Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah View Post
Hey, guys...I'm struggling to find a specific NIN/JA fan-edit.

It was for the NIN set from Toronto '09 and was hosted on YouTube and linked to from here, but I can't find it anywhere. It was even made available in iPod-friendly format for d/l and everything. It was pretty good stuff.

Anyway, a bunch of it was my footage and it came up in conversation recently. Then I discovered it's seems to have gone missing and was hoping someone might be able to help me out here.
Quote Originally Posted by TheBang View Post
Here's the info file for the DVD released:

It was seeded to Dime in June 2010, 4.09 GB. I'm not at liberty to repost it now, but maybe in a few weeks, I can.

Edit: I just looked at it, and not only is it letterboxed, but also the aspect ratio has been terribly misframed at 1.97:1, which makes everyone look squished vertically. It's a damned shame, because the footage and edit itself are not bad, considering the sources and the editor's inexperience.
Hey, now...I was one of those questionable sources, damnit!

Haha, j/k. It's all good, lol.

Anyway, has it been enough weeks yet?

I'm not trying to re-upload or monetize it or anything, I'd just like to SEE it again.

I feel goofy even asking like this considering I answered an open call, snail-mailed a DVD, and it was already posted for d/l here openly (and apparently torrented) by the guy who put it together...plus, it was like 50% comprised of MY footage as I recall, so I don't really see what the problem could possibly be.


Any help with either version or both in an easily viewable and/or downloadable format (i.e. I can't do torrents) would be IMMENSELY appreciated, thanks!
