Quote Originally Posted by Toadflax View Post
I'm sort of confused that Fincher is taking on a sequel to a ho-hum blockbuster. I guess if the sequel ends up being a masterpiece, I'd want T&A to score it, but otherwise I'd rather they take on something more interesting.
I have to say, I agree with you (and maybe TR has the same reservations, which is why he's not sure if he's doing it yet). The first movie was fairly mediocre. Brad Pitt was good, but the CGI zombies kind of killed it for me. Also, if he's going to continue to work with Fincher (and I hope they do, it's a perfect match and he's my favorite director in Hollywood), I'd almost rather it be something more unique and interesting as well.

Quote Originally Posted by Toadflax View Post
P.S. WWZ2 hasn't even entered production yet, which means they won't be looking for a composer for quite some time.
True, but that doesn't mean that Fincher hasn't asked them about it/offered it to them, especially given their relationship. I'm still wondering about that Fight Club musical...