With a brand-spanking-new ETS comes new custom BB codes for everyone's enjoyment.
  • First is the [spoiler] tag. Make sure you use this tag in the TV/Movie forums when you want to talk about spoilers.
[spoiler]OMG The Titanic sinks at the end![/spoiler]
Spoiler: OMG The Titanic sinks at the end!
  • Next is the [shadowbox] tag. This is useful in threads where people will be posting a ton of images, and we rather you have them as links instead of [img] tags. Here is an example from the N&V Thread.
[shadowbox="http://YOUR-IMAGE-URL-HERE"]your photo title or text here.[/shadowbox]
A recent photo of myself.

If everyone uses the [shadowbox] code instead of the [link] code for their linked images, then you can use the arrow keys to go through every image in the current page of the thread, which is pretty handy!
  • Another cool bbcode is the [ninwiki] code which links to ninwiki. so if you were talking about year zero and wanted to link to the ninwiki page for it you would simple use:
[ninwiki]Year Zero[/ninwiki]
Year Zero

This code is case-sensitive though, so you may have to double check the article if you arent sure, but in general, every first letter of the title is capitalized.
  • And of course, you can do a regular [wiki] tag to link to wikipedia.
[wiki]Nine Inch Nails[/wiki]
Nine Inch Nails

More to come!