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Thread: The Hunger Games

  1. #1
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    The Hunger Games

    Alright bitches!
    This is getting pretty stellar reviews so far. Anyone else a fan of the books and going opening day?

  2. #2
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    I'm quite excited for it. I love both Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson and the trailers have sold me. Never read the books though.

    Will be the first movie I see with my lovely girlfriend in the theater .

  3. #3
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    I don't know shit about the books but I'm DYING to see this if for no other reason than to finally figure out why this drop-dead hot bitch keeps throwing the Cub Scout salute up at me, lol.

  4. #4
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    I read the books back in January after my ex told me about trying to hold a copy at the library - and it having 40 reservations on it already. I really didn't have a clue it was this big until about a week ago, when a coworker told me she was reading the series and said "yeah, I think the movie release is going to be bigger than Twilight".

    That said, I'll probably wait for the home release. I don't have the attention span for movies, even ones that I'm interested in, so I pretty much can't go to theaters. Have to borrow from the library or friends and watch over the course of a couple of days, or before work/after work.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah View Post
    I don't know shit about the books but I'm DYING to see this if for no other reason than to finally figure out why this drop-dead hot bitch keeps throwing the Cub Scout salute up at me, lol.
    Hahaha I have no idea how seriously I should take this post (I've known people who've gone to see a movie for odder reasons) but its actually a great moment .

  6. #6
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    I just literally finishing reading the first book a few minutes ago. I had no interest in seeing the movie until I was told by my brother, cousin and Aunt that I should read the book and I did. I liked it a lot and am now eager to see how the movie plays it out. The movie btw is a little less than 2 and a half hours with a budget I believe below $80 million. And Kid I am on the same boat I never knew how popular this series was until recently and I also have the same reservations about it being turned into a Twilight clone but it is after all a young adult noble which you can definitely tell from the writing style. But I will most likely watch it this Saturday, my brother is going at Midnight Thursday so I'll be able to ask him what he thought about it since he is one of the few people I actually trust with movie review. But I liked the first book will probably start the new book after I watch the flick and see where it goes from there. P.S. Happy to hear it is getting good reviews from just the buzz this is has the making of becoming a blockbuster hit.

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    ^ I'm glad you enjoyed it! Yeah its tracking HUGE I'm surprised I feel like I don't know that many people who've read it.


    Looks like it will end around 90%. I'm so pleasantly surprised by the critical reception. I misinterpreted the very hush hush trailers as them being nervous it wasn't good. Turns out its just the opposite. I really like how the release is a day away and I have yet to know what a single shot looks like from the latter half the of the movie. I hope other studios start doing this kind of marketing where you just introduce the premise without showing anything in the trailers from the 2nd act on.
    Tommorow night .

  8. #8
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    My boyfriend turn me into these books (and he's not a big reader) so I read all 3 of them last year and we have been waiting and praying that the movie doesn't suck. I was a bit apprehensive with all that Twilight talk and Team Peeta/Team Gale shit. But I'm relived it's got good reviews. I'm exited!

  9. #9
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    I saw this last night.

    I haven't read the books.
    I have no interest in tween romance, etc.
    I am a fan of Battle Royale, and was skeptical.

    ...and I have to say, I thought it was great.

    It also contains a really inspired use of a Steve Reich track.

  10. #10
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    My wife talked me into reading the books, but I'm only a few chapters in.

    I won't go to see it until I've finished reading, and I generally only read for about 20 minutes a day, so this might be a little while before I get it done.

  11. #11
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    Just read the book, which I dug enough, and will check out the movie, the gf is a fan, and friends are going.

  12. #12
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    Wow I thought this was incredibly intelligent film making. I was disturbed by how much the desires of the audience over-lapped with the audience in the film. It was disturbing to say the least. Add to that the most common complaint I heard leaving the theater was "I wish they could have shown more violence". Lol so ironic and telling. A job well done I say.

  13. #13
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    Story is kinda close to the idea behind Battle Royale, which came out first
    Very similar, but Battle Royale didnt hold back on the violence aspect
    Theres actually quite a lot of backlash against The Hunger Games and some claim the writer of Battle Royale should sue for plagiarism
    They just came out with a 4 disc blu-ray American release finally, I guess to capitalize on The Hunger Games buzz
    Read mostly positive reviews, but some pretty damning negative ones as well
    Ill wait to when it comes out on dvd, no interest to see in theaters
    Never even heard of the books until all of this movie craze start happening
    But I rather read Battle Royale instead

  14. #14
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    This film was a blatant critique of the media specifically and what an audience expects in terms of entertainment that's where it really differs from Battle Royale. Also, the games are just one aspect of the sci-fi world and story within the trilogy. Its a lot more epic in scope in terms of the games only being one piece of this society.

  15. #15
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    Oh man, if I could go a whole day without someone comparing this to Battle Royale like it hasn't already been done by everyone...

  16. #16
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    Okay... it's like Unreal Tournament.

  17. #17
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    it's derivative of a lot of things- including those mentioned, stephen king/richard bachman's world in the long walk, and every single work of post-apocalyptic fiction, but there are definitely unique elements to it. derivation and influence is different than plagiarism, kids.
    Last edited by frankie teardrop; 03-24-2012 at 11:14 AM.

  18. #18
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    You know what they call The Hunger Games in France?

  19. #19
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    Yeah the movie was great. I do question the decision to tone down the onscreen violence so much, as I think the violence in this movie would not be gratuitous and would actually serve a very real and important purpose, but I understand why they wanted a PG-13 rating. To be honest the most sickening part to me was when Woody Harrelson is looking at two of the really young contestants, all dressed up in formal wear and pretending playfully to stab one another with big plastic swords, while the Capitol adults around them are laughing affectionately like "Oh, those precocious little kids!" That was probably the movie's finest subtle moment.

    I think the casting was pitch-perfect. I can't wait for the sequel. And as far as plagiarism accusations go, the series is really more about rebellion, war and media; the Games are just the catalyst for a larger story. If it were just a Battle Royale rip-off, the rest of the series would've sucked. But the next two books were even better.

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    I read the books like I read Twilight—guiltily, when I thought no one was looking. Turns out I enjoyed them enough that when I saw the actors they'd lined up for the roles, I was disappointed when they didn't look exactly how I'd been picturing them in my head as I read along. That's usually a good sign that I'm emotionally invested

    I'm pretty excited to see this at some point, derivative of Battle Royale or no. If it gets people into BR, all the better. I think it's the meatier, more well-written of the two but they both have their unique selling points.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    You know what they call The Hunger Games in France?

    I nearly pissed my pants at this!

  22. #22
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    Battle Royale was pretty cool and I enjoyed this movie a lot more than I thought I would, but there have been plenty of films with a "fight till the death" scenario. I think half of Van Damme's filmography is about that. ANYWAY...great acting, thought Stanley Tucci was awesome in his hosting role. Jennifer Lawrence was good, obviously she has some acting chops if you were one of eight people who watched Winter's Bone. It also had very good pacing which surprised me, it easily could have dragged in moments, but then something intriguing would happen, mainly in the first half. I can't wait to see how they put the next two in film form.

  23. #23
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    Yeah Stanley Tucci is such a boss in everything he does. In my head while I read the books I actually pictured him as Cinna.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Charlemagne View Post
    Jennifer Lawrence was good, obviously she has some acting chops if you were one of eight people who watched Winter's Bone.
    I love that film, I really hope she continues to make interesting movies, and doesn't succumb to only doing Hollywood schlock.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by carpenoctem View Post
    Yeah Stanley Tucci is such a boss in everything he does. In my head while I read the books I actually pictured him as Cinna.
    You mean Caesar Flickerman Anyways watched the film last night with a couple friends very good and pretty true to the book obviously there were a few differences. Just started reading the second book "Catching Fire" today as I told myself I would wait until after watching this to pick it up. Very good though definitely recommend it especially if you have read the book(s). Love the casting and now that I'am reading the second novel I'm picturing some very same characters. Good Stuff!!!!

  26. #26
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    That was a great film.

    The only negative comment I could make would be that the closely framed shakey cam was unnecessary in District 12. I get the idea that it's a poor area and it physically makes you sick... blah, blah, blah... - but I literally could not watch the screen during these scenes because they made me so sick. There are other tricks of the trade that can paint the same picture, but this one definitely broke my connection / immersion into the film.

    Anyways, aside from that - go see it. It's an excellent story that is told well and in my opinion - we definitely don't receive as many well made films as these nowadays.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tums206_BFY View Post
    You mean Caesar Flickerman
    No, I saw him as Cinna! Because in my head Cinna is a lot like Stanley Tucci's character in The Devil Wears Prada where he's Meryl Streep's sharp-tongued intelligent gay business partner. So my brain just made the connection. I'm glad he was involved in the project even if it was Caesar and not Cinna, he's such a scene-stealer.

    Below: Stanley Tucci does not approve.

    Last edited by carpenoctem; 03-25-2012 at 09:39 PM.

  28. #28
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    hunger games, as i understand them...

  29. #29
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    I heard you have pretty much no idea what is going on in the story sometimes unless you read the books... how accurate is this?

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    I heard you have pretty much no idea what is going on in the story sometimes unless you read the books... how accurate is this?
    I haven't read the books and I didn't have a problem following the plot. Now, if they mean that there is much more to be told, I'm sure they're right, but strictly as a movie it's not hard to follow.

    I found it good by the way. Not great, but good. I was a bit let down by the actual "battle". I feel it could have been more powerful. But overall, a solid film.

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