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Thread: Little things that cheer you up.

  1. #421
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrea View Post
    When the Fooly Cooly blu-ray is cheaper than the Fooly Cooly DVD on amazon, you buy that shit. AND it's projected to come in the day before the original delivery date.
    I haven't seen FLCL since it was first aired on Adult Swim years ago. I loved it.

  2. #422
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixer808 View Post
    pretty girls in sundresses
    on the downside, allergies. on the upside, this.

  3. #423
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    Randomly getting into a conversation about guns and knives on Facebook with somebody I've rarely spoken to outside of RPGs in real life.

    It's always kind of weird when you hit it off with somebody you least expect to.

  4. #424
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    Baked 54 tiny cupcakes for my graduating students, including green, blue and grey ones, and one chocolate set that has Nutella in it.
    And ate none of them!!!

  5. #425
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrea View Post
    Well, now it looks like the California plan is getting worked out! We're moving to Burbank, and so far it's me, my female friend, an old friend I grew up with, and two of his friends, one of which I know from swim team.

    If everything works out, this could be one hell of a life changer. I'm pretty excited.
    Damn, dude. Burbank's a nice area. Congrats!

    AND, you'll be right up the street from where they tape The Tonight Show. You can go see Jay Leno LIVE! Doesn't that sound awesome?! I'm so jealous!

  6. #426
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elke View Post
    Baked 54 tiny cupcakes for my graduating students, including green, blue and grey ones, and one chocolate set that has Nutella in it.
    Nuuuuuttttelllllllla +make that sound like the cookie monster said it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Elke View Post
    And ate none of them!!!
    That's amazing. I would have eaten it all.
    Last edited by Dra508; 06-04-2012 at 05:18 PM.

  7. #427
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    Finally got my car fixed after it being broken for 4 months.

  8. #428
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    Wheeling and dealing like a serious operator.

  9. #429
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iran_Ed View Post
    I got a new job today. I promptly walked down to my current job and quit. The amount of stress the job put on me had been overwhelming for a long time. I still can't believe its over. The new job's nothing fancy, but this new environment is just what I needed.
    Over the weekend I went to visit two managers who work in other stores at the company I used to work for. The first one gave me a big hug, and wished me luck. The second one told me she wish I hadn't quit, and that she would have helped me get my manager fired for the things she was doing. I told her it was alright and it was time for me to seek a change in scenery.

  10. #430
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    I took out a $1,500 extension on my car loan today. And I'm feeling REALLY good about it. Money's tight for the next couple months. This lets me have some money to handle all of these things I keep putting off, while only adding about a year's worth of monthly payments to my loan with almost no change to my interest rate. I'm going to....

    Fix my computer
    Repair my car
    Put my down payment on apartment (hopefully by the end of the month)
    Use some of it as back-up money for my trip to see Puscifer in Arizona

    And outside of that, no minor spending or taking time off work. I don't need to buy movies or anything all the time, and I'm gonna need the money saved away which is why I took out the loan in the first place, to give myself something to work with while my paychecks go to savings and bills. Anything I have left by August 1st is going back toward paying off the loan, which I'm thinking will be at least $500 of it, or at least close to that.

    Anyway, I'm just really glad that I have a good credit history and have a good credit union to work with. It helps that I've made almost every payment on time, and always added between $20 - $50 extra to every monthly payment to speed it up. I'm feeling pretty good about the loan.

  11. #431
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrea View Post

    Anyway, I'm just really glad that I have a good credit history and have a good credit union to work with. It helps that I've made almost every payment on time, and always added between $20 - $50 extra to every monthly payment to speed it up. I'm feeling pretty good about the loan.
    You really are a smart cookie. Good credit is really good to have. Having a loan, and being good about paying it off is actually better for your credit than being the guy who pays off your credit card every month. Protect le credit!

    I had my annual doc appointment with my GP, who I haven't seen in 4 years and I'm so healthy. I hear enough about people with chronic issues and how hard it is to manage health issues that I really value this. It's not like I didn't know. I exercise 3/4 times a week, do yoga (I'm even taking up meditation), eat pretty well, don't drink too much, stopped smoking 5 years ago. It's just nice to hear: "you're doing everything right."

    Next up- bath salts!

  12. #432
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    You really are a smart cookie. Good credit is really good to have. Having a loan, and being good about paying it off is actually better for your credit than being the guy who pays off your credit card every month. Protect le credit!

    I had my annual doc appointment with my GP, who I haven't seen in 4 years and I'm so healthy. I hear enough about people with chronic issues and how hard it is to manage health issues that I really value this. It's not like I didn't know. I exercise 3/4 times a week, do yoga (I'm even taking up meditation), eat pretty well, don't drink too much, stopped smoking 5 years ago. It's just nice to hear: "you're doing everything right."

    Next up- bath salts!
    Heh, I was kinda worried about the whole "taking out a loan so I can save money" thing. It didn't make much sense initially, but considering I won't need to do anything different at all except make payments for a few extra months, I think it's worth having all of my financial needs met before I leave town and have a whole other mess to deal with. Maybe after I get this infernal computer fixed, I can actually bring it places with me and not have to worry about keeping it cool at all times or the battery dying after 15 minutes off the charger.

    But that's good to hear about your health! You sound like you've really earned it. It takes some will power to stick to staying that healthy. You're doing all the things I feel like I should be doing. I think I'm so out of shape and have such a messed up metabolism and sleep pattern lately that I'm worried a doctor's gonna tell me I'm dying if I get a checkup. :P I just have that general unhealthy feeling. Never smoked habitually, average weight and size...But I'm getting on the right track slowly, with eating better and working out more. Skipping out on fast food, I really only have carbonated drinks...I'm even getting to work at night on foot (usually running, but it depends on if I bring my bag with me), lifting weights there while on the clock (yay for having an entire building to myself and 3 people!), and walking back home, which is about a 3 mile distance. Not much, but it's keeping me active and saves gas. And I must have some kind of crazy turnover rate for building muscle. When I was on swim team, I was told by a trainer I had above average muscle mass for somebody my size, almost double. My body just had a rapid muscle repair rate. 5 days a week of lifting weights for an hour, swimming for two, then running and ab workouts for one was the winning combo, so maybe I need to jump back into that! I feel like a couch potato.

    And besides, I wanna feel and look good and make some nice first impressions when I go off to KU. ;D

  13. #433
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    I found my Beck Sea Change DVD! I have been looking all over the place for it and it was right under my ALL of my Gary Numan cds.

  14. #434
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    was having a rotten day yesterday, was venting in an email, and one of my cats crawled into my lap and just laid there for two hours. just let go of everything and enjoyed the rest of the day. the healing power of cats gets me every time.

  15. #435
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    Alan Davies

  16. #436
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    Bought a pair of those ubiquitous Nike running shorts. Some smart designer had the inside panties sewn in so that the heavy seams are facing away from your skin. More comfort, less skin irritation. Truly a little thing yet brilliant.

  17. #437
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    I found a place to live yesterday! A nice little duplex, not far from campus, and only for $250 a month! Three bedrooms, but one is empty, and the owner's daughter lives in the other one. Now I just gotta find a couple jobs to get me through the summer and I'll be good to go for the semester.

  18. #438
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    Agalloch playing next month (favorite band).

    So stoked.

  19. #439
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrea View Post
    for $250 a month!
    I don't understand.

  20. #440
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    I don't understand.
    That's all the owner of the duplex wanted for rent every month! I gave the place a pretty good look, too, and everything looked fine with me. They said the only reason they had it so cheap was because the bedrooms are tiny, and they are. But the rest of the place has enough room in it,and it's got a fenced back yard. Considering it'll be a month-to-month lease instead of a 6 or 12 month contract, I could always leave if the places ends up having some kind of major problem I don't know about yet.

  21. #441
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    I can't fathom that number at this point. NYC rent is brutal.

  22. #442
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    I can't fathom that number at this point. NYC rent is brutal.
    I can imagine! When me and my buddies were looking at places in Burbank, the numbers were just unbelievable. $7,000 A MONTH to rent a house? Even with four people, that's waaay too high for me. I even got lucky in Lawrence. The higher-end places START around $700, and it just goes up from there. I got hella lucky with this place. Even utilities are gonna cost about $60 a month. I just hope nothing's wrong with it...The people were genuinely nice people, and pretty well kept, so I'm sure I've got nothing to worry about.

  23. #443
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    Filming last night in the woods went super-smooth! I was on safety detail and making torches out of sticks, strips of fabric, and wire. They looked AWESOME in the shots!

  24. #444
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    Maybe this should go in the "Things that piss you off" thread, but it kinda makes me laugh.

    Two days ago, I texted my ex asking if she wanted her stuff back, while I was packing up my room. Just outta courtesy, ya know? We hadn't even talked for a few days. Anyway, her new guy texts me back, from her phone, a day late, saying that if he hears about me texting her again he's gonna blow up my car, kill me, cut off my dick, and fuck my mom with it. Then says never to text her phone again, and once she gets back in town, he's gonna have her block me. (by the way, all without any punctuation or any real form of "spelling." He was just sooo angry.)

    And ya know, I'm starting to think that if she's leaving me for THAT guy, I really think I'm better off without her at this point. I don't fully know what's going on, because it's WAY out of character for her to be acting the way she is lately, but this is how things are, and if she wants to learn that he's an asshole the hard way, then I'm just gonna keep movin' on and get my new life started. I'm not gonna stoop to his level by talking shit back to him. I just said "Look, if you're gonna message me a DAY late saying that crap, of course I'm gonna reply. If you don't want me to reply to your messages, don't send me any to reply to. It's not hard." Surprisingly, that shut him up. I used to care about him making threats like that, but now it's just hilarious that the guy almost makes it a point to reply to me waaay after the time's passed.

    I love how much shit people talk until someone makes it apparent that they don't really care what they have to say. I only wish I would've done it sooner. But I've got a new place, new school, new jobs, new friends, a whole new life coming in the next month. Life is good.

  25. #445
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    Why would she leave her phone, with him, when she's out of town? That makes *no* sense. Is she a nasty or just petty enough person to fuck with you and make all this shit up?

  26. #446
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    Honestly, I feel like something's up. Because I know how she is with her phone, she aaalways has it. Here lately, she's been acting completely different. She's a really sweet girl. But I'm not really questioning it anymore. Whatever's going on isn't really worth my time. I've given her the last couple of months to get herself together, and she keeps letting this happen. The way I see it, when she wants to talk like a couple of adults, she can come to me. But with him constantly speaking for her, I don't even wanna bother.

  27. #447
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    Realising that my continued existence is more upsetting to the person who cut me out of their life than theirs is to me :')

  28. #448
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    Cute waitress. Wedding ring. Bummer. Still cute, though.

    Little things, right?

  29. #449
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    I bought a Bento Box!

  30. #450
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    Went to lunch with my family, they bought me a slice of coconut cake!

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