then they turned to shit. I dislike half of what's on Meteora.

  12. #12
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    haha i used to love hybrid theory as a kid. i still get get some guilty-pleasure nostalgia when it comes up in my playlist.

    i remember getting really excited about meteora coming out, pre-ordering the deluxe edition and rushing home the day it came out to listen. then being really depressed because it was a fucking turd.

  13. #13
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    I love this band still! I'm really excited for the new single on Monday. Minutes to Midnight was the only album I didn't like much because it felt kind of neutered - about half the songs were so stripped down that they were basically just demos. And I hate when bands overextend and try to be political; Linkin Park are great at writing songs about personal insecurities and relationships, and I think it'd be wise to stick to that. However I did love their last album, which was vaguely political but managed not to be obnoxious about it. It was really interesting in terms of style too, and it wasn't far from their original sound - if anything, it felt like a refinement of nu-metal, not a deviation from it.

    They say the plan is to hopefully release an album every eighteen months. That jives so far, it's been about that time since A Thousand Suns was released. I hope to see them be more prolific in the future.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by carpenoctem View Post
    I love this band still! I'm really excited for the new single on Monday. Minutes to Midnight was the only album I didn't like much because it felt kind of neutered - about half the songs were so stripped down that they were basically just demos. And I hate when bands overextend and try to be political; Linkin Park are great at writing songs about personal insecurities and relationships, and I think it'd be wise to stick to that. However I did love their last album, which was vaguely political but managed not to be obnoxious about it. It was really interesting in terms of style too, and it wasn't far from their original sound - if anything, it felt like a refinement of nu-metal, not a deviation from it.

    They say the plan is to hopefully release an album every eighteen months. That jives so far, it's been about that time since A Thousand Suns was released. I hope to see them be more prolific in the future.
    I still like 'em, too. Granted I kinda dropped off a bit with Minutes to Midnight, but I liked how A Thousand Suns sounded as a whole. Although, they could have removed a couple of those sampled bits and just had the album be a bit shorter. If you're going to have an album with that many tracks on it, there's no reason it should only be 45 minutes.

    Their live show was pretty awesome too, especially since my first time seeing them was on tour with Pendulum and DIOYY. I was pretty surprised with how much crowd interaction they had despite running such a big production. I'd see 'em again if they came through the area.

  15. #15
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    Aggro put it the best. These guys are fucking awful and try way to hard to try to be taken seriously as real artists when they're nothing more than a trend hopping band. They had two nu-metal albums, one shitty emo album (complete with look, just check out that clip for "What I've Done"), and they're lame attempt at hopping on the "art rock" bandwagon with their last LP. Namechecking Public Enemy and Pink Floyd doesn't mean you're at that level, and wanting to release your last album as one big song on iTunes is laughable. Hopefully with the fact that A Thousand Suns sold way less than their past albums, maybe people are finally getting tired of them They've lasted way longer than they should have.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    I hate hate hate the last two albums, on which with the assistance of the arch douche Rick Rubin, they turned their backs on everything that made their first two albums pretty good slices of poppy nu-metal.
    rubin gets a bad rap some of it deserved, (see magnetic, death) but imo he did right by linkin park.

    I'm not saying a band shouldn't grow: but I am saying a band knowing and respecting their limits is a prerequisite to growth that is genuine or convincing.
    by that philosophy a band *can't* grow, they would continue to be limited and churn out cookie cutter, paint by numbers records. there is good money to be made doing that (see rammstein) but there are no breakthroughs to be had there. the last 2 linkin park records may not have met the preconceptions of what they should have been, but at the very least the band isn't afraid to move in new directions.

    look at nin for example, i love pretty hate machine more than most, but it's pretty cool what trent has done by getting outside the poppy electro/industrial box.

  17. #17
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    I loved Hybrid Theory and Meteora. I never got into Minutes to Midnight, but I always liked What I've Done.

    I laughed out loud while listening to A Thousand Suns the first times. I don't mind a band trying something different. I just don't listen to it. I do love Burning In The Sky. The Catalyst is almost ok, but the production totally sucks. Put more guitars, more real drums, less weird synth sounds, and it could be an ok song.

    I don't mind experimentation, but they shouldn't take 3-4 years to release something. I mean, we have so much time to listen to new bands, to go elsewhere musically, that when going back to LP, they don't bring anything new or interesting (to me). I'm always looking forward their new albums, but it takes way too much time. I still have hope that someday they'll release something I can listen to and enjoy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by koz-ivan View Post
    by that philosophy a band *can't* grow, they would continue to be limited and churn out cookie cutter, paint by numbers records.
    I never said that. I said that knowing and respecting your limits (and pushing them, I would add, to clarify) is key to convincing or real growth. NIN (or Tool) are bands that grew and evolved organically, gradually. LP hired a trendy producer, turned their backs on what made them good in the first place, and became, at least to me, an entirely unappealling and unconvincing proposition. Rubin wants to turn bands into pop hits, he doesn't give a rat's ass about a band's artistic integrity or original sound. At least LP's initial blueprint, for what it was, worked. Hopefully on this forthcoming record there's a little bit more of that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Charlemagne View Post
    Aggro put it the best. These guys are fucking awful and try way to hard to try to be taken seriously as real artists when they're nothing more than a trend hopping band. They had two nu-metal albums, one shitty emo album (complete with look, just check out that clip for "What I've Done"), and they're lame attempt at hopping on the "art rock" bandwagon with their last LP. Namechecking Public Enemy and Pink Floyd doesn't mean you're at that level, and wanting to release your last album as one big song on iTunes is laughable. Hopefully with the fact that A Thousand Suns sold way less than their past albums, maybe people are finally getting tired of them They've lasted way longer than they should have.
    I like Linkin Park, enjoy their music, saw them live in 2010 and it was great and nostalgic. But I see what you mean by a lot of your points, especially by the whole A Thousand Suns as one song deal. What kind of shit was that? Didn't they actually do that?

    I have never thought of them as a very intellectually deep band, really, but I have enjoyed a lot of the sounds they've produced over the years. I really enjoyed the last record, although I think it seemed a bit half-assed with all the short songs and only about 6-8 real songs. When I was excited for Minutes to Midnight to come out and then was extremely disappointed with it, I basically moved on.

    A Thousand Suns re-lit the flame a bit, I loved Burning In The Skies, When They Come For Me, Waiting For The End, Blackout and Iridescent the most I think, but even now I rarely listen to that album. When it comes on, though, I'll really enjoy it. Waiting For The End is one of their most beautifully produced songs, in my opinion.

    So while they're mostly a band from when I was 11, I will always have a place in my heart for them. I will probably always enjoy their music in some way much like I will always enjoy the Green Hill Zone song from Sonic The Hedgehog, for nostalgic effect and the simple beauty of enjoying life. I try to be as nonjudgmental with music as I can and just accept it for what it is. So I will likely enjoy the new single in some way, I hope! But if I don't it's no loss for me.
    Last edited by Babali; 04-12-2012 at 01:22 PM.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Charlemagne View Post
    ... and wanting to release your last album as one big song on iTunes is laughable.
    Why do you say that?

    Also, check out this new interview from Spin. It has a few track titles and other details from the new album, as well as a vague release date (June).

  21. #21
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    I'm not a big fan as I was at one point, but I do think they deserve some credit for trying to grow. What were they supposed to do? Play nu-metal-rap-rock for over a decade? Shinoda did Fort Minor for his hip-hop side, Chester did Snow White Tan (or whatever he wound up calling it,) and the band itself tried to move beyond what they once were... can't fault them for that. I was a bit let down by Chester's solo project since I kinda dug his work with Julien K, but I still think he's got the ability to write good pop songs ("The Morning After.") The track he did with Jonathan Davis for Queen of the Damned was pretty good.

    "Breaking the Habit" is still the band's highlight in my opinion. I'm sure I will check out the new album, but I'm not anxiously awaiting it by any means.


    Quote Originally Posted by Ripe(withdecay) View Post
    ....since I was little.......
    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    .....when I was in 8th grade. That was about 2004......
    Quote Originally Posted by antiskum View Post
    haha i used to love hybrid theory as a kid.
    Quote Originally Posted by Babali View Post
    ......So while they're mostly a band from when I was 11..........
    damn, Hybrid Theory came out when I was mid-20s. Fuck I feel old now.... you bastards.

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    Quote Originally Posted by carpenoctem View Post
    Why do you say that?

    Also, check out this new interview from Spin. It has a few track titles and other details from the new album, as well as a vague release date (June).
    Nice interview. I am liking some of the new song titles. When you read or listen to an interview with these guys, you can truly tell that they really just want to do what they want to do musically. People that say they are "trying", or "wanting to be", is a bit ignorant. They are doing what they want to do musically.. even if it works for fans or non-fans musically. A Thousand Suns was very ambitious and it could have worked and went into a better direction aside from the album being all filler with the exception of a few good tracks. I think this time around they will add those elements that some of us grew up with and loved, with some new ones that may work when mixed this time around. I'm pretty excited.

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    Quote Originally Posted by butters View Post
    damn, Hybrid Theory came out when I was mid-20s. Fuck I feel old now.... you bastards.
    I was going to say something to make you feel better, but then I realized that I was 17 when it came out. So yes, I feel old as well, but you're still older. :P

    I actually really liked that album in my late teens/early 20s. I started to lose interest in the band around the time I was 21. But for awhile there, I was a really huge fan of this band. I even saw them live four times, and I have to admit, they put on a great show (at least back then). They still remain some of the funnest concerts I've been to.

    Now I don't like them at all, though. But credit where credit's due, I have to admit they put on a good show back in the day.

    Man, it feels good to get that off my chest. The weight has been lifted!

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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    I was going to say something to make you feel better, but then I realized that I was 17 when it came out. So yes, I feel old as well, but you're still older. :P

    I actually really liked that album in my late teens/early 20s. I started to lose interest in the band around the time I was 21. But for awhile there, I was a really huge fan of this band. I even saw them live four times, and I have to admit, they put on a great show (at least back then). They still remain some of the funnest concerts I've been to.

    Now I don't like them at all, though. But credit where credit's due, I have to admit they put on a good show back in the day.

    Man, it feels good to get that off my chest. The weight has been lifted!

    I was only 14 when Hybrid Theory came out and I didn't even hear of them until I went to a listening station at The Wall and randomly pressed play and loved what I heard. I too was a huge fan of them from Hybrid Theory to Meteora and lost interest soon after that. Seems like everyone in here has similar likes and tastes from back in the day with them.

    I remember getting Meteora when it came out and rushed home to listen to it and I loved every minute of it. I thought it was the best album ever haha.. How blind the teenage mind can be sometimes. But nostalgia at it's best for me when I go back to those albums.

    And yes, they do put on one hell of a show. I saw them at Jones Beach when Meteora came out and it was probably one of the best concerts I have ever been to. They just sound really good live. I wouldn't mind seeing them today, but the new material might ruin that experience :/

  25. #25
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    This band sucks. What's there to talk about?

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    As much as I hate all the negative comments, I respect all your opinions. From my viewpoint, they were one of the first bands I've ever listened to. Their new single is sounding amazing as I keep hearing new clips from it.

  27. #27
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    I guess the new single is out now, can't say I'm really diggin' it all that much.... pretty bland stuff.

  28. #28
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    Ugh, that was truly horrible. It sounded like some of the shit that gets played on KISS radio.

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    I think the song is awesome. But people often disagree with what I enjoy, no biggie. One more song for me!!!

    edit: I might make an edit without Mike's rap, however. Kinda the worst part of the song.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Babali View Post
    edit: I might make an edit without Mike's rap, however. Kinda the worst part of the song.
    As much as I do not like the song, some of Chesters vocals and pitches I do enjoy. It sound like a b-side from A Thousand Suns to be honest. When Mike starting rapping and then it just ends abruptly, it seemed so out of place for the song all together. Hopefully they have more tricks up their sleeves than this... ugh.

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