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Thread: The Apple Thread

  1. #541
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy Prevention Hotline View Post
    You really want something bigger than an 10" iPad? I could never go back after having a Mini, so I can't even imagine what it would feel like to carry around an even bigger one unless it manages to weighs less than my old iPad 1.
    Just snap a 13-inch MacBook Air in half and carry the screen around to try it out.

  2. #542
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    Quote Originally Posted by Final Destiny View Post
    Just snap a 13-inch MacBook Air in half and carry the screen around to try it out.
    Only if it's someone else's MacBook Air.

    The MBA's screen doesn't have a big honking battery in it though, so it's got to be a lot lighter than an iPad of similar size. (While I'm not about to take my 15" MBP apart, I suspect even its screen weighs less than my Mini.)

  3. #543
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  4. #544
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy Prevention Hotline View Post
    You really want something bigger than an 10" iPad? I could never go back after having a Mini, so I can't even imagine what it would feel like to carry around an even bigger one unless it manages to weighs less than my old iPad 1.
    I carry my mini everywhere but I'd still really like a lot bigger iPad, too. So I'd have 3 choices, especially for travel or on my boat or even sitting on my couch. The wifi on my mini isn't as powerful as on my full-size iPad. I think the iPad Pro probably WOULD weigh less than my old iPad 1.

    I have my little bluetooth keyboard so it'd be perfect.

    But then I remember how much these iPads COST and realize, ugh, wtf. I don't really NEED another fucking iPad. Unless it's to upgrade my old iPad 1, but I'd just go with the standard size. Maybe. The latest upgrades haven't been WOW enough for me to part with my cash.
    Last edited by allegro; 09-16-2014 at 11:44 AM.

  5. #545
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    Haha so it's ok to post a picture talking shit on apple, but if you talk shit on android you get a facepalm?


  6. #546
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    Anyways 4 million iPhone preorders in 24 hours.

    If you factor $800 per phone that equals 3.2 BILLION DOLLARS IN A DAY.

  7. #547
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    Haha so it's ok to post a picture talking shit on apple, but if you talk shit on android you get a facepalm?

    No, that was just a really silly immature graphic (that you didn't create, but still). There is absolutely nothing wrong with healthy competition in the tech marketplace. I used to work for a company that leased Motorola brick and bag phones because nobody could afford to buy them, they cost $1,200, the minutes cost 60 cents, there were no fucking towers anywhere, everybody thought cell phones were stupid and nobody wanted one, and we couldn't get anybody to lease them. The only time we leased the entire inventory was to the police dept and emergency responders when a jumbo jet crashed at Detroit Metro Airport and whenever there was a tornado. Within 2 years, there was carrier competition, "roam" was developed, more towers started going up, other developers started trying their hands at phones, Motorola started developing smaller phones, and the rest is history. If the only smartphone game in town was Apple, Apple would have less reason to develop better and different size products or improve security, etc. Nobody ever benefitted from silly groupie culture. Apple has in fact had failures in its past, but you're to young too remember. I remember seeing a bunch of Steve Jobs' NeXT machines at the University of Chicago and thinking, "shit, these things are fucking COOL" and those machines ended up being the basis for the iMac. Anyway, someday, you'll own a home and move from the coolness of a smartphone to the coolness of a $1,500 Bosch dishwasher that is so quiet you don't know the fucking thing is RUNNING plus built with such quality that it will last for 20 years; also created by healthy competition and customer demand.

    edit: we also leased Apple LaserWriters because nobody could afford a $7,000 PostScript printer using AppleTalk, because that's how much an Apple LaserWriter cost back then; again, healthy competition and demand changed all that

    Last edited by allegro; 09-16-2014 at 02:47 PM.

  8. #548
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    On this day, September 16th, 1985, Steve Jobs was forced out of Apple.

    On this day, September 16th, 1997, Steve Jobs came back.

    Just after he regained his post:

    Last edited by allegro; 09-16-2014 at 02:25 PM.

  9. #549
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  10. #550
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    4 fucking gigs for the new ios8 and they're still only giving 16gb as a base model? FUCK YOU apple. Seriously, i'm sick of this shit. They'll never change either, not with the type of preorders they're getting.

  11. #551
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I think the biggest problem with the Fuelband was accuracy and people had problems with it dying.
    don't forget the interesting privacy issues. People were surprised when you could make out sexual activity on their activity graphs. People were even more surprised when that data started being exposed to people they didn't want it exposed to.

    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Studies have shown what I already discovered, personally, about these activity trackers: They don't work. They work for a little while, but you give up. You get bored with it. And these things end up in a drawer collecting dust. Or they end up dead. The things that REALLY work? GPS apps like MapMyRun or Walkmeter when you're outdoors and an old-fashioned pedometer when you're indoors, and an old-fashioned heart rate / wrist monitor. And a journal/log book. Period.
    I've found a lot more use out of wifi attached scales. Logging your weight and estimated body fat over long periods of time has been very handy and it isn't too much effort.

  12. #552
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    4 fucking gigs for the new ios8 and they're still only giving 16gb as a base model? FUCK YOU apple. Seriously, i'm sick of this shit. They'll never change either, not with the type of preorders they're getting.
    That's plenty for base model type customers. My mom is a base model user. The only thing that takes any space on her phone are the pictures she takes. If you aren't a base model type user, wtf are you bitching about? They give you two other sizes to choose from.

  13. #553
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    That's plenty for base model type customers. My mom is a base model user. The only thing that takes any space on her phone are the pictures she takes. If you aren't a base model type user, wtf are you bitching about? They give you two other sizes to choose from.
    He has a good point, though, in that they giveth 16 and taketh 4. Eventually, the updates are gonna take more and more space. I dunno, I used to use a ton of space with music but with streaming I don't even do that, anymore, and with Dropbox, I hardly need any space at all, ever, and now I don't buy huge apps, anymore, either, so I dunno.

    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    I've found a lot more use out of wifi attached scales. Logging your weight and estimated body fat over long periods of time has been very handy and it isn't too much effort.
    Yeah, I do that with my Tanita scale and MyFitnessPal.
    Last edited by allegro; 09-17-2014 at 06:35 PM.

  14. #554
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  15. #555
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    He has a good point, though, in that they giveth 16 and taketh 4. Eventually, the updates are gonna take more and more space. I dunno, I used to use a ton of space with music but with streaming I don't even do that, anymore, and with Dropbox, I hardly need any space at all, ever, and now I don't buy huge apps, anymore, either, so I dunno.
    In my case I've got a 32gb iPod Touch, i can use streaming music apps like Spotify and the like... sure but it would only be useful via WIFI while I'm at home (and most of the free WIFI hotspots are shit anyways), i don't think i can get a 4G, 5G whatever constant network connection regardless even if i could i wouldn't, I'm just not in a good place to be affording a bunch of subscriptions not to mention there's always the overage thing and getting boned even more money likewise with subscribing for iCloud space but at least I've got DropBox to move my photos and crap over to though. Anywho I've got 2,657 songs (all 320 mp3), 83 apps (the largest being Earthworm Jim @ 200mb..., It's probably a good thing i got rid of Max Payne a while ago as that was like 1gb or something, i actually do get a good use out of all my apps.. maybe a few minutes here and there on each one every so on and so forth so It's hard to figure out which ones i use the least and feel i could get rid of).

    I swear I've deleted about 300 songs or so and I've still not got the required amount of space to update via wifi. It's ridiculous trying to decide if I should prune my NIN discography or some of my other favorite artists or not.

    I guess I'll be trying to see what i can do when i hook up to my laptop, i haven't had the need to since the beginning of the year when i first loaded the music.. suppose it's good i turned auto-sync and all that off.

  16. #556
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    Anywho I've got 2,657 songs (all 320 mp3), 83 apps (the largest being Earthworm Jim @ 200mb..., It's probably a good thing i got rid of Max Payne a while ago as that was like 1gb or something, i actually do get a good use out of all my apps.. maybe a few minutes here and there on each one every so on and so forth so It's hard to figure out which ones i use the least and feel i could get rid of).
    I'll tell you what happened to me ... About 6 months ago, my hard drive bit it on my 27" iMac. I'd been backing up to my Time Capsule, but that had been dying, too, and the wireless on it was horrible, and my office upstairs is on the opposite side of the house in the basement from where the Time Capsule/wireless server so I turned off the backup and, yeah, the backup didn't get backed up so I'd been backing up to Dropbox, instead, which was a lot faster (I've since switched to Backblaze and got a lot faster screaming Airport Extreme).

    ANYWAY, I thought oh shit I gotta REBURN all that music that was on my hard drive?



    edit: Also, since I'm an Amazon Prime member, and I'd gotten so much of my music via Amazon, everything I got from Amazon streams for free (via their Amazon music player) on my S5 and on my iMac.
    Last edited by allegro; 09-18-2014 at 01:53 PM.

  17. #557
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    4 fucking gigs for the new ios8 and they're still only giving 16gb as a base model? FUCK YOU apple. Seriously, i'm sick of this shit. They'll never change either, not with the type of preorders they're getting.
    I have this problem however I read that it's the room needed for the upgrade, but you recover a lot of it after. Still deleting photos and music to make room.

  18. #558
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    I have this problem however I read that it's the room needed for the upgrade, but you recover a lot of it after. Still deleting photos and music to make room.
    The 4gb is only needed if you're updating it over the air, if you use iTunes on your computer I believe you don't need the extra space on your phone.

  19. #559
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    @tony.parente How is the new iPhone working out for you? Which model did you get? I'm updating my 128G 6 as I type.

  20. #560
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    My iPod touch is about 5 years old now, the bad part is that the headphone jack is all jacked up .

    I've also been trying golden delicious apples in the smoothies I've been making this week-don't know if it's a better choice than the Fuji I've been using, but not a bad choice for sure.

  21. #561
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    I fucking hate os8 I fucking lost everything all my files including the album I was recording, this is a very dark day.

  22. #562
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    Not to be a dick but did you back up before upgrading?

  23. #563
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charmingly Miserable View Post
    @tony.parente How is the new iPhone working out for you? Which model did you get? I'm updating my 128G 6 as I type.
    Short answer: I fucking love it, best iOS experience to date. I got the 64gb space grey 6 and I'm glad I didn't get the plus, the 4.7 inch screen on this thing is the absolute max that im comfortable with. So psyched with it.

  24. #564
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    Officially left the apple world today and bought a Galaxy S5.
    Talk to you in a couple years if my experience is a disaster.

  25. #565
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    Officially left the apple world today and bought a Galaxy S5.
    Talk to you in a couple years if my experience is a disaster.
    Heh, open the back, take the battery out. Wave it around. That and the USB 3.0 will make you happy for 2 years. LOL. Every time I need to know something, I Google it. Today, G and I were at a bar, post-Cubs game, and he said he didn't like how he couldn't get pop-up messages. I Googled it, some Japanese site said go to settings, messages, notifications, pop ups, we tested it on our S5s. Oh okay, awesome. I'm a "tinkerer" so I've nearly taken this whole thing apart, I've organized and reorganized it, if you have any questions or problems, maybe start an S5 thread? Oh, and I ditched Firefox and like Chrome much better. Gmail sucks and I like Blue Mail much better. I love the Yahoo Weather app. I love DigiCal Pro (way cool widgets). Be sure to use SmartRemote for your TV(s),way fun. Here is how to install a battery, SIM card, microSD memory card: Also see this:

    However, since my smartphone is a tiny tiny portion of my geek world, and since my home is filled with the World of Apple (the ridiculous overkill quadcore Mac Pro being used by my husband for WoW as I type on my iMac while iPads are on nearly every surface and a 17" MacBook Pro is stuffed in a closet somewhere unused) I am still fully living in the Apple World ...

    I now have 5 magazine subscriptions on my iPad mini. I'm slowly moving totally away from print. Yeah, I'm that dork sitting there at a restaurant reading magazines on a mini, like "Better Homes and Gardens" duh. I think eventually these little phones are all gonna give way to these bigger phabulous phablets with bluetooth built into our heads.
    Last edited by allegro; 09-20-2014 at 07:53 PM.

  26. #566
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    4 fucking gigs for the new ios8 and they're still only giving 16gb as a base model? FUCK YOU apple. Seriously, i'm sick of this shit. They'll never change either, not with the type of preorders they're getting.
    Yeah, 16GB is pretty pathetic unless you never play music offline, don't buy games, don't take many pictures with it, etc. I'm comfortable with 32GB, but partly because I expect to upgrade before I run out of room.

    It's the measly 1GB of RAM that pisses me off, though.

    After reading about performance problems on the iPad 2, I canceled the OS8 download on my Mini (pretty much the same hardware). I'll wait to see if future updates improve matters any.

  27. #567
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy Prevention Hotline View Post
    Yeah, 16GB is pretty pathetic unless you never play music offline, don't buy games, don't take many pictures with it, etc.
    That pretty much describes me!

  28. #568
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy Prevention Hotline View Post
    After reading about performance problems on the iPad 2, I canceled the OS8 download on my Mini (pretty much the same hardware). I'll wait to see if future updates improve matters any.
    Do you happen to have a link where it's specifically talking about the iPad 2? I own a 3 and 4, but have yet to run into any major problems. The ones I am having are minor and are almost all within Safari. I'd like to read what's going on with the 2.

    My iPad updates were 1.1 gigs, the iPhone ones were 3.4 gigs. After installation, they only ended up taking about 800 megs.

  29. #569
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy Prevention Hotline View Post
    Yeah, 16GB is pretty pathetic unless you never play music offline, don't buy games, don't take many pictures with it, etc. I'm comfortable with 32GB, but partly because I expect to upgrade before I run out of room.

    It's the measly 1GB of RAM that pisses me off, though.

    After reading about performance problems on the iPad 2, I canceled the OS8 download on my Mini (pretty much the same hardware). I'll wait to see if future updates improve matters any.
    i was a fool and download 0s8 on my mini. it has been sucking ever since.

  30. #570
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