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Thread: Stephen King

  1. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    So have any of you guys read Sleeping Beauties, the collaboration SK did with his son Owen? @allegate ?
    Its's in my "to read" pile.I read Double Feature by Owen and can barely remember it, though I do remember it being okay.
    I've fallen behind with King a bit. Still have Gwendy's Button Box to read, too.

  2. #152
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    I am reading Sleeping Beauties now.
    @Space Suicide , that's fucking awesome. You won't be disappointed.

    If you have a hard time getting into long books, Four Past Midnight and Different Seasons are both collections of 4 novellas. Different Seasons has Shawshank Redemption, Stand By Me (The Body,) and Apt Pupil. And Four Past Midnight has The Langoliers and Secret Window. And there are also more short story collections: Night Shift, Everything's Eventual, Just After Sunset, and Nightmares and Dreamscapes, among others.

    Stephen King books are just flat out my favorite fucking thing in the world, period.
    Last edited by elevenism; 11-04-2017 at 02:48 AM.

  3. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    So have any of you guys read Sleeping Beauties, the collaboration SK did with his son Owen? @allegate ?
    I just bought it. On the next up pile of books.

  4. #154
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    I just spent the last three or four months reading the whole DT series, stopping briefly to re-read IT.

    I just finished Book 7.

    I need to lie down.

  5. #155
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    Man, I've got such a backlog of books right now it's crazy. It's on there but finding time to read is tough with a kid in middle school. Every damn night it's something, I swear.

  6. #156
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    Interesting note and great timing

  7. #157
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    finished The Outsider... wow does that book start off strong and then quickly turns into complete garbage.

    It's almost like the first half and second half were written by completely different people.

  8. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    I just bought it from Barnes & Noble for 60% off with lots of sales and coupon vouchers. I'll read it sometime soon. It's thick.

    Some more meandering,

    As a "noob" I've wanted and have been intrigued by his books for a long time but never much actually attempted to read them. I enjoy to read but a lot of his books as fat as fuck and those take me forever and I'm poor at keeping up, even if a book is THAT good. I have always enjoyed his film adaptations as well as his original works for the screen such as Creepshow. After seeing IT I said fuck it and decided to delve into his bibliography. I've been snatching up his books left and right every week during lunch hour from B&N. 8.99 a book isn't bad. I'm getting quite a big catalog and am starting to thrust forward with actually reading what I'm buying. I have bought a lot of books the past 2 months...

    • The Dark Tower Series (Currently own I-V)
    • Dreamcatcher
    • The Tommyknockers
    • The Shining
    • Doctor Sleep
    • Under the Dome
    • IT
    • Cujo
    • Four Past Midnight
    • Skeleton Crew
    • Different Seasons
    • The Bizarre of Bad Dreams
    • 11/22/63
    • Sleeping Beauties
    • Pet Semetary
    • The Green Mile (currently starting to read this one!)
    If you haven't already started the Dark Tower, try to read as many of his other books first--especially IT and The Stand--because of how many references there are to past works. It's not necessary, but there'll be a lot of subtle comments/nods that will make The Dark Tower that much more satisfying and enjoyable having the history of his worlds in the back of your mind.

  9. #159
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    I just realized that the first printings for the Plume paperbacks are the only ones with raised lettering, and they have alternate coloring:

  10. #160
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    The Institute, so far, is fucking great. I'm 60% through it.

    Also, I'm glad that there aren't 19s hidden every fucking where, like there were in the Mr Mercedes trilogy- like, every fucking phrase has 19 letters in those books, and my OCD forced me to find every time it happened.

    It's quite a bit better than The Outsider, I'd say.

  11. #161
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    Quote Originally Posted by kattieTW View Post
    When I'm feeling down, I lick excrement from my dog's anus.
    Whoa there @kattieTW , why do you work for a convicted sex predator? Is onemomentessay.com touching you in inappropriate places?

  12. #162
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    Hey, so

    Did you guys know that Stephen King put out a new four Novella collection?

    It's called "If It Bleeds." The first two stories are PRETTY goddamn abstract to me, kind of like some of his subtler short stories.

    The third one is basically the fifth part of the Bill Hodges trilogy, and it's honestly a whole hell of a lot like Outsider, but it's leaner, of course, and works a LOT better.

    I'm just getting to the fourth one.

    It occurred to me last night that this is like, my 83rd SK book, which is fucking NUTS. I've read everything but those Cemetery Dance limited edition things, like cycle of the werewolf.

  13. #163
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    wait wait wait...what was the fourth part in the Bill Hodges trilogy?

  14. #164
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Hey, so

    Did you guys know that Stephen King put out a new four Novella collection?

    It's called "If It Bleeds." The first two stories are PRETTY goddamn abstract to me, kind of like some of his subtler short stories.

    The third one is basically the fifth part of the Bill Hodges trilogy, and it's honestly a whole hell of a lot like Outsider, but it's leaner, of course, and works a LOT better.

    I'm just getting to the fourth one.

    It occurred to me last night that this is like, my 83rd SK book, which is fucking NUTS. I've read everything but those Cemetery Dance limited edition things, like cycle of the werewolf.
    Good bumping time, it’s his birthday on the 21st. Same as The Fragile.

  15. #165
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    wait wait wait...what was the fourth part in the Bill Hodges trilogy?
    I think he meant fourth.

  16. #166
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erneuert View Post
    I think he meant fourth.
    No, The Outsider is the 4th

  17. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by fillow View Post
    No, The Outsider is the 4th
    Oh yeah it is too. That totally slipped my mind.

  18. #168
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    really? I am way off my SK game. I haven't read anything past the trilogy, like any of his books. I have them, just haven't read them. I should read them all for October, spooky month that it is.

  19. #169
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    really? I am way off my SK game. I haven't read anything past the trilogy, like any of his books. I have them, just haven't read them. I should read them all for October, spooky month that it is.
    I was just thinking: the last like, stunningly great King book I read, was Revival. I'm talking old school, classic, stands up with the best of his work great.
    The Bill Hodges trilogy was pretty damn good, but not great. Oh, and the other thing he did this past decade that really took me to another world was Joyland.

    I hope he's got at least a few more like, mind blowing door stoppers, to lay on the Constant Readers among us.

  20. #170
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Hey, so

    Did you guys know that Stephen King put out a new four Novella collection?

    It's called "If It Bleeds." The first two stories are PRETTY goddamn abstract to me, kind of like some of his subtler short stories.
    I keep meaning to pick it up. I love his short story collections more than most of his novels.

  21. #171
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    There's also this. I can't fucking BELIEVE they're putting this out during an actual pandemic.
    I hope they nail it, though. I never thought the 94 version quite did it justice, and I hope this is AT LEAST twelve episode.

  22. #172
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    So has anyone read Later?

    I was leery of the last one he did for this "Hard Boiled Crime" company, because I thought it was going to be like, well, The Colorado Kid, which baffled me. But, Joyland was just a great, short SK book.

    So we've got one that's weak, and a great one, in my opinion. I hope the new one is great, too. The man isn't going to be around forever.

  23. #173
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    Lisey's Story on Apple TV+ is what really drew me in to King's world. I've seen The Shining, Creepshow, bits and pieces of It...but never really paid much attention. I recall my dad reading some of his books when I was a kid.

    Anyway, Lisey's story made me immediately go out and buy two books: The Shining (since I was familiar with the film and could compare) and The Outsider. I'm not the biggest reader by any means. I can't even recall the last time I bought a fiction book. Plus, I'm bogged down with end of year stuff as a teacher and a condensed semester with two courses in grad school.

    I finished The Shining in 6 days. Holy shit, did I love it. Never have I been drawn in to a writing style like King's. I was HOOKED. I read for hours at a time. Never in my life have I done that. Never. In my opinion, the book is far better than the film (a great film but I'm not a fan of how they derived from the book...but I get it)

    Started The Outsider last night. Love it so far.

    Went to pick up two more books yesterday: Skeleton Crew (thought it'd be cool to read some short stories) and Salem's Lot (I have only seen one clip of the film version)

  24. #174
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    I've read Carrie and Christine and love them both. Also, I've read Heart-Shaped Box (where Trent has a "cameo"!) by Joe Hill, before finding out that he's SK's son. The book made a lot more sense after that, and I won't spoil why.

  25. #175
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    Rereading Stephen King

    This is a series of articles written by someone I know from a former forum. He also writes books - some of them pretty good - but I digress. They're interesting little essays on 33 books (it did have to end eventually) that King wrote so if you've a moment to spare check a couple out.

  26. #176
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    awesome link...thank you.

    last night, I realized....oh crap, let me check ebay for deals on books. I don't care if they're used or not. you can find some great deals for lots with multiple books that would cost the price of one new book!

    I got two lots for about $20 each:
    -The Stand
    -Pet Semetery
    -Different Seasons
    -Nightmares & Dreamscapes
    -Full Dark, No Stars

    Lot 2:
    -Under the Dome

    I'm set for the year!

  27. #177
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    @versusreality the biggest recommendation I can give is that you start reading The Dark Tower as you go through the other books. The first book, The Gunslinger, is something you just kinda have to suffer through, but the rest is just incredible... and it sets up this crazy mythology with all of his other books. It's really his masterpiece.

    Also, I'd probably say IT is my favorite horror novel. None of the movie adaptations really "get it" at all, and are sort of awful representations really, though the first part of the recent movie was a nifty thing.

    If I were to throw out one more really earnest recommendation, Needful Things is incredible. It's also insanely dark, and one of the only books that's made me cry. As in, it really reduced me into a sobbing mess. It's amazing.

  28. #178
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    Thank you. My idea is to read the entire Dark Tower in 2022, starting in January. Added Needful Things to my wish list!

  29. #179
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    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    Thank you. My idea is to read the entire Dark Tower in 2022, starting in January. Added Needful Things to my wish list!
    As I've stated before on this board, there is NOTHING that makes me happier than a new SK book: no movie, no tv show, no video game, and VERY few big life events.

    I read Skeleton Crew when I was fucking five years old, lol. My parents were impressed that I was reading it, though, and decided to let me finish.
    In 1991, at eleven, I read Needful Things, and The Wastelands (the third dark tower book,) and I experienced something like you're experiencing now. I'd found my favorite writer of all time. It's just his VOICE- his narrative voice. I don't know how else to explain it. Ever since then, since 91, I've anxiously awaited and devoured every SK novel, short story collection, and novella collection.
    I also backtracked and read everything from the seventies and eighties that I might have missed.

    I am SO happy for you: you're going to find treasure after treasure. SO fucking many of them are masterpieces, and, even with books like The Outsider, when I say it's one of his WORST, that damn sure doesn't mean it's BAD: rather, it's just not one of the best.
    They're ALL fucking great.

    I wish I could unread them, and be where you are, now.

    Edit: oh, and, if you like Outsider, you REALLY need to read the Mr. Mercedes trilogy, wherein Holly is an apprentice to an older detective, and then, after that, the epnymous novella in "If It Bleeds."

    Outsider is basically part four in a five part series.
    Last edited by elevenism; 06-17-2021 at 08:07 AM.

  30. #180
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    The best part of the Dark Tower movie was the pre-production photos where the movie was Spoiler: a sequel to the book series with the "last time around" phrase used over the Horn of Eld.


    linking because it's a spoiler if you haven't read the books.

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