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Thread: 2022.09.24 Cleveland, OH @ Blossom Music Center

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    2022.09.24 Cleveland, OH @ Blossom Music Center

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  3. #3
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    God-fucking-damn. I am shook by what I just witnessed. Once in a lifetime shit right there.

  4. #4
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    That was absolutely fucking bonkers

  5. #5
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    The frail leading into eraser was off the goddamn hook...just amazing.

  6. #6
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    That was absolutely wild. I can’t even believe it. That was my 39th show and surely is near the top if not the best. I started during the with teeth era, so I never got to see these guys live other than dvd and YouTube. I’ve worn out my and all that could have been dvd and to be able to see Danny and Charlie live in person was completely surreal and a very old dream come true. I’m still kinda in shock. Everyone on stage seemed to have a blast and everyone in the crowd around me was loving every second. Just… crazy. And amazing. What a show.

    Ministry and Nitzer ebb were awesome too. What’s great night.

  7. #7
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    Holy shit what an amazing show! Glad they had Rich, Charlie, Chris and Danny on stage all playing together with the current band members. And there is something to be said about nin having two drummers. Absolutely fucking bad ass. Looking forward to the next show.

  8. #8
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    Just WOW all the way around. Still processing. Frail -> Eraser, when that started happening... Damn. And a cool cover of HMNS.. Is it even technically cover? Ha.

    Great time, and solid sets/energy from Nitzer Ebb and Ministry.

    Glad they sorted out whatever was going on with the camera on stage in the beginning, it was so awesome to see some of the random action when the stage was so full at the end.

  9. #9
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    So glad I made the trip for this show. The crowd was great and the whole vibe was amazing

    Still processing the show. I just... wow ... obviously witnessed something special...

  10. #10
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    Just saw the footage of Charlie playing the theremin on Sin. It's EPIC.

  11. #11
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    First time seeing Nitzer Ebb and Ministry , man that was one crazy show, especially those last few songs, glad I ended up going….

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by That other guy View Post
    First time seeing Nitzer Ebb and Ministry , man that was one crazy show, especially those last few songs, glad I ended up going….
    I'm so fucking glad I went. i almost didn't because of some issues back home, but my SO told me to go... and that was the best show I'll ever see. holy fucking shit.

  13. #13
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    Amazing stuff tonight

  14. #14
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    What an epic show. I’ll never forget it that’s for sure.

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    Wow this was a show I'll never forget.

    This was my 3rd time seeing NIN (first in Riot Fest 2017 then last day at Aragon Ballroom in 2018). What made this special was going to this one with my girlfriend who has never seen NIN live.

    We had seats in Section 32 so pretty dang good, like 60 meters from the stage. Nitzer Ebb was a lot of fun and energy for the short time they were on. Ministry kicked ass, all killer no filler from them. I liked every song they included in their set and appreciated how efficiently they melted my face off.

    Next was the main event. I thought Trent was going to either open up with Somewhat Damaged or Mr. Self Destruct or even throw us a curveball, but ultimately I was happy that he ended up going with Somewhat Damaged - it absolutely murders live and I have a strong emotional connection to it. Next was March of the Pigs which was probably my girlfriend's favorite song during the concert - I mean you can't go wrong with March of the Pigs, especially early on.

    It was cool to hear Piggy next, I feel like I used to like Piggy a ton years ago and then it stopped being one of my favorites, but I was pleasantly surprised to hear it when it started. Heresy was one of the highlights of the show imo, everything sounded vicious and razor sharp about it. Less Than is probably a song I like more than the average NIN fan and I like it when it's early on in the setlist. Good energy song that is less negative but still gets you pumped af.

    The Lovers was cool to hear live, I know it isn't a banger or classic, but I like to hear the weirder/more experimental songs. Reptile was another highlight, super tight performance and the synths/samples mixed well with the guitars which was awesome. Reptile was always a NIN song I had to hear live before I died lol. Sanctified was another one my gf enjoys a lot, I wish I could have heard the Sunspots synth better but it was still a good showing of the song.

    Copy of A was one I didn't mind not hearing live again, but the shadows/lights make it cooler to see live. Happy to hear Shit Mirror and see Robin singing the verses too, I wish they played Ahead of Ourselves right after but it's all good. God Break Down the Door was fun to hear with all of the glitchy drum and bass, but it was a little strange because I think the band/Trent got mixed up a little halfway through but they recovered well.

    The Perfect Drug was fun to hear again and I really think they nailed the ending/outro especially this show. Closer is a song my gf is very familiar with so we had a fun time grooving to it, never get tired of hearing that live. The Big Come Down was solid but I didn't really have a strong urge to hear it again live after they played it at the Aragon.

    Burn might have been my single favorite performance. They synths, guitars, energy, vocals + backing vocals all really came together perfectly in a cathartic gust of noise. The Hand That Feeds was good but I wish they replaced it with a deep cut or something less expected.

    The Frail into Eraser was a crazy good surprise. I literally had told my gf earlier in the day there was basically no way they would play Eraser so imagine my surprise lol. I was particularly impressed by how they melded the scary piano of the Frail with the Eraser sample. Eraser was the most trippy and intense song of the whole show actually. It just hit really well for me that night. It was crazy when they showed Richard Patrick on the screen and the other guys came out. RP nailed the song.

    Wish of course was a banger and a song that they always deliver on. Sin was another good surprise, they should play that live more but I'm so lucky to have heard it twice now. Gave Up was good, it was a smart choice of song for all of the members, old and new, to go insane on.

    I lost my mind when I heard the start of Hey Man Nice Shot, I love that song but never would have thought that it would be played in full at a NIN concert. RP again kicked ass and the chorus was bonkers, it shook the whole place. Finally, they ended the legendary show with Head Like a Hole. Great song to end the show with good energy, I mean it has to be NIN's signature song, right? I wish they added Hurt at the end but I can't complain all things considered.

    I had so much fucking fun and I'm so sad after it's over but that means it was a great show.

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    so who's got a high quality full audio recording of this show? interested parties are interested.

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    2022.09.24 Cleveland, OH @ Blossom Music Center

    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    so who's got a high quality full audio recording of this show? interested parties are interested.
    It’s on ninlive.com

    Last edited by kdrcraig; 09-26-2022 at 04:33 PM.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by kdrcraig View Post

    The tape on ninlive.com is awesome! Thank you @ninlive

  20. #20
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    Hey yall. I kinda had an emotional breakdown during the encore and left my wallet, merch, Polaroid camera, fanny pack'. I was in sec g row 13 seat 8.

  21. #21
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    Said it elsewhere here already but seriously...hands down one of the best NIN shows I've ever been to and probably one of the best concerts I've ever been to at that! First time seeing Ministry who were EXCELLENT! Everything I hoped they'd be! As for the NIN set... I mean, a once in a lifetime moment, no? What could have been better than that? Having been far too young to see that classic lineup with Danny, Charlie, Chris, and Richard, what an incredible surprise that was! When I went to the Fan Day the day prior and saw everybody there I wondered if something interesting might happened but man, the way they pulled that off was just so, so cool! "Eraser" is one of my all time favorites and to have that segue happen during that song (ala the "Dissonance" tour) was just unreal! Rest of the set was equally intense and quite compelling; an excellent mix of hits and deep cuts (seeing "Heresy" live at last was a real high point for sure! "Sanctified", "The Lovers", "The Perfect Drug", "God Break Down the Door"...really, really strong set to end the tour and this era of NIN with). This performance was easily on par with both nights I saw in DC in 2018. Every show Trent's put on since I started seeing them live during Lights in the Sky in '08 has been mind-blowing but this is definitely near the very top of the list. Absolutely worth the long, long drive there and back! Also, what a beautiful venue, too!

    Oh and listening to the tape from ninlive.com of this show right now as I'm typing this. If you haven't downloaded that yet, DO IT! One of the best (if not THE best) tape(s) of the whole tour!

  22. #22
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    Adding my overall thoughts:

    I'm not a huge Nitzer Ebb or Ministry fan, but I was looking forward to seeing them both live for the first time, and they were both a blast.

    I've seen NIN a bunch on this tour, so I hoping for some surprises for this big special show. When Trent didn't come out for Supernaut, and the NIN set started to feel predictable based on the sets so far this year, I was starting to get worried it would just be a regular show. No Mariqueen, Mike Garson, Gary Numan, etc. That said, I did notice a lack of Wish at the beginning of the show, which got my hopes up for at least a Wish -> Gave Up -> Head Like A Hole mini set with the old guys.

    Then, when The Hand That Feeds started, I leaned over to my friend and said, "it's too early for this. Something's up." but then The Frail started, which made me think we were just going back to some normal stuff. And then finally, the Eraser sample kicked in. At first I worried someone hit a wrong button or something, but when the song started proper, I knew something was happening. I couldn't see Chris from where I was, but when I saw Charlie on the big screens, I thought, "here we fucking go!"

    And then that whole finale. Amazing. More than I was hoping for. Rich on vocals for Eraser, Sin making an appearance, and Hey Man, Nice Shot just to mix things up a bit. I was so happy they were all on stage at the same time for so many songs and felt so lucky to be there.

    The only downside was that I had seen a schedule where NIN was slated to play until 11:30, so when HLAH ended at 11:10, I expected an encore--nothing special, just a standard couple of songs with the main band and Hurt to cap it all off. So when the lights went on, it was pretty jarring. I was happy to see a photo of the setlist later confirming that there was no plan for an encore. It would have sucked if they had more planned and ended up cutting it short. I think ending with the whole band was the right choice; it was just a shock for those of us so used to a certain kind of set structure.

    All in all, what a night. My friend hadn't seen them since '06, so even if the regular part of the set was a bit predictable to me, he was ecstatic to hear Heresy, The Perfect Drug, and Burn live for the first time. It's always nice to be with someone who's having a great experience. It was also great to see all the NIN shirts at the airport the next day and chat with people about the show.

    I'm ready for whatever the next era of NIN is going to be, but damn were the last few years an amazing run.

  23. #23
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    I'm still trying restore my equilibrium following this show, both due to the concert experience itself (epic show, unexpected rail spot) and my seat-of-the-pants logistics (which involved a solo, last-minute, 27-hour round trip from the east coast, including 14 hours of driving and <4 hours of sleep at a highway rest stop). My ass has figuratively and literally not yet recovered! As such, just recording some fragmented thoughts for now:

    --Not gonna lie, I've developed a stupid fixation on crossing songs off my "never seen live" list. When Everything, Sunspots, Fashion, and Deep either debuted or were sound-checked, that was what really lit a fire under me after catching both Philly shows in May. When the veterans appeared at the Q&A, my first thought was literally, maybe with Danny around they'll trot out GDML - another favorite I've longed to see live. So, stupid as it sounds, I initially wrestled with a bit of disappointment on those fronts...

    --...HOWEVER, having taken some time to reflect and digest others' reactions, I've definitely turned the corner. This isn't Pokemon, and what I have been extremely fortunate to witness in my 25 shows over the years has been incredible...and this show is a gem. My absolute favorite? Probably not, just due to some very tough comps, but safe to say I have zero regrets about throwing stupid money at a pit ticket and enduring hours of white-knuckle driving.

    --Charlie's theremin on Sin was freaking awesomely wonderful.

    --I'm really, really over Gave Up live, but the madness of having both Ilan and Chris wailing away simultaneously but not 100% in synch (at least based on what my ears could perceive from right in front of Ilan) was something else.

    --I can't get Hey Man Nice Shot out of my head for the life of me.

    --My favorite thing about this entire experience may just have been the folks I met at various points throughout the night (though sadly no one who acknowledged being on ETS). All genuinely nice, thoughtful, and similarly obsessed. I was on the rail between two Black moms - both coincidentally from Chicago, where I lived for a decade - one of whom had also made the pilgrimage solo. It was great to bond over the shared NIN love, widely varied entry points into the fandom, and the stress over taking leave from our families to partake in something that many folks cannot grasp on many/all levels.

    --Oh, and of course Trent sounded fantastic. Every time I listen to his shredded vocals on the LITS Gift soundboards, I thank my lucky stars that he managed to find a touring approach that wouldn't destroy him like that clearly did. Fingers crossed he takes the needed time to re-energize, maybe release some new music, and surprises us on the road yet again. While I do enjoy the TRAR scores, I'm hopeful that a less-aggressive future live experience (e.g., the Katrina or Bridge School performances but with an ensemble) would take precedence over something purely instrumental. Or another HDTA tour...or both? Regardless, can't wait to see what happens next!

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toadflax View Post
    Adding my overall thoughts:

    I'm not a huge Nitzer Ebb or Ministry fan, but I was looking forward to seeing them both live for the first time, and they were both a blast.

    I've seen NIN a bunch on this tour, so I hoping for some surprises for this big special show. When Trent didn't come out for Supernaut, and the NIN set started to feel predictable based on the sets so far this year, I was starting to get worried it would just be a regular show. No Mariqueen, Mike Garson, Gary Numan, etc. That said, I did notice a lack of Wish at the beginning of the show, which got my hopes up for at least a Wish -> Gave Up -> Head Like A Hole mini set with the old guys.

    Then, when The Hand That Feeds started, I leaned over to my friend and said, "it's too early for this. Something's up." but then The Frail started, which made me think we were just going back to some normal stuff. And then finally, the Eraser sample kicked in. At first I worried someone hit a wrong button or something, but when the song started proper, I knew something was happening. I couldn't see Chris from where I was, but when I saw Charlie on the big screens, I thought, "here we fucking go!"

    And then that whole finale. Amazing. More than I was hoping for. Rich on vocals for Eraser, Sin making an appearance, and Hey Man, Nice Shot just to mix things up a bit. I was so happy they were all on stage at the same time for so many songs and felt so lucky to be there.

    The only downside was that I had seen a schedule where NIN was slated to play until 11:30, so when HLAH ended at 11:10, I expected an encore--nothing special, just a standard couple of songs with the main band and Hurt to cap it all off. So when the lights went on, it was pretty jarring. I was happy to see a photo of the setlist later confirming that there was no plan for an encore. It would have sucked if they had more planned and ended up cutting it short. I think ending with the whole band was the right choice; it was just a shock for those of us so used to a certain kind of set structure.

    All in all, what a night. My friend hadn't seen them since '06, so even if the regular part of the set was a bit predictable to me, he was ecstatic to hear Heresy, The Perfect Drug, and Burn live for the first time. It's always nice to be with someone who's having a great experience. It was also great to see all the NIN shirts at the airport the next day and chat with people about the show.

    I'm ready for whatever the next era of NIN is going to be, but damn were the last few years an amazing run.
    Ha, simultaneous posts from what sounds like not-too-dissimilar perspectives. You reminded me that I was also expecting (based on conversation with the very friendly security guard in front of me) the set to run right up to 11:30. That was another factor that left me a little mixed in my emotions leaving the venue, but glad I'm past that now.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toadflax View Post
    Adding my overall thoughts:

    I'm not a huge Nitzer Ebb or Ministry fan, but I was looking forward to seeing them both live for the first time, and they were both a blast.

    I've seen NIN a bunch on this tour, so I hoping for some surprises for this big special show. When Trent didn't come out for Supernaut, and the NIN set started to feel predictable based on the sets so far this year, I was starting to get worried it would just be a regular show. No Mariqueen, Mike Garson, Gary Numan, etc. That said, I did notice a lack of Wish at the beginning of the show, which got my hopes up for at least a Wish -> Gave Up -> Head Like A Hole mini set with the old guys.

    Then, when The Hand That Feeds started, I leaned over to my friend and said, "it's too early for this. Something's up." but then The Frail started, which made me think we were just going back to some normal stuff. And then finally, the Eraser sample kicked in. At first I worried someone hit a wrong button or something, but when the song started proper, I knew something was happening. I couldn't see Chris from where I was, but when I saw Charlie on the big screens, I thought, "here we fucking go!"

    And then that whole finale. Amazing. More than I was hoping for. Rich on vocals for Eraser, Sin making an appearance, and Hey Man, Nice Shot just to mix things up a bit. I was so happy they were all on stage at the same time for so many songs and felt so lucky to be there.

    The only downside was that I had seen a schedule where NIN was slated to play until 11:30, so when HLAH ended at 11:10, I expected an encore--nothing special, just a standard couple of songs with the main band and Hurt to cap it all off. So when the lights went on, it was pretty jarring. I was happy to see a photo of the setlist later confirming that there was no plan for an encore. It would have sucked if they had more planned and ended up cutting it short. I think ending with the whole band was the right choice; it was just a shock for those of us so used to a certain kind of set structure.

    All in all, what a night. My friend hadn't seen them since '06, so even if the regular part of the set was a bit predictable to me, he was ecstatic to hear Heresy, The Perfect Drug, and Burn live for the first time. It's always nice to be with someone who's having a great experience. It was also great to see all the NIN shirts at the airport the next day and chat with people about the show.

    I'm ready for whatever the next era of NIN is going to be, but damn were the last few years an amazing run.
    A lot of that was pretty similar to my experience and thought process, though this was my first CB&I tour show, so many of these songs were treats for me that I hadn't seen before. Even if it hadn't been anything more than being a CB&I show, it was still amazing for me to see.

    I had hopes to see TR on Supernaut, but it was still really cool to see it performed live. And when I was listening to it, it did sound to me like they were playing TR's recorded vocals anyways.

    I expected the alumni would come on stage at some point, given the fan q&a the day before, and as the show progressed I had a prediction for how it was going to happen that didn't end up coming true. I expected the show to "end" earlier than normal, and that the old band would come out and do an encore, and considering that Broken's 30th anniversary was only a couple days earlier, I was guessing it was going to be broken from start to finish, which obviously didn't end up happening. But I thought I was on to something when THTF came on, and not one song from Broken had been played up to that point.

    The Frail was being played, and Eraser started coming on, and I knew whatever was going to happen was about to start. And when the drums hit, my view of Chris was mostly obscured by the speakers and lights, but I could see his arms moving, and I could see Ilan at the other side of the stage, and I knew without a doubt it had to be him playing. I was already super pumped from seeing 90% of the songs I was really hoping to see for the first time, and this arrangement and performance was completely unreal.

    If/When NIN goes back on tour, there's so much potential with having two drummers on the next tour, it really made the songs that much more powerful.

    This show ticked so many boxes for me with songs I wanted to see live that I hadn't seen live before, if this is the end of NIN touring and the last of the varied setlists that I get, I'll still have been completely spoiled rotten with the variety in the shows that I've seen. I love this band so much, and that was just an incredible experience.

    EDIT: I had to put it together, I've seen so many shows with rare songs played...
    April 28, 2000 - Toronto, Fragility 2.0
    November 10, 2005 - Toronto, With Teeth
    November 14, 2008 - Hamilton, Lights in the Sky
    June 2, 2009 - Toronto, NINJA (Now I'm nothing, most of the downward spiral, The Fragile (song), Metal, I'm Afraid of Americans, The Way Out is Through)
    October 4, 2013 - Toronto, Tension (Into the Void, A Warm Place, Somewhat Damaged)
    September 24, 2022 - Cleveland, TB&I (Somewhat damaged, Less Than, Reptile, new Sanctified, The Perfect Drug, Hey Man Nice Shot)

    I was hoping for Happiness in Slavery and Fashion, but quite frankly, I've been spoiled as fuck by this band. Whatever comes next (even if it's nothing) I can safely say I was very, very lucky to see as much as I did.
    Last edited by M1ke; 09-27-2022 at 12:18 PM.

  26. #26
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    It has taken a while to collect my thoughts on this very significant, important show but here it goes.

    First of all, what a crazy venue. Felt like I was going into Six Flags, the grounds were huge and the amphitheatre itself was beautifully ornate and polished. Amazing sound too, we were in section 22 and I wasn’t sure if I’d need earplugs but boy was I glad I brought them. I’m not overly familiar with Nitzer Ebb besides a couple songs but I was looking forward to seeing them and they were a blast, a great set to dance through. Not the biggest Ministry fan but they certainly rocked very loud and kept me entertained. Like basically everyone I was hoping for Trent during Supernaut but it sounded tight and was still fun to see with Al (pretending to?) sing it.

    Nine Inch Nails were amazing, as they have been at any of the now eighteen shows I am lucky enough to have seen. The lineup turned in a blistering performance. The NIN cultist in me was hoping for a deeper diving setlist (I’ve wanted to see Sunspots since before my first show in 2005 and I was hoping my sister, who got me into NIN and hadn’t been able to see them since Kings Theater night #1 in 2018, would get And All That Could Have Been) but I had anticipated that this would be the functional stand-in for a Rock Hall induction show and, in hindsight, knowing that, I should have had an inkling that the set would be less on the exotic side and more on the “Essential NIN” side. Probably very similar to what they would have played at the actual Rock Hall show if it had happened, with a few less visible songs like Heresy and The Big Come Down and some highlights from the Cold And Black And Infinite era tour (the two cuts each from Add Violence and Bad Witch, The Perfect Drug) thrown in. All great songs but definitely a more general overview of their material and considering the (seemingly correct) sense that the show was filmed (crossing fingers that it all gets released) I can understand them leaning in that direction.

    Love how during Piggy Trent held the mic out to the crowd, he did that at night #1 in Philly too and it makes the song that much more cathartic and interactive. Heresy has absolutely never sounded better than with this lineup, Atticus makes all the synth elements just pop like they do on the album version and Robin and Alessandro’s vocals complement it perfectly. It sounds enormous. And I love how, even in a less obscure set, Trent can’t bring himself to exclude the gloriously hypnotic weirdness of The Lovers, which oddly enough along with The Frail was the closest thing to a slow, sad song in the whole set. Shit Mirror and God Break Down The Door continue to be excellent live and it was nice to see The Perfect Drug again this year. It’s wild how they have transformed a once elusive song into a perfectly realized live staple. And of course The Big Come Down always rips.

    Obviously The Frail is where the set turned legendary, when the Eraser intro sounds started during it we knew shit was about to go down (a buddy who went with me has now seen The Frail twice but never The Wretched!). Watching all the former members appear on the video screen and come out to take their place on the stage (from where I was standing it was hard to even see the 2nd drum kit with Chris at first) as Eraser became more layered and intensified, culminating in Rich singing the lyrics (and damn well too), is certainly one of several NIN live moments from the grand finale of this set that I’ll never forget. We all know that the more guitars, the better the performance of Wish, so I doubt I’ll ever see a better fucking performance of that song in my life. It just exploded. Ditto for Sin - as someone reared on the And All That Could Have Been CD/DVD, it was so incredible having Charlie on theremin (!!!) during that song, probably the musical highlight of this reunion and Trent just nailed the vocals. Gave Up was good, the choruses had that sloppiness that its had on some of the shows this tour but with nine people on stage the chaos worked, everything else therein sounded terrific and it was just great seeing them all rock out.

    Hey Man Nice Shot was the big surprise of the night for a number of reasons but you know what, it was awesome. Rocked hard as fuck and Rich sounded fantastic. Wonder if its appearance lends credence to the notion that Rich originally wrote it for NIN but disputed with Trent over songwriting credit. In any case, seeing Trent give Rich the spotlight knowing their history was very touching. Probably one of the best nights of Rich’s life. Really seeing all of those guys back and proudly playing in a unit with all the bad blood forgotten was very powerful. Major humility from Trent, a sense that he may be the heart of NIN but he owes a lot to the wonderful, talented friends he learned from and performed with. Head Like A Hole was inevitable with all those guys on stage and it was on fire. The whole reunion portion of the set I was struck by how cool it was to see Danny and Charlie back on stage with Robin (wild for someone like me who never saw Fragility), and how to my and everyone else’s delight Danny looked and acted EXACTLY THE SAME as he always has (did he find the Fountain of Youth?!), and how nutty it was that, with Chris and Rich tying it back to the very beginning, basically every era of NIN was represented in some way. Crazy. And then…it was over!

    I thought it was a blindside when the band left the stage after Head Like A Hole and came right back on for Hurt at Philly night #2 this year. I was conditioned to expect more of an encore and just wasn’t ready to see the set so close to ending. Imagine my surprise when, after Head Like A Hole at the Blossom, the house lights came on without even an appearance from Hurt. Truly shocking. First NIN show of the eighteen I’ve now seen without an appearance from Hurt and while I’m not necessarily opposed, I was stunned to see it absent from the kind of set they seemed to be playing.

    Not helping matters was the fact that I too was duped by that damn set schedule going around on the Discord that was exactly right RE Nitzer Ebb and Ministry’s set lengths but listed NIN as playing twenty minutes longer than they actually did (I’m glad I’m not the only one who get totally hoodwinked by that), so the lack of any encore threw me completely. Definitely left a little bummed being so caught off guard by the ending and sad it was over but I told myself that we’d see them again the next time they played and catch some of the rarer stuff we’d been dying to see that would have been a little more out of place in this set. Then I saw Trent’s message about VetsAid being the last show for this lineup and was Big Sad all of Sunday - feeling dejected at no NIN shows in the foreseeable future and that our chance to see some of those deep cuts was likely gone forever, and regretful we hadn’t seen one of the earlier shows this leg with a more obscure, adventurous setlist.

    Quote Originally Posted by roolfdriht View Post
    --Not gonna lie, I've developed a stupid fixation on crossing songs off my "never seen live" list. When Everything, Sunspots, Fashion, and Deep either debuted or were sound-checked, that was what really lit a fire under me after catching both Philly shows in May. When the veterans appeared at the Q&A, my first thought was literally, maybe with Danny around they'll trot out GDML - another favorite I've longed to see live. So, stupid as it sounds, I initially wrestled with a bit of disappointment on those fronts...
    ^ This was exactly me.

    But I realize that I can only feel that way because I am a very lucky, spoiled NIN fan, one fortunate enough to have seen over a dozen amazing shows (some legitimately historic), and I’m not going to let my obsessive fandom pursuits undermine what was a truly special and momentous event on Saturday, a performance that was appropriately as much about the men as the music. More than anything it has been a wake up call as to how important these people, this music, and these performances have become to a dork like me, but I can’t expect Trent and Nine Inch Nails will always be there to give me something to look forward to. He has a wife and five kids and life of his own outside of this to enjoy and whatever time of his we get from here on out is a gift. I won’t take that for granted.

    But I won’t be at all upset if, a month and change from now, when the band and crew are all prepped and ready and fly out east for VetsAid, he feels too energized and motivated to play just the one short set there.

    Anyway, if it's really the end of C&B&I with VetsAid, wow what an era. Some of the best shows Nine Inch Nails has ever done. We'll see what the future holds but we definitely have something special to remember.
    Last edited by Deacon Blackfire; 09-28-2022 at 12:17 AM. Reason: proofreading is your friend

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deacon Blackfire View Post
    It has taken a while to collect my thoughts on this very significant, important show but here it goes.

    First of all, what a crazy venue. Felt like I was going into Six Flags, the grounds were huge and the amphitheatre itself was beautifully ornate and polished. Amazing sound too, we were in section 22 and I wasn’t sure if I’d need earplugs but boy was I glad I brought them. I’m not overly familiar with Nitzer Ebb besides a couple songs but I was looking forward to seeing them and they were a blast, a great set to dance through. Not the biggest Ministry fan but they certainly rocked very loud and kept me entertained. Like basically everyone I was hoping for Trent during Supernaut but it sounded tight and was still fun to see with Al (pretending to?) sing it.

    Nine Inch Nails were amazing, as they have been at any of the now eighteen shows I am lucky enough to have seen. The lineup turned in a blistering performance. The NIN cultist in me was hoping for a deeper diving setlist (I’ve wanted to see Sunspots since before my first show in 2005 and I was hoping my sister, who got me into NIN and hadn’t been able to see them since Kings Theater night #1 in 2018, would get And All That Could Have Been) but I had anticipated that this would be the functional stand-in for a Rock Hall induction show and, in hindsight, knowing that, I should have had an inkling that the set would be less on the exotic side and more on the “Essential NIN” side. Probably very similar to what they would have played at the actual Rock Hall show if it had happened, with a few less visible songs like Heresy and The Big Come Down and some highlights from the Cold And Black And Infinite era tour (the two cuts each from Add Violence and Bad Witch, The Perfect Drug) thrown in. All great songs but definitely a more general overview of their material and considering the (seemingly correct) sense that the show was filmed (crossing fingers that it all gets released) I can understand them leaning in that direction.

    Love how during Piggy Trent held the mic out to the crowd, he did that at night #1 in Philly too and it makes the song that much more cathartic and interactive. Heresy has absolutely never sounded better than with this lineup, Atticus makes all the synth elements just pop like they do on the album version and Robin and Alessandro’s vocals complement it perfectly. It sounds enormous. And I love how, even in a less obscure set, Trent can’t bring himself to exclude the gloriously hypnotic weirdness of The Lovers, which oddly enough along with The Frail was the closest thing to a slow, sad song in the whole set. Shit Mirror and God Break Down The Door continue to be excellent live and it was nice to see The Perfect Drug again this year. It’s wild how they have transformed a once elusive song into a perfectly realized live staple. And of course The Big Come Down always rips.

    Obviously The Frail is where the set turned legendary, when the Eraser intro sounds started during it we knew shit was about to go down (a buddy who went with me has now seen The Frail twice but never The Wretched!). Watching all the former members appear on the video screen and come out to take their place on the stage (from where I was standing it was hard to even see the 2nd drum kit with Chris at first) as Eraser became more layered and intensified, culminating in Rich singing the lyrics (and damn well too), is certainly one of several NIN live moments from the grand finale of this set that I’ll never forget. We all know that the more guitars, the better the performance of Wish, so I doubt I’ll ever see a better fucking performance of that song in my life. It just exploded. Ditto for Sin - as someone reared on the And All That Could Have Been CD/DVD, it was so incredible having Charlie on theremin (!!!) during that song, probably the musical highlight of this reunion and Trent just nailed the vocals. Gave Up was good, the choruses had that sloppiness that its had on some of the shows this tour but with nine people on stage the chaos worked, everything else therein sounded terrific and it was just great seeing them all rock out.

    Hey Man Nice Shot was the big surprise of the night for a number of reasons but you know what, it was awesome. Rocked hard as fuck and Rich sounded fantastic. Wonder if its appearance lends credence to the notion that Rich originally wrote it for NIN but disputed with Trent over songwriting credit. In any case, seeing Trent give Rich the spotlight knowing their history was very touching. Probably one of the best nights of Rich’s life. Really seeing all of those guys back and proudly playing in a unit with all the bad blood forgotten was very powerful. Major humility from Trent, a sense that he may be the heart of NIN but he owes a lot to the wonderful, talented friends he learned from and performed with. Head Like A Hole was inevitable with all those guys on stage and it was on fire. The whole reunion portion of the set I was struck by how cool it was to see Danny and Charlie back on stage with Robin (wild for someone like me who never saw Fragility), and how to my and everyone else’s delight Danny looked and acted EXACTLY THE SAME as he always has (did he find the Fountain of Youth?!), and how nutty it was that, with Chris and Rich tying it back to the very beginning, basically every era of NIN was represented in some way. Crazy. And then…it was over!

    I thought it was a blindside when the band left the stage after Head Like A Hole and came right back on for Hurt at Philly night #2 this year. I was conditioned to expect more of an encore and just wasn’t ready to see the set so close to ending. Imagine my surprise when, after Head Like A Hole at the Blossom, the house lights came on without even an appearance from Hurt. Truly shocking. First NIN show of the eighteen I’ve now seen without an appearance from Hurt and while I’m not necessarily opposed, I was stunned to see it absent from the kind of set they seemed to be playing.

    Not helping matters was the fact that I too was duped by that damn set schedule going around on the Discord that was exactly right RE Nitzer Ebb and Ministry’s set lengths but listed NIN as playing twenty minutes longer than they actually did (I’m glad I’m not the only one who get totally hoodwinked by that), so the lack of any encore threw me completely. Definitely left a little bummed being so caught off guard by the ending and sad it was over but I told myself that we’d see them again the next time they played and catch some of the rarer stuff we’d been dying to see that would have been a little more out of place in this set. Then I saw Trent’s message about VetsAid being the last show for this lineup and was Big Sad all of Sunday - feeling dejected at no NIN shows in the foreseeable future and that our chance to see some of those deep cuts was likely gone forever, and regretful we hadn’t seen one of the earlier shows this leg with a more obscure, adventurous setlist.

    ^ This was exactly me.

    But I realize that I can only feel that way because I am a very lucky, spoiled NIN fan, one fortunate enough to have seen over a dozen amazing shows (some legitimately historic), and I’m not going to let my obsessive fandom pursuits undermine what was a truly special and momentous event on Saturday, a performance that was appropriately as much about the men as the music. More than anything it has been a wake up call as to how important these people, this music, and these performances have become to a dork like me, but I can’t expect Trent and Nine Inch Nails will always be there to give me something to look forward to. He has a wife and five kids and life of his own outside of this to enjoy and whatever time of his we get from here on out is a gift. I won’t take that for granted.

    But I won’t be at all upset if, a month and change from now, when the band and crew are all prepped and ready and fly out east for VetsAid, he feels too energized and motivated to play just the one short set there.

    Anyway, if it's really the end of C&B&I with VetsAid, wow what an era. Some of the best shows Nine Inch Nails has ever done. We'll see what the future holds but we definitely have something special to remember.
    I've been living with the Cleveland tape a few days now. While the reunion stuff is cool what really strikes me is how fucking great the current touring line-up is. They were on fire the whole run, starting with Red Rocks. I hope they all remain involved in whatever capacity. Here's my secret wish: Trent decides to do some sort of live work with Danny Elfman. Maybe a short tour structured like the shows this year? Supporting some sort of collaborative studio work, a whole record. Boingo Nails anyone, haha?

  28. #28
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    The recording of this is incredible, feels like being there again.

    Also, it was recorded from behind the soundboard which is where my wife and I were. Right after Eraser ends you can hear me yell "WHAT?!" like a crazy person, haha.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by kdrcraig View Post
    The recording of this is incredible, feels like being there again.

    Also, it was recorded from behind the soundboard which is where my wife and I were. Right after Eraser ends you can hear me yell "WHAT?!" like a crazy person, haha.
    Nice! That's like the first time "Perfect Drug" was played live. You can hear people slowly freaking out as they figure out what's going on.

  30. #30
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    Incredible experience, to see all *nine* of them on the stage at once, holy hell, what a feeling.&nbsp; Loved the way they slowly joined one by one during Eraser - starting with Vrenna on the drums and ending with Richard taking the vocal duties.&nbsp; And gosh darn it, if it didn't look like Trent was having fun away from the spotlight for once, just jamming away with the rest of the band.&nbsp; Wonderful to give the old guard their moments to shine, you can only imagine how much it must have meant to them at that moment.&nbsp; Bonus points to Danny for smashing a keyboard for old time sake! And they all sounded great -- well, okay, somehow Gave Up was never quite in sync, but it was a glorious cacophony just for the sheer volume of sound coming off that stage.&nbsp; Like others, I was a bit surprised at the lack of encore - but could they have really topped that?!?

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